I am not sure if this thread is still active or not----
After a few modifications to the original scripts, when I tried parsing the short examples on dmoz web site.
It seems structure.example.txt works fine but when it comes to content.example.txt, got error...
am i missing something here????...please help!!!!
[01;32mCHECKING FOR UPDATES... [0m [01;32mOK. Ready for an update! [0m [01;32mWarning: Could not delete the old file. Maybe it isn't created yet. [0m [01;32mWarning: Could not delete the old RDF file. Maybe it isn't created yet. [0m[01;32mDownloading file information: [0m[01;32mDOWNLOADED[0m [01;32m The script is downloading
http://rdf.dmoz.org/rdf/structure.example.txt The file is downloaded with 500 KB/s Size of the file is: 42 KB The DMOZ data dumps were last updated: Wed, 09 Aug 2006 20:27:27 GMT Downloading please wait [0m[01;32m.[0m [01;32m STRUCTURE.EXAMPLE.example.txt WAS SUCCESSFULLY DOWNLOADED Download URL:
http://rdf.dmoz.org/rdf/structure.example.txt [0m[01;32m Extracting the example file...[0m [01;32m STRUCTURE.EXAMPLE.example.txt WAS SUCCESSFULLY EXTRACTED! Filename: structure.example [0m [01;32mCleaning structure.example This could take some time! [0m [01;32m Status: [0m[01;32m.[0m [01;32m Finished! [0m [01;32mFatal error: Could not do the following query: [0m