DMOZ creates unhealthy competition for Hard working businesses


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Myworld said:
It is NOT against your rules to submit site to various categories if it is applicable, AM I CORRECT?
No, you are totaly wrong. It is not allowed to suggest a website to more than one category unless the website has content in more than one language or when the website is both relevant for a topical and a regional category. In all other cases mutliple suggestions are spam.

I guess that editor that made 43 listings for that site was Really in LOVE with it, to spend abnormal amount of time to make so many listings, and in so many different categories…
Being listed in so many different categories you can be sure that these lisiting were done by many different editors and not by one editor alone.

Myworld said:
as Important to you as for site owners to get listed in DMOZ,
Getting listed in DMOZ is not important at all. That is a myth.

and honest companies work hard and deserve to be included in search results,
Nobody deserves anything. And certainly not from an organization like DMOZ that does not provide the service you are looking for at all.

it is a Punishment to not be able have a listing in DMOZ, as it does creates Unhealthy competition for hard working entities across the web.
This realy makes me laugh.
There is only one person responsible for the succes of your website/company and that is you.


Sep 19, 2009
That is the main problem that you call real things a Myth and laughing about other people opinions. My site without DMOZ is page rank 4 and it is all due to Hard work day and night. My site has 7 languages available to the pubic. And offers a lot more content then the site that was listed in 43 categories, I only submitted to 2 categories with 2 years a part, and it was NOT spam, as my site is listable under those categories. I am not Retarded (this is how you make people feel here), and choosing best possible category for the site you build your self, created over 50,000 pages your self is not rocket sciences, as this is how you try to point this subject out to every unhappy site owner…it is one of you major excuses…


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Nobody cares how MUCH content is on a site. A three-page local business website is just as "worthy" of a listing as, and is just as obviously listable.

What matters at the ODP is authority and authoritativeness: is the content "unique", or is it just recycled from other sources, possibly dimly-comprehended and misrepresented to boot?

So, what do you do?

I know what I do. I don't know enough about--say, any of several subjects I'm interested in--to call myself an authority. (Even though I've read hundreds of books on each!) So I try to help people find the real authorities.

And anyone who is working hard at doing THAT is guaranteed my goodwill, and is likely to get my help (if I can help quickly and efficiently).

But working hard at ... getting high rank for a website ... is not something to care about. What I don't understand is -- why you think anyone WOULD care about how hard you worked? If you're not doing something worth doing -- if you're not doing something well -- then you might as well not have done it at all. Less work, with more generous motives, would gain you much more goodwill, respect--and help.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
What you have to understand is that to us editors we are merely pursuing a hobby.

I joined because I realised that adding links to my own website to build up a resource for folk-dancing was possibly a waste of time as sooner or later my website would be defunct. It made more sense to make my work available for use by other people. I didn't sign up to do anything more nor did the directory expect anything more of me. Since then I have found I enjoy finding and listing sites as a hobby.

Now I am aware that every site I list gets some form of benefit but I am not hypocritical enough to claim any credit for that. When I spend time, as I did last night, listing disability resources and charities in a county, I did not do so out of charitable instincts, When I list clubs, societies, sports facilities, I did not do so because I like sport. When I list theatres, dance groups, artists galleries, it is not because I support the arts. When I list bed and breakfast accommodation, holiday resorts, travel firms, I have no interest in the industry. When I list the myriad of businessses, political issue sites, you-name-it, it is not because I care.

I list sites because I enjoy looking at a community and putting together a resource that tells people how it ticks. I enjoy discovering things - the sites that have a different perspective, that show people doing things, that inform me.

I have no concept of fairness as you would imply - is it fair that this county has a good selection of disability resources listed and those other counties do not? Is it fair that the baker in this UK village is listed whilst several hundred factories in India supporting thousands of workers are not? Is it fairness that the Shopping category has 92,000 listings whilst Health has only 58,000 ?

But you don't imply that - you say that you specifically deserve a listing on ?moral? grounds because someone else has - but is it fair that you are listed in search engines when many sites are not? Surely it is more fair for us to concentrate on the latter?

Just because someone else takes the results of our work and uses it for their purposes, does not mean I am obligated to make everything fair. I might as well ask whether it is fair that I spent all day shovelling concrete to fix my driveway when there are plenty of website owners who could have come round and helped me finish the job quickly.

Understand this - we are following a hobby for our amusement and pleasure, we are not trying to resolve the moral dilemmas or woes of the world. The fact is that everybody's time (yours included) would morally be better spent raising money for charity.

So some people go and watch TV, football or baseball, play darts, collect stamps, or go out drinking, I edit. When I look at the results of what I do, I end up with the feeling that it is not such a bad way to spend my time.


Sep 19, 2009
and I don't understand on how you were able to judge if I am doing something worthless? I am not!!! My pages are interesting enough for people to stay on my site for hours, as they do get so much information about the topic they were looking for on the search engines. I am not using duplicated sources of someone else, but actually right my own articles, read books at libraries about ancient world and post it as content and information to the rest. Most importantly, I LOVE WHAT I DO, and this is the Main reason why my site would not be worthless, as I put my Heart and Soul in to it. Yes, it is my business and my main source of income, however, I am not doing it only with one purpose to make money, but create really unique content and enjoy sharing this information with the world.
Everyone deserves Respect until proven otherwise.

I did my work with generous motives, and that is why I posted this thread, as to because of DMOZ importance, some companies are better searchable and some are not, and this creates unhealthy competition for those who are able to get their work approved by all others on the net except for DMOZ.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
This thread is becoming very boring.

Myworld has very clearly explained his dissatisfaction with our services and several editors have patiently explained that he is requiring services from us that we don't actually provide.

So why is the discussion becoming so repetitive? I have no idea, but I'm closing the thread because it's run its course.

@Myworld: Do not start another similar thread.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.