Editors for certain areas


Sep 25, 2004
Is it possible to find out who the editor is for a certain "area" of dmoz?


Aug 14, 2002
The editor(s) for any category are listed at the bottom of the page. Editors of parent categories can edit in all the categories below their category.


Mar 9, 2004
someone will eventually review every submission. The key word here is eventually which may be longer then I'm on this earth!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
That is true. Any professional webmaster will tell you -- submit to the ODP, so we know you exist; but then pursue your website promotional campaign as if we do not exist. Because you cannot rely on any particular deadline.

But, for many frantic frustrated webmasters, the truth is even worse. Millions of them are thinking of the ODP as a way to promote a business that REALLY DOESN"T EXIST YET. But that is one thing that under every circumstances we always absolutely REFUSE to do.

We list sites that provide information -- including, as a very minor and insignificant part of our mission, sites about businesses that DO exist.

So if you're STARTING a business, we can flat guarantee we can't help you.

If you're running a business, and it's "not in a competitive area" (that is, there's a chance you may actually offer something obviously unique), it is in our customers' interest for us to help you.

If you're running a business "in a competitive area" then you're facing two high and rising hurdles: (1) you can't be very important to our customers (or therefore to us), because your competition can serve them perfectly well whether you live or die; (2) several thousand spammers are waiting with you in the submitted sites heap: so for us, reviewing there is like looking for straw-colored needles in a haystack. And we want our editors to focus on areas where they can efficiently serve our customers -- which, for you, means somewhere else.

This is reality in known space: "me-too" businesses in already-packed industries suck hind-teat. The internet isn't going to change that, and the ODP couldn't change that if we wanted to (which we don't -- we have an altogether different mission).


Sep 25, 2004
You say "The editor(s) for any category are listed at the bottom of the page. Editors of parent categories can edit in all the categories below their category."

I don't see this and I would fully expect editors in my category.


Mar 9, 2004
hutchson! I have just over a dozen so called competitors in my category if I'm
not unique no one is! period.
and you can take that to the bank!
with the rest of the hog wash stories/excuses we all hear!
This is a medical center for disabled children, for know one in a 1,000 mile radius or more does what we do for people!
check it out for your self: HTTP://www.thejennyrosecenter.com You can't hide behind the SPAM THEORY HERE!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Rose]I have just over a dozen so called competitors in [B said:
my category[/B]

Rovers said:
I don't see this and I would fully expect editors in my category.
I must have missed a very important change in ODP. :eek:
Why have the editors not been told about the fact that webmasters now can own a category. :rolleyes:
I think this is not honest as we as editors can not own any category. :cry:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Rose, I listed three possibilities in that post. They were mutually exclusive: logically, it was certain that two of them wouldn't apply.

That was, of course, for the purpose of giving public information to any one who might try to apply my response to their own situation.

You should feel free to apply whichever parts fit your situation, and ignore the rest -- just as every other curious lurker can.

Spam isn't a theory, I assure you. It exists.

But, speaking of really really spurious theories, nobody has mentioned this:

>I would "fully expect" editors in my category.
There are hundreds of editors who are allowed to edit there if they wish. Some of them know themselves not capable of editing well there, and so don't. Others have no interest in that, and edit there very very seldom. Others could edit there, but are simply busy elsewhere (whether in spam or good submittals or LOD.)

>This is a medical center for disabled children, for know one in a 1,000 mile radius or more

Very good then: but have you submitted to the HEALTH category in your Locality? (If not, then please do so. If you have, then you're welcome to ask about that status also. Please pick only the option that applies to you.) While our Australian or European editalls may have very little interest in your site, there's a good chance that an editor in your home town would be more interested.

Don't even PARTIALLY expect any editor to be LISTED in that Health category. Many editors are listed only at the Locality (or State) level, but they still work actively in the subcategories.


Apr 8, 2004
Rose, it seems the link to your site does not work. This one should.
And here is a link to the Regional category. I was going to mention it, but hutcheson beat me to it, so I decided to go ahead and link it for you.
Bear in mind that Regional listings are based on where you are actually located, so I picked this category from the address on your site. Good Luck.
Also this submission will not help or hinder your original submission and you may end up with two listings.


Mar 9, 2004
I get your point MR/MRs. Hutcheson And I apologize if I seam brash!, but nonetheless these issue should be of serious concern to all that use the DMOZ. I may believe that has once started out to be of total altruism on the part of the DMOZ, somehow has fell short in providing a truly unbiased listing program while weeding out Spam. Perhaps to much time is contributed to performing the task of WATCH DOG'S instead of contributing to good content. I will take the listing advise from both you and "Dogbow", but having children come from all over the country to seek help I would still hope we would be listed in a national directory. Please realize I have plenty of patients at our center and don't necessaraly need the additional influx, but near by families have endured the cost of travel cause they did not know we existed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
A site of interstate/international interest and with a local focus often gets listed twice, once in topical and once in regional.

So this is one of the "standard exceptions" to the "one site, one category" guideline.


Mar 9, 2004
See here we go again! I think I follow instructions-maybe not! and the Gimmster wants to suppress me :( told me to keep my new listing in the same thread for status and didn't even answer, or try to help with my question :( YA'd think he might have the gumtion to edit the catigory for the time it took to reply. truly SAD :(


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Rose, I have an absolute rule: I WILL NOT review a site for a listing when asked to check on its status.

If you think about it just a moment, you'll see why I can't afford to. You think our directory is biased now: can you imagine what it would be if all our editors' time were spent exclusively on reviewing sites mentioned in the forums?

You say, but there are only a few dozen a day! Yes, but as soon as the word got out to the professional SERP perps, every one of them would ask about every single site they'd ever submitted -- to get it an immediate listing, right? -- and we'd jump to a thousand "submittal expedite requests" in this forum. It is much less efficient to handle sites that way, so besides the incredible and inordinate commercial bias that would impose, editor effort would go way up, productivity would go way down.

We ain't EVER going there.

That's firm.

When I'm asked about a site in a category, I won't edit it unless I've already made sure I've done the same thing to every other unreviewed site in that category.

That's being fair. That's protecting the ODP. And there's no other way.


Jul 19, 2002
Rose wrote: I may believe that has once started out to be of total altruism on the part of the DMOZ, somehow has fell short in providing a truly unbiased listing program while weeding out Spam.

Rose, the DMOZ is not, nor has it ever been, a listing service. I just wanted to point that out since no one addressed it. Maybe because they missed it or because they didn't want to re-hash the same-ol', same-ol', misconception that many webmasters have about the DMOZ. The DMOZ offers absolutely nothing to webmasters, they are not our customers.


Mar 9, 2004
I don't know about one's personal rule, but simply trying to fight my way thru the maze. Motsa was nice enough to tell me the status and believe it or not after all this time it wasn't even in the "Q" so to speak. I was told some time ago it was waiting for review. You could have told me that yes/no? It got taken out after all this time, so Motsa suggested I resubmit and I've done so. Why does everyone have to be so defensive over what should be so simple? This is a simple site with good content, unique, well put together and helps people ----lots of people!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Actually, it was gimmster who told you it wasn't waiting and that was for the submission you said you'd made to the Regional category -- no one's ever told you that that submission was waiting. Keep in mind that your submission to the Business category and the one to the Regional category are two separate things, as old crone mentioned in the other thread.


Jan 23, 2003
We are considered defensive for several reasons:

By conservative estimates, half of the pople who come to this forum for a status check lie to us.

Many submitters, yourself included, yell at us when we do not do what they want us to do, even if their request is a clear violation of the forum rules.

About 90% of the people who post here don't read any of the instructions first, they just go ahead and post -- dogbows has made a career out of just adding clickable links for posters unable/unwilling to perforum that basic task. In your case she took it one step further and actually re-aded your site into the correct submission pool -- and you were so deep into arguing that you just blew her off. I bet that it sure makes her want to give up time away from her small business to want to help the next submitter, doesn't it?

By some estimates, more than half of the submission to the ODP are fraudulent. In some categories the number borders on 99%.

Most posters wrongfully assume that we are some sort of listing service and that they have a right to be listed where they want, when they want. Nothing, absolutly nothing, could be further from the truth. We are building a directory, using a global volunteer workforce, adding/moving/editng/deleting thousands of sites a day. If the ability to submit URLs for consideration were closed today, the building of this directory would not slow by one iota -- it would actually speed up because we would not have spam, incorrect submissions and incomplete websites to deal with. We are not swayed by the good works behind the website, the claimed market leadership, the financial hardships being faced, etc. We are swayed by correctly submitted websites that offer unique content that we can offer to those who surf our directory. Those are our customers, no one else.

So yes, you might say we are being defensive. We like to think that we are remaining on focus, building a great directory, and are not letting the shrill voices from those who contribute nothing deter us from our purpose.

We often use this analogy: submitters are the people who deliver the potatos to a nice restaurant. We expect them to deliver good quality potatos, appropriately packaged, and to come in and leave through the delivery entrance. The fact that they deliver potatos, and that we use potatos does not guarantee them a contract for life, it does not mean that potatos will be the featured item on our menu, it does not mean we will always serve potatos and it definitely does not give the deliveryperson the right to stand in the middle of our dining room because we don't prepare the potatos in a manner of his or her liking.
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