Help And Information Please


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If you'd bothered to read your existing thread instead of starting new ones, you'd have noticed that Post #18 said
Oh, and your application to be an editor was declined. Following your rant above, we presume that you won't wish to try again.


Nov 2, 2004
Why do you say my request is a rant, I think it not unreasonable to ask politely what the position is. I am sorry if it offended you as no offence was intended, just a bit of frustration on my part.

I think there is a very big difference between Pornography sites and ordinary sites, one corrupts the other supplies good intentioned information. I can not understand why you should even want to bother with Adult sites. I do not accept gambling or adult sites on my links pages because of the detrimental effects they have on our society.

By the way how is my site listing going


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I would say calling ODP editors arrogant, self interested, and corrupted is a rant. Nothing polite about that.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Anvilpoint, when the publicly stated rules of a forum expressly forbids particular questions, then it is obvious that there is no way to ask those questions POLITELY in that forum -- any possible form of such a question is overbearing and rude: if a person CLAIMS to be polite while asking such a question, they've also added hypocritical and deceitful to the package.

You're welcome to ask anyone, politely, anything that they haven't told you is an unwelcome question.

But what you think is "not unreasonable to ask", _I_ think is "unreasonable to expect me to answer."

Do your own research on your own website for your own benefit. You KNOW most of the facts already. You KNOW how unique your website is, you KNOW whether its beneficiary business(es) have other websites representing them, you KNOW how many other websites you've created purporting to give the benefit of your knowledge. (We don't know any of that without extensive research -- webmasters are trying to keep those important facts secret. And those are questions on which ANY surfer has has a right to expect answers, too!)

On the other hand, the ODP policies are public, and the guidelines are pretty simple -- the fact is, most of editors' errors are caused by being tricked by deceitful webmasters, not confused by the guidelines.

And that last fact indicates, as strongly as facts and logic can, why it is absolutely intolerable and unreasonable for a member of that so-so-deceitful class to think he has the right to demand ANY information from the people whom that class is dedicated to deceiving!

Sorry -- you may have been that rare bird, an honest professional freelance webmaster, but you put yourself in that class, you wrapped yourself in the rights of that class, and now you'll have to figure out how to get the stink off.

We won't lie to you or your ilk. That's part of what this forum is moderated for. If editors make inadvertent mis-statements, we'll correct them, and usually even explain how it happened. We're human, not perfect. The reason so many questions get multiple answers here is that the participating editors have a passion for complete, accurate, nuanced information -- and we'll keep going till we're sure it's been given.

When your ilk stop investing so much effort in deceiving us, the lines of communication will be a LOT more open. And I have no trouble, no trouble at all, knowing where to assign ALL of that blame. And you may not be part of THAT problem, but you're part of the mob that is all of the problem. Your chanting the same chant, and ranting the same rant, and throwing tar at the same targets, as the rest of the mob. And that is fatal to any claims of sympathy you might claim as part of the mob.


Nov 2, 2004
Dear Hutcheson,
What does
"And that last fact indicates, as strongly as facts and logic can, why it is absolutely intolerable and unreasonable for a member of that so-so-deceitful class to think he has the right to demand ANY information from the people whom that class is dedicated to deceiving!" mean

I do not belong to any mob and resent you saying so, I am a person who has developed, wrote and operated my site without any help from anyone, The so called professionals, who offer to optimize my site for exorbitant amount of money probaly think I am an amateur.

It is not in my nature to be unpleasent to anyone and it is total frustration with the system,not the editors, that I question.

Can you tell me please if these frank conversation in any way effect my site being properly listed.



Apr 15, 2003
Can you tell me please if these frank conversation in any way effect my site being properly listed.
Since the vast majority of editors do not read this forum, it will have no effect. The editors that do read this forum, if they happen to review your site, would ignore what you might have said.

But IMO, I would think that at this point, you might want to forget about being an editor.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You are not "part of the mob", it's just coincidence that you are standing in front of the ODP hut on the night of the planned lynching(*), chanting the same chant, ranting the same rant, throwing tar at the same targets.

How could you expect to be distinguished from the mob?

(footnote *) You could have visited another night, but with that mob, EVERY night is a planned lynching.


Nov 2, 2004
You are pre occupied with mob rule, I don't like mobs, and any sort of bully type behaviour, but you are in danger of showing those attitudes to me, please don't.

I realy don't know what you are refering to, are you saying there is a mob of webmasters who are acting in this way? if so I would support your attitude to them, but don't include me in that catogory.

I am a person who has devoted a lot of time to my sites, on my own, I don't belong to any clandestine mob of angry webmasters. I just want fair play for my sites.

It may interest you to know that in my spare time I am Leader of a very Large County Council and devote a deal of my time to fighting against descrimination of all kinds, including bullyish behavour.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, there absolutely is such a mob. And they all say the same thing -- you can find out what they're saying by reading your own posts. Or you can check out any webmaster forum: almost any day of any week there'll be an ODP-bashing thread, and it'll be the most active thread in the forum.

And it'll be 90% obvious serial-spammers and 10% unclassifiable persons (perhaps caught up in the excitement of the moment).

That's why there is such an absolute and total intolerance of their slogans in here -- and, as you say, there ought to be.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I am Leader of a very Large County Council
Is that relevent to the conversation here? In any event, I'm not sure that one of the smallest counties by population, (under 20% of the largest when ignoring London) can be considered to be very large though :).

To summarise:
  • You've already been told that your website http:/ is awaiting review by volunteer editors in numerous categories, to which you suggested it in defiance of our submission guidelines which require that you select only one. That will happen in time, but we can't predict when that will be.
  • Your previous six applications to be an editor were declined and I note that you made another one yesterday under yet another username. This might seem brutal, but your casual disregard for our submission guidelines and your attitude here suggest that there isn't a close fit between what you think ODP is and what it actually is. As I already hinted some posts ago, the chances of your ever becoming an editor are vanishingly small.
My best advise is this. Concentrate on other methods of promoting your website. If an ODP listing is going to happen, it'll happen when it happens; there's nothing you can do which will improve that situation. There are, of course, things that you could do which might exacerbate it.

We've got to the logical end of this thread I think. I hope you agree that there's no point in continuing this conversation.


Nov 2, 2004
Yes I agree there is no point in continuing this conversation, I have not tried to be rude and thank you for your patience. If you will permit me to make a few last constructive comments.

If the mob referred to in the conversation is a gang of spamers or people who are delibrately trying to misuse the system then your comments are valid and I would support you in them.

There are however people like me, who perhaps submit more than once by a misunderstanding of the rules, or a frustration that no one appears to communicate in a sensible way, I am not blaming you,but think the system ought to be more user friendly. I have always felt that good communications can only lead to a better mutual understanding of any problem.

The problem appears to me to be a fundimental shortage of editors, which results in a total lack of any consistancy in the manner which a site is treated, or the time span it takes to review the site.

In any organization which effects other people in any way ,I believe has a responsibility to communicate in a fair, consistant,tansparent and open way.

I hope you take these comments in the spirit they are offered and I wish you well, I know it must not be an easy job
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