DMOZ project is dead


Jun 10, 2007
Sites listed 5 times

I have read this post with interest and can see both sides, however I do disagree with some points on both sides.

crowbar, your comment "You've got it right, allensaa, and what I really hate is seeing the same site listed in the first 5 slots on the first page of a search, how does that help me?"
Hit a nerve. In some keyword searches, my site appears multiple times on the first 2 to 3 pages - that isn't my doing - I certainly don't have the money nor the inclination to force search engines into this! All I want is a fair go with my website, it is a business and yes I want coverage and people to see it but at no time do I push myself unneccessarily.

I will say that Google reacted very well to my site even before full launch, I thank them for that. It is nice to get recognition for hard work that has been put into sites to "lift the bar" rather than these mass spam sites that don't have the information they claim to have on their sites. That, I find annoying in searches.


Nov 7, 2006
I'll be the first to say that I don't quite understand anything about search engines, page rank, or the SEO process (as it has nothing to do with editing in the Directory and isn't considered at all) , but, as a web surfer common sense tells me that if there are 50 pages of search results, with only 10 or so listings on each page, not everybody is going to be listed on the first page.

My problem as a web surfer looking for information is that the very best sites, (as far as having unique content) is what I want to see in the first 30 slots, and I'm afraid that what happens is the SEO's who know how to work the system for profit, will see to it that those first 30 slots are their clients, regardless of what it is I'm looking for.

Every site owner thinks highly of their own site, but because of the way the search system can be manipulated by greed, it often doesn't correspond with what the web surfer is really looking for.

The ODP tries very hard to keep the web surfer and what might be of value to them in mind, rather than what would benefit the site owner, or the SEO who is pushing the site.

I guess the best way to say it is that our purpose is to serve the seeker of the information, and not the supplier, and most of our problems are created by the suppliers who disagree with that philosophy.


Jun 18, 2007
:secret: And I also predict the death of Google, Microsoft and even the Internet.

No, no, no! It will not die, it will evolve to become the "eternalnet" - as in it will live forever and eventually be mistaken for God and it will take an eternity to find anything on it.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.