

Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

By asking here. :)
Please provide a clickable link to the category you submitted to, as stated in the forum guidelines.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I would have before if I knew the path before tonight.I have chozen Shopping only because I did not see a Lingerie catgory which we would have preferred. Actually we would like to be in Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie/Fine.
The site is Http:// <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Without the category we can only tell if a site has been edited already. At this point I can see no evidence of anyone having touched your site - neither listed, deleted, or moved. I would sugest that you resubmit to the *single most appropriate* topical category, bookmark both the category and this thread. and ask again here after a minimum of a month from the resubmission date.

If you have a warehouse/shopfront/factory (somewhere I could walk into) at the address on the site it may possibly be appropriate for listing in the Regional part of the directory in Trumbull . If so you may submit there as well, it will not prejudice any listing in the topical section of the directory.
<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

1...As I previously stated Most of the time each month I would select Shopping as the catagory. It showed that DMOZ accepted the submission each time. I did one time select Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie/Fine. After several months I wrote to a member who suggested I come here tonite.
2...We do not have a physical store as of yet.
3...Can anyone tell me if you see that the site was indeed submitted several times?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

(Wonder if that was a clickabe link..)

Anyway: I cant see a copy of the site waiting in the category you gave.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I just submitted it again last night successfully. Why cant anyone see my submissions? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Exactly that URL to exactly that category? Otherwise we cant find it. I just looked in the category above the one you mentiones - cant find it there, too.

One of the reasons to ask for a clickable link is btw. to exclude the "User submitted to a totally different directory" or "... total different category" issues :)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

&gt;&gt;Most of the time each month I would select Shopping as the catagory.

Well, you can't submit to top level Shopping (it won't let you) so you must have submitted somewhere under Shopping. However, you can't tell us where exactly you submitted except to say that once you submitted to Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie

&gt;&gt;Why cant anyone see my submissions?

Because (a) the site hasn't been touched by an editor at all yet (wherever it is) and (b) you can't tell us where all you submitted it. Since you can't tell us where you submitted it all those many times you submitted it, we have no way to look for it (we're not going to look in every half-way plausible category to see if it's there and it isn't in the one category you could remember). Are you sure you didn't get any errors when you submitted?

[edited to add: honest! I started to write this before windharp posted -- it just took me a really long time because I also went and checked the Fine category, the Lingerie category, and even the Undergarments category to see if you were waiting in any of them -- and you're not. I, like windharp, can only conclude that you either got an error of some kind while submitting, submitted to other categories than you think you did, or were submitting somewhere other than the ODP.

&gt;&gt;After several months I wrote to a member who suggested I come here tonite.

A member of what? Do you mean an editor? Or a member of some group you belong to?]


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

1...Back in October, November I manually submitted to shopping/Clothing,Undergarments/Lingerie/Fine.
Then I bought a Dynamic submitter program that only allows A "shopping" Catagory that it said each month - Successful submit. I last used it to submit 2 days ago.
Is this program scamming me? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> If so can I submit again manually now even though I did this twice Last fall?



Aug 2, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

If your auto-submission program only allows you to choose 'a random Shopping category', then it's not going to do you any favours. Throw it away and start again, by hand.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I think you did not read my first sentence.
"1...Back in October, November I manually submitted to shopping/Clothing,Undergarments/Lingerie/Fine.
Then I bought the submitter program.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I think you did not read windharp and motsa's sentences. Your submission is not in the queue for that category. You will have to submit it again, manually.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I almost looked again in before reading that motsa already loaded a rather large queue to check if your site is waiting there and told you it is not. You do not mention manually resubmitting now, and you've already been told your submissions from October and November are not there. There is no point in looking until you resubmit. Those other submissions were never received in that category. Your site isn't in that queue, and it would show under editor notes when we look that it was deleted or moved if it had been, which motsa checked also. The only result is that it was never received there.

I would resubmit manually as requested here above. I know nothing about the submittor program you are referring to, but as dfy pointed out--if it isn't letting you pick the one specific category that your site would belong in--then it is of no use and will be viewed as spam at some point.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I did not want to resubmit again so soon as it might be considered spamming but I will trust that you guys know what you are doing,thanks


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

At this point I'm not even seeing that it has been deleted from incorrect categories, so I can't even imagine where your computer program is submitting to at this point. Editors can't tell if a site is waiting in a queue, however, unless we know which queue to check. It is possible that program has it sitting in numerous places and no one will no about it until it shows that it has been deleted or moved. At this point, I wouldn't worry about resubmitting as spamming...however I wouldn't use that program in regards to DMOZ anymore. Hope that helps <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Thanks for the advise. I just resubmitted our site Http://www.GreatExpectation.Biz again to catagory Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie/Fine
How long will it take untill I know if anyone can see it?


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

There are too many variables to answer that question. Editors are all volunteers, and no time frame is ever available.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I am not talking about a review but if anyone can see if the site shows up in a que in that category. After submitting since October I would be happy if someone can at least see our site listed in a que.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.