Duplicate Entries


Aug 6, 2007

I have been running a powerboat racing news website since 2001, and am listed with the dmoz. My site is <URL Removed>. This covered one class of boat, and many drivers asked me to cover the other classes, so I registered the name <Related URL Removed> I'd like this change to be reflected in the DMOZ, and have added the formulaseries name which is awaiting approval.

My concern is that you might think I am submitting two different url's for the same content. This is not the case. I'm also in a dispute with my ISP over the name <URL Removed> where he will not let me transfer the name.

How can I get my listing <removed> changed <removed> ?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
You will notice that I have removed the URL's from your post as we do not discuss specific URL's on these forums. To answer your question in general terms, if your site is already listed in dmoz and you have a new url you must request an update.

You do this by navigating to the category where the original listing resides and choosing the "Update a Listing" link at the top of the category page. This will take you to the update form where you can describe the needed changes and provide the new URL. This request will then go to the category for an editor to review. The requested changes must be verifiable and compliant with guidelines. If an editor verifies that changes are necessary, they will make the appropriate changes and properly place the site.


Aug 6, 2007
Listing removed :(

Well, The thing I hoped would not happen, has happened..

The website I created in 2001 which had a listing in the DMOZ, which I changed the name, has now been removed from the listing...However it has not been replaced with the name I submitted.. It's just been removed:(

Even if I followed the procedure and requested a domain change, and informed the dmoz of this change..

It should have been a straight forward name change.. Instead I get a removal..


Nov 7, 2006
If you're covering additional classes of boats now, the site may have been moved to a higher category that encompasses the other classes, not removed from the Directory. Do a search leaving off the www. part of your url. :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
What you actually got was a re-evaluation of your website.

Maybe the editor decided that it was now better listed in a different category and moved it in that direction. Maybe the editor decided that it wasn't listable at all.

No website is guaranteed a listing and no listed website is guaranteed a permanent listing.


Aug 6, 2007
It's Gone

If I searched on both names, without the url, nothing shows up anymore..

Now I wish I had kept my old name, I spent years trying to build the links on that site, then other drivers started to complain I didn't cover their classes..


Jan 23, 2003
It may or may not reappear. (How's that for being clear?)

if the editor who re-reviewed it did not have permissions for the broader category, then they simply moved it to the pool of unreviewed sites and an editor with the correct permissions will come along at some point and review it with an eye towards listing it.

Mind you, I've look at nothing.


Aug 6, 2007
spectregunner said:
It may or may not reappear. (How's that for being clear?)

if the editor who re-reviewed it did not have permissions for the broader category, then they simply moved it to the pool of unreviewed sites and an editor with the correct permissions will come along at some point and review it with an eye towards listing it.

Mind you, I've look at nothing.

Thing is, it didn't need to move into a broader area, Our sport is quite small, and the category it was in was correct..Although next year, it will become multilingual, to cater for most languages in Europe.. Before I submitted once and waited 6 months for the listing..


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
When a site is actually multilingual (which means properly translated, not just using bablefish) it would likely be listable in other World/ categories... :)


Aug 6, 2007
Next year, it will be multilingual...

At the moment I got bablefish running on the front page, but it does not translate so well. Now I have editors for Poland, Germany, Estonia, Italy and Russia. However it is a lot to translate.

I have just applied to become an editor for ODP for this category, as I notice there are some sites in the wrong sub categories, and some sites, which are not even powerboat racing websites anymore.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Whilst waiting, consider reporting sites which have changed purpose and similar issues in the Quality Control thread - locating and fixing these really improves the directory :)


Aug 6, 2007
I made a post..

I'm a little confused with the structure... Boat racing is coming under motor sport, but you also have a section called water sport..


Aug 6, 2007
Well, I think I will give up with ODP..

You submit sites and wait forever for them to be listed as your particular area, does not have a recognised editor.. You submit, a request 8 weeks ago for just a name change and your site gets kicked off completely.

I applied to become an editor under the section of Boat racing, no editor at present. Then I get an email the same day to say the following:-

Dear Stephen Richardson,

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor.
After careful review, we have decided not to approve your application at
this time.

I think I know why.. Because at the bottom it suggest 3 sites to add, however this section is boat racing, and no site should be listed under boat racing, when there are more suitable categories listed underneath. I mean even the UIM is not listed under "Boat Racing" and they happen to be the World Governing Body for all water sports racing.

Twenty years in the IT industry and 30 years association with powerboat racing, which I now happen to be a consultant to the UIM and I still don't qualify to be an editor for a category I would consider myself an expert in.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
formulaseries said:
Well, I think I will give up with ODP..
Sorry to hear that, but that is of course your choice to make. No one forces any of us to look at dmoz.org.

formulaseries said:
You submit sites and wait forever for them to be listed as your particular area, does not have a recognised editor.. You submit, a request 8 weeks ago for just a name change and your site gets kicked off completely.
Are you completely sure about that? Have you checked recently to see if your new url is listed or not?

formulaseries said:
I applied to become an editor under the section of Boat racing, no editor at present. Then I get an email the same day to say the following
Umm, there is definitely some important information you haven't noticed if you received a rejection email and it goes far beyond the one line you have quoted.

formulaseries said:
I think I know why.. Because at the bottom it suggest 3 sites to add, however this section is boat racing, and no site should be listed under boat racing, when there are more suitable categories listed underneath. I mean even the UIM is not listed under "Boat Racing" and they happen to be the World Governing Body for all water sports racing.
You should know why, if rejected the feedback letter you received would have described the possible reasons for a rejection. It also may have included specific reviewer comments if more than just the common reasons were at fault.

formulaseries said:
Twenty years in the IT industry and 30 years association with powerboat racing, which I now happen to be a consultant to the UIM and I still don't qualify to be an editor for a category I would consider myself an expert in.
This is great knowledge and experience and is a welcomed addition to a new editor in a category. However being an expert in the topic field, does not make one a good editor. The application process evaluates both your experience/knowledge of the topic and also the potential you have for following the guidelines and potential to become a positive/productive editor. Most of us required more than one attempt at showing a reviewer that we might make a good editor one day, and some of us are still trying to prove it. :D


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I think I know why.. Because at the bottom it suggest 3 sites to add, however this section is boat racing, and no site should be listed under boat racing, when there are more suitable categories listed underneath.
The sites you are required to suggest on your application can belong in any of the subcategories under the category you apply for; they don't have to belong at the top level of the category. If you are granted privileges in a category, you gain access to the category's subcategories as well. The only ones you wouldn't be able to edit are the ones with an @ symbol after them as they are categories that are physically located somewhere else in the directory.


Aug 6, 2007
Ha! Shadow... Maybe your handle should be Fox..

You knew my listing had been added back.. but if you search, it does not show up yet... You have to click through to the directory section of News and Media, and there it is!

Yes, there was more information at the bottom of the email, and it did explain that I should submit 3 valid URL's, but as it was for the section "Boat Racing" I was applying for, I still felt that NO site should have a direct listing within the category..

boat Racing is too broad a term to have URL's listed within it. I have another website called Powerboat-Racing, which is even more general, but it would still not qualify for a listing directly under "boat racing"

You can split boat racing into so many different categories. For example I noticed there is a category "Offshore" but notice there is no "Inshore" then you have Tunnel Boats, Drag Boats, Hydroplanes, Monohulls etc..

That is why I did not suggest three sites.. If I had applied futher down the listing, I could have suggested 3 sites, but I was in "boat racing" and felt no site should be listed there.

Anyway, I thank the editor (whoever he/she was ) for adding my site back.

Maybe when I have 30 years IT, and 40 years boating experience.. I'll try and apply again :D


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
formulaseries said:
Ha! Shadow... Maybe your handle should be Fox..
You knew my listing had been added back.. but if you search, it does not show up yet... You have to click through to the directory section of News and Media, and there it is!
Well it should be noted that it was processed according to normal procedure and ignorant of any happenings in this thread.

formulaseries said:
Yes, there was more information at the bottom of the email, and it did explain that I should submit 3 valid URL's, but as it was for the section "Boat Racing" I was applying for, I still felt that NO site should have a direct listing within the category..
How could someone evaluate an editor application without sample URL's which demonstrate the applicant can follow guidelines, properly place sites, and give compliant titles and descriptions? If the category needs work follow the existing guidelines to show you can, then once accepted you can propose changes to make it better. :)

formulaseries said:
Maybe when I have 30 years IT, and 40 years boating experience.. I'll try and apply again :D
So we were not actually as passionate about making the category better as we were making sure our site was listed afterall? Pity. :(


Aug 6, 2007
motsa said:
The sites you are required to suggest on your application can belong in any of the subcategories under the category you apply for; they don't have to belong at the top level of the category. If you are granted privileges in a category, you gain access to the category's subcategories as well. The only ones you wouldn't be able to edit are the ones with an @ symbol after them as they are categories that are physically located somewhere else in the directory.

Well, all I can say is that maybe the application form should have a suggested category field. The only option on the form was for:-
URL #1:

That only applies to the site being submitted, not where it is being submitted to. There was no box to say I'd place this in Top : Sport : Boat Racing : News & Media etc..


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
formulaseries said:
That only applies to the site being submitted, not where it is being submitted to. There was no box to say I'd place this in Top : Sport : Boat Racing : News & Media etc..
If you choose to reapply you can add a category for listing in [brackets] at the end of the submitted description. That will show the reviewer you know where a site should go.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.