Editor seems to be inactive


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
By that editor? Yes, unless they apply for reinstatement. If no one else feels like editing in that category for weeks, months, or even years after that, well, then no one else edits in that category for weeks, months, or possibly years.

We don't force a certain level of activity on any editor beyond the 4-month thing. And we don't force any editors to editor in any particular category unless they want to edit there. So, if no one wants to edit the category you're concerned about, suggestions there will wait longer there than they might somewhere else.

The point is that there is nothing you can do about it. You've suggested your site and that's all that you can do. Complaining about the lack of activity isn't going to speed things up.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We don't divide editors into "normal" and "strange." We don't even divide people into "volunteers" and "non-volunteers." People classify themselves....and we accept that. You should, too.


Nov 27, 2005
If the editor becomes inactive according to your own guidelines (4 months) - does DMOZ mark this category as editor-less and start looking for a replacement editor? If NOT - then it's absolutely insane.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
does DMOZ mark this category as editor-less and start looking for a replacement editor?

Yes, this is what will happen if the editor of a category becomes inactive.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
If the editor becomes inactive according to your own guidelines (4 months) - does DMOZ mark this category as editor-less and start looking for a replacement editor? If NOT - then it's absolutely insane.
When an editor becomes inactive, their name no longer shows at the bottom of the categories they were listed editors of -- "Volunteer to edit this category" appears instead (assuming there are no other listed editors). But we don't go actively looking for a new editor for the category -- if no one happens across the category and decides they would like to edit it, then it remains without a listed editor (though not having a listed editor does not mean a category is editorless).


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Don't think in terms of "slots" in an "organizational chart" that must be "filled" with "one full-time hireling." There's nothing resembling that in the ODP. It's about empowering surfers to build what THEY want to build, not about requiring anyone to do what SOMEONE ELSE wants them to do.

So if two people want to work on filigreed widgets, and nobody wants to work on defenestrated gadgets, then the FW category will likely be large and comprehensive, and the DG category may languish under occasional visits from circuit-riders. Nobody will "look for new editors" for either category! But we'll be happy to empower more surfers to help build either category. And if (in the opinion of surfers, because nobody else matters) the DG category so badly needs help that one of them will help it out, ... then that's fine. And if in the opinion of surfers the DG category is good enough as it is (no matter how bad it is), then ... that's fine also.

It is the surfers who drive what needs to be done, nobody else. And the way they drive it, is by offering to do the necessary work themselves. That's all it takes.

If you're the sort of person who would do this kind of work, and wants to be empowered, this is a very attractive appeal. If you're the sort of person who doesn't want to do this kind of work, but wants to exercise gratuitous control over other people, it's extremely frustrating.

In other words (from my point of view) it's a win-win situation.


Aug 2, 2002
It is an understandable position though if, as most webmasters think, and are encouraged to think by other webmasters and SEOs, we were some kind of website listing service and editors have volunteered to help webmasters with their Google page ranking for free on the webmaster's timescale, like they would get if they paid for the service. I really don't know how that myth arose - that there were people stupid enough to spend their spare time marketing other people's websites for them for nothing and happy to be insulted, cajoled, ridiculed, etc. into the process. Of course there is a tribe of perfectly sane folk that catalog websites for fun as and when they have the time and inclination. Maybe people are mixing them up for the mythical creatures.
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