Edit Request status www.recruittrack.com

I appreciate your response. I was trying to submit something that was acceptable to the submission guidelines and to your editorial sense. Again, it really started as a result of our trademark issue. I took advice on reading other successfully submitted sites, and requested a modification based upon other listings.

I submitted another site called headhuntersoftware.com, which I did before I thoroughly understood the guidelines, and understood why it wasn't accepted. I just didn't get why the word Recruiting was such a big deal. I guess I still don't really understand why that word versus software would be excluded.

Also, I wouldn't mind becoming an editor. I'm on the web quite a bit. But it sounds like I may go through alot of work to submit and end up rejected.

I've read many of the posts here before I even posted. I thought I did my homework before I bothered anyone with my status request, so understand my frustration. This product is very important to my company, but I also respect the rules.

I appologize if you feel my requests were spam. I had no idea that they had been rejected, and again took some advice to try submitting something more in line with the guidelines.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
we will likely have to change our software title to RecruitTrack Recruiting Software due to a possible trademark issue.
If that happens and all the references to it change on the site, then by all means submit another update request to get the title of the listing changed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.