how to change directory listings?


Mar 8, 2004
Hi, I am currently listed in dmoz but under a category that I want to change.
My current directory listing is:
Regional: North America: United States: Texas: Localities: A: Austin: Business and Economy: Automotive: Sales

But what I want it to be is: Shopping: Classifieds: Automotive

True, we are in Austin, TX but we sell all cars over the United States. How can I change the category we're listed under with out resubmitting my site?




Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
1) Shopping is only for sites that sell online.

2) Submit an "Update URL" Request for the exisating entry. You can leave anything you wish as a comment.


Mar 8, 2004
windharp said:
1) Shopping is only for sites that sell online.

2) Submit an "Update URL" Request for the exisating entry. You can leave anything you wish as a comment.

If you type 'corvettes for sale' you get a list of corvette dealers, sellers, etc..
Which are all like me. :)

2) I just resubmitted my site too; hopefully I will be moved to the correct category.



Mar 25, 2002
I am presuming you are talking about a search function somewhere. The ODP is not a search engine (we provide a search function as a convenience). Where are you typing those keywords to get that result?

The site does not qualify for a listing in Shopping and therefore the update request will more than likely be declined.


Mar 8, 2004
Alucard said:
I am presuming you are talking about a search function somewhere. The ODP is not a search engine (we provide a search function as a convenience). Where are you typing those keywords to get that result?

The site does not qualify for a listing in Shopping and therefore the update request will more than likely be declined.


hi, I searched in dmoz. Is that the wrong place?


Mar 26, 2002
In order to be listed in shopping you have to be able to buy the product online. If you cannot buy something from your site online than you cannot be listed in Shopping. If you know of sites that do not sell online that are listed in Shopping you can report them in the abuse forum and we will take a look at them as time allows.



Mar 8, 2004
thehelper said:
In order to be listed in shopping you have to be able to buy the product online. If you cannot buy something from your site online than you cannot be listed in Shopping. If you know of sites that do not sell online that are listed in Shopping you can report them in the abuse forum and we will take a look at them as time allows.


I am confused. To be listed in Shopping: Classifieds: Automotive I have to sell something online? I do sell online, you can apply for a loan for the car on our website, and you can totally and completely buy a car online with us over the internet. We sell cars DIRECTLY off our website all over the United States. Is there a set of rules and regulations I can read to make sure my site falls into that category? I believe I fall into the category of selling on line.

Does this mean that my request for changing to Shopping will take place and who do i ask for that?

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your help.



Mar 26, 2002
I have absolutely no idea whether or not your business sells online because I cannot find anywhere where you put a link to your site. The information I gave was just general from the response I saw in the thread. If you posted your url maybe that might make things a little more clearer for everyone involved. Thanks.


Mar 8, 2004
thehelper said:
I have absolutely no idea whether or not your business sells online because I cannot find anywhere where you put a link to your site. The information I gave was just general from the response I saw in the thread. If you posted your url maybe that might make things a little more clearer for everyone involved. Thanks.

Thanks for getting back to me. This is my whole point. I am not coming up with the search term "Corvettes for sale".
My URL is Corvette Palace.

Hope this helps! :)

Again, thanks for your help.



Mar 26, 2002
Ahh, I see why. Your definition of online shopping is not our definition of online shopping. You have a form you submit then someone gets back to you. Online shopping to us is you buy online, no one has to get back to your or do anything. I mean I can certainly see why you cannot just do the shopping cart thing and someone buys a corvette.

Also, you don't fit into classifieds anyway. Sure, you might sell on consignment - but I see no classifieds on the site. Sorry, but I agree with the other posters after seeing the site that it does not qualify for shopping and the Regional listing is what is appropriate. It might not look that way to you but as far as the directory is concerned - you are already listed right and judging by what you sell (no fault of your own) you are not going to qualify. Sorry.

About the coming in Corvettes for sale search on - we have one of the flakiest searches around - I am sorry but it is true. Half the time I come back with no results on my searches. It has been that way forever. The only way you can really see if you are listed is by going to the category.

Good Luck in your business - I hope one day I can buy one of those bad boys I just saw on your site :) I live in Houston so if I ever win the lottery I will stop by on the way back from collecting my winnings. Have a Great Day!


Mar 8, 2004
thehelper said:
Ahh, I see why. Your definition of online shopping is not our definition of online shopping. You have a form you submit then someone gets back to you. Online shopping to us is you buy online, no one has to get back to your or do anything. I mean I can certainly see why you cannot just do the shopping cart thing and someone buys a corvette.

Also, you don't fit into classifieds anyway. Sure, you might sell on consignment - but I see no classifieds on the site. Sorry, but I agree with the other posters after seeing the site that it does not qualify for shopping and the Regional listing is what is appropriate. It might not look that way to you but as far as the directory is concerned - you are already listed right and judging by what you sell (no fault of your own) you are not going to qualify. Sorry.

About the coming in Corvettes for sale search on - we have one of the flakiest searches around - I am sorry but it is true. Half the time I come back with no results on my searches. It has been that way forever. The only way you can really see if you are listed is by going to the category.

Good Luck in your business - I hope one day I can buy one of those bad boys I just saw on your site :) I live in Houston so if I ever win the lottery I will stop by on the way back from collecting my winnings. Have a Great Day!

Thanks for your reply. I hope that when you get a chance you stop by!!
However, I politely disagree with you. I think I am an online store. When you buy something I always expect to get something back, like a notification of some sort either by email, snail mail or something. Don’t you?

Do you consider eBay an online selling store? If you do then I believe our site is similar. Like eBay, we contact you when shipping requirements are needed to be discussed and to work out how final payment is to be received. On eBay I always contact my buyer or seller to make sure we are on agreement. As you can see I think there is a lot to be left to interpretation. Finally, we do not auction but accept many forms of payment such as PayPal, Credit Cards or you can finance through many online lenders.

Also, is there a list I can see for definition on what is an "online store" if not then a definition needs to be written so I can figure out what the guide lines are? I think that we are leaving this up to interpertation and since dmoz is an open source community I want to help make this a better, stronger environment. Because the web is ever changing I believe that I can fit into the classified ads, we also own all are own inventory and place our inventory in classified ads on various other websites.

Thank you so much for your input this is a huge help! :D

Üripides :p


Mar 25, 2002
A couple of comments:

The ODP is not "Open Source" at all. The only part that is open is that we make the directory avaiable to anyone that wants it free of charge.

You are right, there are no hard and fast rules laid out for website owners to read, understand and (potentially) try to work around. There are parts of the directory where that has been tried before and it has ended in tears, believe me. A LOT is left up to editor discretion - that is one of the things we are most proud of, to be honest. Yes, it causes some long and heated discussions within the editorial community, but most of us editors believe that this is the only way we can effectively create the directory we strive to create, and feel so passionate about.

And this debate can't really go too much further, since, to quote the "rules" for suggesting a site for inclusion, which can be found at :

Please recognize that making the ODP a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what sites to include, where in the directory sites are placed, whether and when to include more than one link to a site, when deep linking is appropriate, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all submissions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.

Editors have made a decision. You don't agree with it. That is your right. But that is the nature of the ODP.

I hope this clarifies the situation.


Mar 8, 2004
Alucard said:
A couple of comments:

The ODP is not "Open Source" at all. The only part that is open is that we make the directory avaiable to anyone that wants it free of charge.

You are right, there are no hard and fast rules laid out for website owners to read, understand and (potentially) try to work around. There are parts of the directory where that has been tried before and it has ended in tears, believe me. A LOT is left up to editor discretion - that is one of the things we are most proud of, to be honest. Yes, it causes some long and heated discussions within the editorial community, but most of us editors believe that this is the only way we can effectively create the directory we strive to create, and feel so passionate about.

And this debate can't really go too much further, since, to quote the "rules" for suggesting a site for inclusion, which can be found at :

Please recognize that making the ODP a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what sites to include, where in the directory sites are placed, whether and when to include more than one link to a site, when deep linking is appropriate, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all submissions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.

Editors have made a decision. You don't agree with it. That is your right. But that is the nature of the ODP.

I hope this clarifies the situation.

Right you are but what I meant is the premises on Open Source which is the ability to share information freely. I guess this is a dead issue, are you the one who is reviewing my site?

Finally - you're saying that my request for reclassification is not going to happen? And is there nothing I can do about it? :(

Üripides :p


Mar 26, 2002
I will probably not be the one who reviews your site. I am also not the one who made that last reply. I can tell you though from experience that submitting to Shopping is just going to waste our time and yours. We are kind of like a hive mind here - every editor who has looked at this matter so far has agreed it is not listable in Shopping so I can I think I can safely say that whoever did review the site is probably going to as well. Not to mention that site review might not happen for 2 years. As I said before, sorry - but that is just the way it is. Please don't hold it against me and not sell me a car when I get rich :) Good Luck!


Mar 8, 2004
thehelper said:
I will probably not be the one who reviews your site. I am also not the one who made that last reply. I can tell you though from experience that submitting to Shopping is just going to waste our time and yours. We are kind of like a hive mind here - every editor who has looked at this matter so far has agreed it is not listable in Shopping so I can I think I can safely say that whoever did review the site is probably going to as well. Not to mention that site review might not happen for 2 years. As I said before, sorry - but that is just the way it is. Please don't hold it against me and not sell me a car when I get rich :) Good Luck!

Please excuse me on that last reply, my mistake. I do not take it personally but again, I disagree because if I were to sell….air on my site I would be considered shopping category list quality. As you can see there are various points of opinions here and it seems a little weird. I just want to know what everyone thinks is selling and selling by standards of what? If it will get me on Shopping Classifieds I will sell something because I need to be in that category and should be in that category.

I Hope that I have not offended anyone because I am only trying to figure out how I can stay in business and be successful at what I do. I am in no way trying to attack anyone just politely arguing my point!

And you, thehelper are totaly welcome to come by and we can hash this out in a convertible driving down I-35 at 150!


P.S. i also invite anyone to email me on what they think is a selling web site and why my site may not be considered a Non-selling site.


Mar 26, 2002
Put a shopping cart on your website, allow users to buy a car online using there credit card, PayPal, or whatever other Shopping sites do. Automatically calculate Shipping. In other words a user needs to be able to buy a car on your site like they can buy a CD at an online music store.

Then your site will be eligible for Shopping. It still will not be eligible for Classifieds though. I mean your site is not a Classifieds site. How is it a classifieds site? I am not trying to be hard headed or offend you in any way but I just cannot see how in any way shape or form it fits in classifieds.


Mar 25, 2002
From the Shopping FAQ :

Shopping/ contains sites of which the primary focus is to allow the consumer to select and obtain goods and services over the Web. Common examples include:
Integrated online shopping-cart systems that allow the user to order directly over the Web
Online shopping-cart systems that allow the user to generate an order form to be sent to the merchant via fax or snail-mail
Simple directories of products and prices that the user can order via mail or phone.
The key is that the site contains three elements: lists of products for sale, prices, and information on how the consumer can obtain the product from their own home.

This isn't an issue of whether or not you sell something, this is an issue of whether or not your site meets the criteria for listing in Shopping.

When I can go to your site, browse and select a car with a fixed price, go through checkout and pay in full, and then have the car delivered to my doorstep, your site will qualify for Shopping/ . Until then, it doesn't. :)


Mar 8, 2004
lissa said:
From the Shopping FAQ :

This isn't an issue of whether or not you sell something, this is an issue of whether or not your site meets the criteria for listing in Shopping.

When I can go to your site, browse and select a car with a fixed price, go through checkout and pay in full, and then have the car delivered to my doorstep, your site will qualify for Shopping/ . Until then, it doesn't. :)

"Simple directories of products and prices that the user can order via mail or phone.
The key is that the site contains three elements: lists of products for sale, prices, and information on how the consumer can obtain the product from their own home."

This is what we do!!! so by the definition we are selling. "..via mail or phone."

i think this is becoming silly, i sell cars..over the internet. i meet the rules. :confused:



Apr 15, 2003
I guess it's a subtle point, but when I go to buy a 1978 Pace Car Silver/Black Coupe - I see a price, but there is no button that says how to buy it, how I can pay - which credit cards you accept, can I pay with PayPal, whether taxes are extras, how much the delivery is, etc.

There's just a contact form - which I guess you consider is "information on how the consumer can obtain the product from their own home"


Mar 8, 2004
bobrat said:
I guess it's a subtle point, but when I go to buy a 1978 Pace Car Silver/Black Coupe - I see a price, but there is no button that says how to buy it, how I can pay - which credit cards you accept, can I pay with PayPal, whether taxes are extras, how much the delivery is, etc.

There's just a contact form - which I guess you consider is "information on how the consumer can obtain the product from their own home"

Thanks for your post. I can see your point. Would it ease everyone’s mind if I made some links to the Application page or the FAQ's page? Most people who buy from us are either Corvette owners or have wanted one for some time. If you go to any of the other Corvette sites I listed in previous posts you will see that you always contact someone via email or phone. When you fill out that form you can say how you want to pay and we will contact you. No one has paid by Pay Pal and only once some one paid with a credit card, the price is too high. Like I said, we're not selling things you can buy with normal credit cards or Pay Pal accounts, well, not most people! Once you agree to buy a car from us we send you the legal documents needed to buy a car, taxes and what not and then we ship it to you, right to your front door!!

This is not your typical but I do sell cars over the internet.. Read my Customer Photos page. Sight unseen is being bought and delivered to your home ordered from your home.


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