
Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002

>>I am not mistaken can be an affiliate and get a listing as long as it has enough unique content regardless of who's product it sells.

At this point, affiliate sales are not eligible for listing as shopping content, and they aren't any other kind of content.

If a site is primarily about something else, affiliate links on it may not keep it from being listed.

But a site that is primarily about "sales", "marketing", "promotioning", "branding", "different appearances", "audience targeting", "independent representativing", "advertising", or whatever else you want to call the practice of trying to persuade someone to buy something from someone else, isn't supposed to be listed. When we find one accidentally listed, we remove it.

Nor do we care about your business model -- you may get paid per doorway page, or click, or fixed fee per sale, or your own markup, or you can give clicks away to your brother-in-law. You may ship from your warehouse or from Mars. You may have more dummy corporations than Enron, or list the same anonymous Tampa, Florida P.O. Box on every single site. You can collect via PayPal, Visa, or only use couriers with brass knuckles and baseball bats. It doesn't matter.

I don't understand why this is so confusing.


>>I don't understand why this is so confusing<< It is not confusing.confusing is what you consider affiliate is it AFF=345354 tags or is it I sell product x from company A and company A is already listed.Because it seems to change depending on how the topic goes .All this guy i think would have to do (im not an editor but) is put his bdt label on it and it would be unique.and to add to that>>We actually don't care much about whether a site is owned by a different company, has its own secured area, own warehouse, etc.; we do care instead about the surfer's experience. In fact, from a surfer's (and editor's) point of view if a website sells multiple products from multiple vendors and there is a synergy and or pricing benefit to be gained by using that site, then said site provides unique content and may qualify for listing.<<All he has to do would be to lower his price.and to add to that >>But a site that is primarily about "sales", "marketing", "promotioning", "branding", "different appearances", "audience targeting", "independent representativing", "advertising", or whatever else you want to call the practice of trying to persuade someone to buy something from someone else, isn't supposed to be listed. When we find one accidentally listed, we remove it.<<that is what modern america is about to today their is not to much unique product that individual companys make. It goes back to my first paragraph all he would have to do is
put his bdt label on it you guys would not know the difference.Companys do it all the time and alot are listed
in the ODP but iT falls down to unique content.going buy what you guys say .for instance i am a reseller of sun mircosystems because sun is listed in ODP that denies me of a listing . im not trying to cause problems im trying to understand thats all and i have no problems if you school me either <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002

rikmac1, it sounds like you are recommending what marketers call "branding" and what we call "using an alias to hide from the spam cops."

"We do not like it, spam I am."


I'm the editor in question. I have no idea where you got the other editor's name from. I received the email you sent but I don't respond to email from submitters (or accept bribes), so I'll answer you here.

There are dozens of sites that sell Clear Choice products and nothing but Clear Choice products. A decision had to be made to list all of them or none of them. I made the decision to list none of them, which was in keeping with our policy on affiliates.

I will agree that your site is better designed and contains more content than most Clear Choice vendors, but it still doesn't offer unique content. All that stuff about how drug tests work and how to pass them is on lots of other sites.

Yours was not the only site that was rejected under this criteria. (You mentioned that you found my Alternate URL bookmarks cat, so you know that's true.) But if I missed one, you can point it out.

In the meantime, the category has moved. It is now and is no longer under my control. If it were up to me, I still wouldn't list your site, but it isn't up to me anymore.

Who is in charge of the new category, because we resubmited the website after making appropriate changes for clear distinction between this affiliate website issue. Please let us know the status on it if you are able to.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I think you are mischaracterizing the response. The problem isn't the look of the site. It is the lack of unique relevant content. In this category, "retail services" is the ONLY relevant content, and "affiliate" is by definition "non-unique." You can't wash the earwax out of that silk purse!

Dear Editors:

Please let us know the status of our new submission status when you have a free moment.

Thank you!

Your site is in the unreviewed queue with several others. As there is no listed editor in the category [or the one right above it], it's hard to tell when it will be considered.

However, as all the other editors pointed out above - no unique content (in this case, product) means the site does not get a listing.

Please understand that the purpose of ODP is not to cater to webmasters. We are the largest, most comprehensive directory of sites on the Web. Listing a site in Shopping that has the same product as another site already listed there is helping us be 'largest' but not 'most comprehensive' (because it is redundant with respect to the product available) - and it needs to be both. Listing two sites that offer the same product is not being 'comprehensive' and thus a disservice to users of the ODP. [see ]

Dear ODP Editors:

We are writing to inquire about our most recent submission to ODP. Since some new websites were added to the category, we thought now would be the time to ask.

Thank you!


Mar 25, 2002
Your site is still awaiting review in that category and the last site to be added there was added in the middle of August (i.e. not recently).

I doubt your site will get listed however for reasons other editors have already pointed out in this thread.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.