Editors for certain areas


Mar 9, 2004
Sorry for the world lying I guess! --- I see after being beaten up for some time how one may build walls. I don't believe I started out yelling, or even really ever yelled at all. The stats you mention are horrible! to say the least. I do appreciate Dogbow's help and many others in the past---truly, but think of my small one sided effort for one moment: I didn't come here knowing all that ails the DMOZ and I wish I could offer a panacea, yet in fact I'm just trying to suggest a site for inclusion. please don't hang on small words like "listing service" it really is synonymous with the more proper term "directory"-----I like the potato analogy thought very unique! I guess I'm just like # one potato and # two potato, yet some have called me hot potato, but now after all that has been said I feel like mashed potato.


Jul 19, 2002
I'm just trying to suggest a site for inclusion.
Great! You've done that and now there really isn't anything more you can do. Don't get hung up on how long it takes to get your site included because the frustration will turn those mashed potatoes into dried up flakes without an ounce of water to re-hydrate them. ;)

Seriously, spend your time pursuing other avenues of exposure for your site. It will be much healthier for you and your site.


Sep 30, 2004
old_crone said:
Great! You've done that and now there really isn't anything more you can do. Don't get hung up on how long it takes to get your site included because the frustration will turn those mashed potatoes into dried up flakes without an ounce of water to re-hydrate them. ;)

Seriously, spend your time pursuing other avenues of exposure for your site. It will be much healthier for you and your site.


rest edited by kctipton


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Rose, you were the one who asked why someone gave you a response here rather than just reviewing the site. I don't consider it defensive to give the answer: it is a question that occurs to a lot of people, and so it's worth a full and fair answer.

Look at it another way. Telling people their site is waiting for review is a waste of time 99% of the time, right? After all, what are they going to do if it is? And what are they going to do differently if it isn't?

But we allow those pointless questions, and answer them, because people visit the forums because of that -- and then maybe we get a chance to give out information about important aspects of the project: like how much work goes into processing submitted sites, and how much more work into avoiding over-prioritizing submitted sites. After all, you can't know whether we're doing a good job until you figure out what we're actually doing.
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