Duplicate Entries


Aug 6, 2007
shadow575 said:
So we were not actually as passionate about making the category better as we were making sure our site was listed afterall? Pity. :(

No, I'd still like to be an editor...Because like I said on the form, The DMOZ, is the only website, that gives you a structured approach to listings.. Type in Powerboat racing in google or Yahoo, and you find eBay in there somewhere, just because they sell a few powerboat racing video's from the 1980's.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Then unless there was something in the unquoted bottom part of that letter that indicated future applications wouldn't be welcome, by all means try again. It took me I think 3 attempts before I was close enough for someone to take a chance on me. Someone with a lot of topic experience, that also has the potential and the capacity to learn to be a good editor is a highly sought after. ;)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Categories are created as they are needed. Right now, there is only one listed site that would go into an Inshore category so obviously no one has felt the need to create a new subcategory for it yet (we generally don't create subcategories until we have a few sites to go into them).


Aug 6, 2007
I'm not sure how you can say that only one site would go into an inshore category....

If you was to look at Organizations, you would find most url's listed on that page belong to inshore.. An Organization should be a Governing body... The UIM which is the main governing body is listed there, then after the UIM, each Nation has it's own National Authority, UK is the RYA, USA is the APBA ( But a bit like boxing, the Amercian Federation, had a breakaway which is called the APB ) FIM is for Italy etc.. The F-1 World Championship, I suppose yes in some ways is it's own organization, because it is a promoted / contracted class to the UIM, but they run mainly inshore, the same could be said of the Champ Boat series, They run under the APBA, but are inshore classes.. You can't run a tunnel boat over the open sea, at 140MPH. The Hydroplane classes, are all mainly inshore classes.

Anyway, I did apply again, and got turned down again.. Although the response was more positive, I think I have to move down a few levels, out of powerboat racing and into a lower section...


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm not sure how you can say that only one site would go into an inshore category....
Anything that is already in a subcategory likely wouldn't belong in a new Inshore category. It's possible that internal discussion could result in a reorganization that would see sites moved around but, as things currently stand, there's only one site that isn't already in a subcategory.


Aug 6, 2007
I have another question...

I look after a friends website, He is a marine engine dealer, based in the South of England. Now I'm thinking I can add his site to Regional, County, etc..

But then we find Business & Economy, and we also have Recreation & Sport..

It's his business, but serving the sport and recreation industry, what would you suggest ?

Steve - Failed editor x 2


Jan 23, 2003

Good question.

Sites are usually first suggested to the single best topical category. sound like you have that covered.

If the site represents a place of business, the site contains the actual address of that business, and it is a place where customer can come to buy things or make faces at the employees, then the site can also be suggested to the correct subcat within the locality where the business is physically located (not where it draws its customers or where it markets). Webmasters and site owners are not penalized in any manner for this second suggestion.

Now it gets cool.

if the website is human translated into additional languages, it's root URL can also be suggested to the appropiate language specific subcateogry within the world/ part of the directory. So, if it is an English language site it can go to topical/regional. If it is also human translated into Upper Mongolian, French and Thai, it can be submitted to theright subcategory within those language-specific subcategories within world.

Hope this helps.


Aug 6, 2007
spectregunner said:

Good question.

Sites are usually first suggested to the single best topical category. sound like you have that covered.

If the site represents a place of business, the site contains the actual address of that business, and it is a place where customer can come to buy things or make faces at the employees, then the site can also be suggested to the correct subcat within the locality where the business is physically located (not where it draws its customers or where it markets). Webmasters and site owners are not penalized in any manner for this second suggestion.

Now it gets cool.

if the website is human translated into additional languages, it's root URL can also be suggested to the appropiate language specific subcateogry within the world/ part of the directory. So, if it is an English language site it can go to topical/regional. If it is also human translated into Upper Mongolian, French and Thai, it can be submitted to theright subcategory within those language-specific subcategories within world.

Hope this helps.

lol - Helps.. you just confused me more...Thankfully it is only in English..

From what you have wrote, I would understand that I should place it within the Regional,County, and then Business & Economy section...

Although this sounds kind of stuffy for a delaer supplying fun and laughter equipment, like marine engines, boats, wake boards, ski stuff.. Which is more geared towards Sport & Recreation...


Oct 29, 2006
Business_and_Economy/Marine_Sales_and_Services/ is the correct sub category - just Business_and_Economy if the Marine_Sales_and_Services sub cat does not (yet) exist at that level.
Recreation and Sports is for sites about hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the region; including local recreation organisations, services, facilities and events.


Aug 6, 2007
gimmster said:
Business_and_Economy/Marine_Sales_and_Services/ is the correct sub category - just Business_and_Economy if the Marine_Sales_and_Services sub cat does not (yet) exist at that level.
Recreation and Sports is for sites about hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the region; including local recreation organisations, services, facilities and events.

Thanks... There is no section for Marine Sales and services.. so it will have to be Business and Economy... However the shop, is also a RYA affiliated Powerboat instructor and gives lessons in boating, sailing, and water safety..

that's why I thought his business was sitting on the fence of both sections..


Jan 23, 2003
Generally speaking, when a site is sitting astride the fence between two subcategories, and it is a toss-up as to which is best, it does no hard to suggested it to the next higher category.

and, to be clear, that would be once within regional.


Aug 6, 2007
spectregunner said:
Generally speaking, when a site is sitting astride the fence between two subcategories, and it is a toss-up as to which is best, it does no hard to suggested it to the next higher category.

and, to be clear, that would be once within regional.

Thanks a lot...

That's where I'll make my suggestion...

edit... In fact perfect.. I moved up a level and found Marine Sales and Services..

United Kingdom: England: Hampshire: Business and Economy: Marine Sales and Services


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
He meant up a level as in up a level within the right locality, not moving up to a broader geographic category. So United Kingdom: England: Hampshire: Business and Economy: Marine Sales and Services wouldn't be the right category. If there's no marine sales category within the right category, suggest the site to the business and economy category of the locality. In Regional, physical location is the first deciding factor -- finding the right subcategory only figures in after you've found the right locality. :) For example, http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe...usiness_and_Economy/Marine_Sales_and_Services would be the right place for a marine sales business in Fareham, but the same business physically located in Liss would be listed in http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Hampshire/Liss/ or in http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Hampshire/Hook/Business_and_Economy/ if it were physically located in Hook.


Aug 6, 2007
That is the right locality, the business happens to be the main agent for Evinrude Johnson outboard engines for the south region of the UK.. That not only covers Hampshire it covers Surrey, and Sussex as well. But the business addess in in Hampshire.. so it is correct..


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Hampshire/ isn't a locality category, it's a county category, and very few businesses would be listed in its topical subcategories. We don't list businesses based on the area they cover but rather by their physical location. Unless the business has multiple stores/offices in multiple towns/cities/whatevers within Hampshire, you need to pick the appropriate locality category under http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Hampshire/ . If, for example, the business is located in, oh, say, Hayling Island, then you would suggest the site to http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe...siness_and_Economy/Marine_Sales_and_Services/ .


Aug 6, 2007
Ok I saw the Marine Sales and Services, oh for example Hayling Island.. and submitted it.. again..

Many Thanks..
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