Dmoz my personal view.


Aug 2, 2002
cassandra211 said:
My application was rejected based on the list of most common reasons for an application to be rejected. I really did want to help but I wasn't acting completely altruistically, I really would like to have my site in the directory. The, I hate to use this word, excuse that it takes a long time for the human editors to complete the submission and they are short handed does not fly with me when they are rejecting applications.
Many many new editors join to list their own site - it is the honey in the trap. Some do the dirty - list their site and leave, many list their site, their competitors' sites also waiting, get hooked and eventually end up here trying to explain DMOZ to the rest of the world. A reviewing editor has to try and judge which you are. But there are many reasons for rejection - the category is too large for a new editor, the sites you chose as examples might be unlistable, your titles and descriptions may have been cause for concern. Find out what the problem is precisely and have another go. If you can't get to be editor for the category that matches your site because it isn't suitable for a new editor then go for something smaller, prove yourself internally, and apply again from inside. Many do this, and get so hooked on the project they forget about their own site altogether.

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