DMOZ - Flaws in system!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
As has been mentioned before, most rejected sites cannot be made listable. The rest (the other 1 percent or so) do sometimes get more detailed advice in the forums, or even by sticky-mail feedback.

Of course, you'd have had to read a lot of threads to notice that, because those exceptions are so rare. And in your haste to give define what should be done, you may have overlooked what we do. You may have also overlooked the variety of feedback that we elicit: Update URL requests, abuse report system, abuse reporting threads, editor feedback. You may not have noticed the ODP editors moderating public forums; there is not a way even for us to guess how many ODP editors monitor them, specifically for the feedback. And of course you can't see the internal forums that discuss unusual or complex change requests. But your biggest difficulty is probably the fact that you don't know what we are trying to do (that is, to build a directory) or what tools we have to do it with (and they are legion), and are focusing on irrelevant statistics and frustrated spammers, rather than on any actual activity or the concerns of our real customers.

It is very hard to define effective changes in any complex system, while seeing only the accidental byproducts of its process and ignoring its intended output.
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