Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can't..



My website had been listed on the OD under UK
> search directories for 2 years, then last month it was moved to
> Chepstow business.
> I have sent repeated mails to OD editors asking them why it was moved
> and expressing my concerns that there is something underhand to this
> move of cateory as i did not request it, without a single reply.
> I really care about the OD listing & the minor directories
> they feed, especially my Google directory listing.
> How do i request OD/google change my directory listing back to what it
> orginally was, as my site is so obviously a general UK directory and
> not a Chepstow business..
> Please advise as this is driving me up the wall...
> Phil


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

Your original listing was removed because your site mostly consists of affiliate links, which we do not count as being unique content.


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

My directory is made up of mostly non affiliate links, though some of the commercial sections have high affiliate content.

The content of my site has been the same format for over 2 years and is the only directory of its kind in the UK accepts all charity and non commercial national interest sites for free.

I guess there is no way to get the OD to reconsider my listing and suspect mu url has now been tagged for rejection
is there any method of appeal, my site generates very little income and has good ratings on all the other directories online and is correctly placed as a UK directory.


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

On checking the category i was moved from the majority of sites in the OD are majority Affiliate links or paid search results and i was one of the few that listed mostly non affiliate and information sites and also did not supplement my site with paid/bid search results...

I am very unhappy with this change and the sites that have some how been overlooked in this reasoning?

The real problem is that OD feeds google and effects the google directory for this category, which is widely used i believe the no1 directory..

Is there anything i can do to have my site properly assessed? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

Is there anything i can do to have my site properly assessed?
That implies that you don't think it's been properly assessed already.

You might well be correct because, counting deeplinks, it already has 5 listings in ODP. Very few websites get more than two nowadays. We'll take another look.


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

Thanks for the update, much appreciated


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

Phil, please, shorter sentences and better use of punctuation. I am having a lot of trouble comprehending what you are writing.


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

Ok Sorry.

I was listed in for the past 2 years.

I have been moved to last month.

My site is a UK directory and not a Chepstow business.

Yes at 1st glance it looks like an affiliate site, but the content of my site is all hand built and the majority of it is non-affiliate.

I would really like it moved back to its orginal category as i believe its the most suitable.

Yes i do have 4 other listings for my site because my site is a general family safe site and features humour and specialist interest categories.

My biggest gain from moving my site back to its orginal category is a more accurate decription on google/yahoo (90% of my new visitors)

Please help


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

What you seem to have missed in all these posts is totalxsive's response which stated that your original listing had been removed as an affiliate site. Nothing was moved from one category to another. In fact, you were in both the UK-wide category and in Chepstow until 4 months ago. I personally agree with you that you don't really belong in the Chepstow category but, unlike you, I would probably argue that you shouldn't be listed at all because of all the affiliate links.
Yes at 1st glance it looks like an affiliate site, but the content of my site is all hand built and the majority of it is non-affiliate.
I could name you hundreds of hand built directories that are nothing but affiliate links. Editors, when reviewing sites, don't have time to look at every single category in a directory like this so they would pick several at random. Since most of your categories are commercial in nature, a random sampling is going to be heavily weighted towards the commercial categories. And the commercial categories are really heavy on the affiliate links.


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

I can understand being dropped for its affiliate content - if you are applying some sort of % rule 25%?????

What i cannot understand is, if this is some kind of tidying exercise why have so many other sites in this category with a much higher affiliate % been overlooked????

This is why i have questioned this descision as to me my site appears to have been singled out.

So the answers don't add up and the orginal reply saying MAJORITY affiliate is still WRONG!

All i want is an answer that make sense and i can't disprove in less than 2 mins...


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

OK 2 of my listings have gone so far, guess theres a good lesson to be had from this posting.

Got a problem with OD?, bite your tongue! <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

What i cannot understand is, if this is some kind of tidying exercise why have so many other sites in this category with a much higher affiliate % been overlooked????
This is why i have questioned this descision as to me my site appears to have been singled out
Editors frequently do things as they come across them, i.e. they may notice that a particular site shouldn't be listed and remove it without also going through the entire category to check for other sites with the same problem. It isn't that that site is so much worse than ones that are still listed, it's just that that site is the one that caught the attention of the editor in question at that time. Someone eventually will go in and clean out the rest but it isn't necessarily going to happen right away (there are only so many of us).

I don't presume to know what was going through the mind of the editor who removed your site, though. The above is just an example of a situation that can occur.


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

3 down, 2 to go

&amp; not one email sent to the contact email address of GetFavourites - who am i?


May 26, 2002
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

Editors are under no obligation to engage in email contact with submitters, and many editors actively avoid it to avoid lengthy argumentative exchanges with people unhappy with ODP decisions. In many cases another editor, other than the listed editor for the category, may have dealt with your site. If you have something to say then say it in the forum (whilst still following the Terms of Service). This way everyone gets to see both sides of the conversation, rather than there being any accusations of sneaky things being said via secret emails.


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

All im saying is that my site is being systematically removed from the OD, i could have been anyone creating trouble for GetFavourites, by entering into a discussion about my sites listing on OD, an email to the GF contact address to verify my comments could have been made before removal?

As i said before i believe my site fits within the rules of the OD and was incorrectly placed, the last thing i expected was to watch my site being deleted when previously thought suitable in multiple categories?

Once again under what "clear" rule is my sites listings being deleted?

The OD is the most respected directory on the internet and is used by google alexa etc which gives each editor a responsability beyond the OD

I believe i am being punished for daring to question the descion making process concerning my sites listing and it appears there is no method of appeal.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

The area of the guidelines that your site violates is detailed at :

Sites Consisting Primarily of Affiliate Links
Sites consisting primarily of affiliate links, or whose sole purpose is to drive user traffic to another site for the purpose of commission sales, provide no unique content and are not appropriate for inclusion in the directory. However, a site that contains affiliate links in addition to other content (such as a fan site for a singer that has interviews and photos plus banner ads and links to buy the singer's CDs) might be an acceptable submission to the directory.

General rule of thumb: Look at the content on the site, mentally blocking out all affiliate links. If the remaining information is original and valuable informational content that contributes something unique to the category's subject, the site may be a good candidate for the ODP. If the remaining content is poor, minimal, or copied from some other site, then the site is not a good candidate for the ODP.

It is hard for us to find anything specifically unique from your site, so therefore it will be not be listed in that category.


Mar 25, 2002
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

&gt;&gt;All im saying is that my site is being systematically removed from the OD, i could have been anyone creating trouble for GetFavourites, by entering into a discussion about my sites listing on OD, an email to the GF contact address to verify my comments could have been made before removal?&lt;&lt;

Actually, we do get complaints about sites from competitors. We review sites on their own merit, regardless of who is asking about it. Of course, the competitor's site usally gets checked too, often not to their liking. (My affiliate site is only deeplinked in two places, while my competitor's is in five. I wanna be in five places too.)


Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved and i can

Thanks <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Help - Get Favourites has been moved

&gt;&gt; All im saying is that my site is being systematically removed from the OD, i could have been anyone creating trouble for GetFavourites, by entering into a discussion about my sites listing on OD, an email to the GF contact address to verify my comments could have been made before removal? &lt;&lt;

Your site isn't being removed to punish you for daring to question our authority, it's being removed because it doesn't fit in the places it was listed.

It doesn't matter to us whether a site comes to our attention from the owner, a competitor, or an uninterested third party, we evaluate the site on it's merits.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.