


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I tried it one last time thru my dynamic program it was successful so it said. I also just tried doing it manually on your site and here is what it says.

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Some days one can not win no matter what they do.:)


Apr 7, 2003
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Oh my...

I added your site in the unrevieweds queue of where it's now waiting for an editor to review it alongwith less than 100 other sites.

Please notice that:
a) I haven't had time to look at the site in depth, thus I only placed it in the unrevieweds queue: this means that an editor still has to review it, and doesn't mean that the site has been either accepted or rejected as of now -- it's just sitting there waiting, so that you don't have to worry anymore about errors/resubmissions/programs/etc..
b) We can't say how much it takes for an editor to review a site, no matter how many sites are there in the unreviewed queue. Time may vary. You can come back after a month (one month, 30 days from now) to ask for the status of your site. Please use this same thread for further questions (don't open a new thread).

Personal note: throw away your automatic submission program. The SEs and directories worth a submission are probably a dozen, plus a few niche vortals of your choice, in all of which you will get much better results submitting by hand, once, and not resubmit every month or every once in a while (this is considered spam by most SEs).


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Hmmmm, I paid a lot for this program, which is one of the top three out there but your right about them not being that great. I write to them almost weekly complaining about something not working right,which they fix and sometimes I think I'm actually helping them develope it.
Thanks for your help.
I know there are only about 15-20 Great SE out there but this program has helped me optimize pages that I never would have known what to do otherwise.

You said "you will get much better results submitting by hand, once, and not resubmit every month or every once in a while (this is considered spam by most SEs)".
I thought that one had to submit each month or so to remain in their database and that it was not spam if it was a monthly submission.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I thought that one had to submit each month or so to remain in their database and that it was not spam if it was a monthly submission.

I can't speak for any other search engines you are submitting to, however--every time you resubmit to DMOZ in a category where you have a site pending in the queue you overwrite your previous submission, date and all, which then sends you to the bottom of the queue which could in theory make it impossible to get listed if the editor reviewing sites sorts by date and if the category receives a lot of submissions. If you were for instance listed and you continued to resubmit, it could be viewed as spam if you continued to submit to that category because then an editor has to continually delete a submission that serves no purpose.

In addition, the error you received in submitting to us should be corrected soon--as the equipment DMOZ uses is being upgraded. <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

&gt;I thought that one had to submit each month or so to remain in their database and that it was not spam if it was a monthly submission.

Wrong on both counts.
1) There isn't a single major SE for which you have to resubmit each month.
2) At one time, the first-generation search engines (Altavista, etc.) gave higher rank to "new" sites, and took a submission as evidence of "newness." (Note: this is NOT AT ALL the same thing as "not being kept in the database if you don't resubmit.") But affiliate-website-spammers discovered that they could use constant resubmission to get an artificially inflated position. And they all started doing it. As a result, Altavista was completely clogged with affiliate-marketing spam, and ... died. So when you say it's "not spam" you are dead wrong on at least two counts -- it was from the usual spam perpetrators for the usual spamming purposes, automated with constant virus-like changes to get around the recipient's spam-blocking procedures, and it was unwanted, even eventually fatally toxic, to the recipient.

A lot of those same jerks that killed Altavista now find that their automatic scripts are of no value to promoting their own worthless sites (since Google came up with a way of negating that kind of spam, and Inktomi, Looksmart, etc., started charging real money for submissions) . So they spread the viscious lie that you heard, and sell their worthless services to people that fall for it through failure to keep abreast of the search engine technology.

In a word, you have been conned by spammers.

And it's odd you should mention that you were told it wasn't spam. Think about it. When you get an illegal, fraudulent chain-letter con by e-mail, what are the two things they ALWAYS explicitly tell you? 1) "I checked, and THIS IS PERFECTLY LEGAL" 2) This is NOT A CON, IT REALLY WORKS!" They will always explicitly make both points. Because, the fact is, they know it looks like an illegal con because it IS an illegal con, and they know they have to address that issue.

And what did unsolicited commercial e-mails start saying a few months ago? "THIS IS NOT SPAM, it complies with Federal Regulation whatever." The fact is, it looked like spam because it was spam.

And in these forums, whenever someone brings up the subject of their site being "not an affiliate" -- they think we've already figured out which program it's "NOT" an affiliate of.
This is a general rule of life in an imperfect world. When you hear someone quacking "I am not a duck," you know not to expect water to adhere to their tail feathers.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

I understand,thanks for the advise.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

1...All I know is that all these programs I look at tell you anything less than once a month is spam. Also some web masters from paltalk tell me once a month is ok maybe even twice monthly. So are telling me I only need to submit once and if I am accepted i need not apply again?

2...If this is the case is Inktomi,whatuseek,lycos,alltheweb all of which refresh my pages every 48 hours for the engines to pick up unnecessary?

3.. These search engines need to make one set of rules so people like me know what is correct.Quite honestly this search engine stuff is very confusing since I am not a web master even though I learn a bit each day from nice people like you.
4...We have tried to be as honest as we can in promoting our site but we can see competition cheating every day with the search engines. Example we have about 25 links on our links page. One competitor has about 37,000 and has no links page but the engines still acknowledge their links.
I wrote several times to google asking them how is this possible and never even got a reply.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

&gt; 1...All I know is that all these programs I look at tell you anything less than once a month is spam. Also some web masters from paltalk tell me once a month is ok maybe even twice monthly. So are telling me I only need to submit once and if I am accepted i need not apply again?

Yes. And I am saying that you were given bad information for ulterior motives.

2...If this is the case is Inktomi,whatuseek,lycos,alltheweb all of which refresh my pages every 48 hours for the engines to pick up unnecessary?
&gt;Some search engines will offer (for a price) to refresh more often than usual. Each SE sets its own price and spider schedules, which you can read about at its website. That is a deal you can make with the SE, not something that you can get for free by manipulating submittals. (Some honest promoters may make those arrangements on your behalf. I can't give advice on how to find an _honest_ promoter: all I can say is, you haven't found one yet.)

&gt;3.. These search engines need to make one set of rules so people like me know what is correct.
Be fair. Each SE gets to make its own rules. Requiring everyone to use, say, Looksmart's arrangements wouldn't be good for anyone.

&gt;Quite honestly this search engine stuff is very confusing.
Yes, intrinsically from a technical standpoint, and inevitably from a social perspective.

&gt;4...We have tried to be as honest as we can in promoting our site but we can see competition cheating every day with the search engines.
No doubt. But remember, WE aren't a search engine, nor do we play one on TV. We have a forum, and will be happy to investigate reports of directory abuse.

&gt;Example we have about 25 links on our links page. One competitor has about 37,000 and has no links page but the engines still acknowledge their links.
I wrote several times to google asking them how is this possible and never even got a reply.
Sorry, but this question is either so badly phrased, or displays such a profound misunderstanding of search engines, that I don't believe Google COULD have given a constructive reply. In order to understand Google, you'd really need a course in Linear Algebra, a semester's reading of the public forums that discuss Google (of which this is not one), and a study of the published papers on Page Rank.

But it's worth repeating that we don't act on reports of search engine abuse. You could abuse Google all you want, and the ODP would still review your site for listing, without prejudice.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

2... &gt;honest_ promoter Is there such a thing on the net? If so where are they hiding,they could make a good living here. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

3...I still believe that at least a basic standard set of rules would make it fairer but hey that's only my opinion.
Soon it won't matter much anyway since the big ones are buying up the smaller ones.
4... Hmmm, I did not think that statement was that badly phrased but my point was the engines don't really seem to care if someone is cheating them as long as they can count their money. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

2... &gt;honest_ promoter Is there such a thing on the net? If so where are they hiding,they could make a good living here. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

3...I still believe that at least a basic standard set of rules would make it fairer but hey that's only my opinion.
Soon it won't matter much anyway since the big ones are buying up the smaller ones.
4... Hmmm, I did not think that statement was that badly phrased but my point was the engines don't really seem to care if someone is cheating them as long as they can count their money.
5... After reading some comments recently about how people try for a long time to get on DMOZ and fail I must admit before I found this forum and talked here with a few people, I thought DMOZ might go the way of the dinosaurs,but seeing your giving of yourselves has changed my thinking.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

1.The emails I get that have my name and password do not work. I there for have to get a new one to get back in.

2. At the bottom of the DMOZ page is a link for EMAIL ADMIN which does not work. The emails always bounce back.

3. Can anyone help with this?

4. Can I ask about a submission update here or is this just for replys? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

1...Help! Someone has prevented me from replying in my thread for no good reason. How do I get this fixed. I was able to use an older thread to send this but not my last one.

2...Can someone tell me if Http:// is getting any closer to getting looked at? It is in catagory- Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie/Fine


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

1...Help! Someone has prevented me from replying in my thread for no good reason. How do I get this fixed. I was able to use an older thread to send this but not my last one.

2...Can someone tell me if Http:// is getting any closer to getting looked at? It is in catagory- Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie/Fine



Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Hi' I need some help here. It seems each time I try to write here in the past months my sending the message gets blocked somehow. I don't know if the thread is corrupt or what the problem is. Even when I try to write emails to editors or DMOZ I get no response at all. It has been one year this month that I first submitted my site and it would be nice to know how much longer I have to wait to get the site looked at.
The site is http://www.GreatExpectation.Biz
and the category is

If you read back on my thread you can see that no responses to my thread posts in months.


Nov 6, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Still awaiting review in that category along with fewer than a hundred others.

I advise patience.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

&gt;Even when I try to write emails to editors or DMOZ I get no response at all.
That is the usual (and indeed the recommended) editor response to e-mails. We volunteers don't have a corporate firewall to protect our personal e-mail addresses, and we have to be careful.

&gt;It would be nice to know how much longer I have to wait to get the site looked at.
Sorry, that is not a service we can offer, by the nature of things.


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Thanks for the reply. Its nice to know someone can see my thread again. On May 21,2003 I received the following:
it's now waiting for an editor to review it alongwith less than 100 other sites.
Now you are saying the same thing as some said almost five months ago. Is there an editor for this category? :confused:


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Hi, Well I can understand a personal email but I also wrote to the admin Email addy several times and that bounces back each time. So my question is if some one has trouble reaching people in the thread what is someone supposed to do to reach some help?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

There are always many editors for every category.

And nearly always, all of them have other things clamoring for their attention.

I'm one of the 3-400 most active editors. I have under 20 categories. Some of them have had unreviewed sites in them for months. On the other hand, I've cleaned up several little categories that my name was never on. And I've submitted several hundred sites to a category that I haven't had time to clean up yet.

But today the "bad links" (robozilla reds) and spam-filtered sites are alling me.

Take that story, multiply it by 6,000 to achieve enlightenment. (Patience, I'll grant you, is a more challenging goal.)


Re: Site Submission status of Web Site

Well, I guess I am like a bad doctor because I don't have a lot of Patience. :) I know you guys work hard but you also have to realize that after almost a year of trying to get DMOZ to review our site it does get a bit discouraging at times.
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