As far as I know isapi is a technology related to IIS servers, so Neil may be right. I.e. one of the possibilities to run PHP on IIS is to use php4isapi.dll.

But that doesn't really matter. Whatever this DLL is and does, and whoever forces you to download it or just misconfigured a server, some editors don't like this kind of thing.

<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Thanks for your comment. I totally agree. I am looking for better web-hosting.

yes, actually I totally understood what you meant about it "qualifying, but you would not personally list it" and I understand why. Although I hope someone will list it. I just threw the aplus tech support's comments out there to see what you thought because I feel I'm getting the run-around from aplus, but I don't know enough about it all to know for sure. It scares me a little that I really don't know a whole lot and I understood what you were saying, but the person at aplus did not <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Okay, I just got an email from the aplus tech support - she says the banner download stuff should be fixed/off. Could you or someone check to see if it is fixed. I can't tell from my computer(I have IE) Thanks!


Aug 2, 2002
&gt;&gt; I just threw the aplus tech support's comments out there to see what you thought &lt;&lt;

I know what I think, but it wouldn't be proper for me to say that you should move to another host because your current one is obviously crap, so I won't say it.

I just tried your site again (23:33 UTC) and the download is still being forced.

Why don't you download and try Mozilla? It's free, it's more secure, and it will help you to spot problems with your host. Try it, you just might like it.

&gt;&gt;I just tried your site again (23:33 UTC) and the download is still being forced.&lt;&lt;

Thanks for trying it, and the advice. Is it possible you were looking at cached version of the site - just want to double check before I let aplus know its still not working?


Aug 2, 2002
No, I'm set up to always request, so it wasn't a cached version. I'm guessing they're just fobbing you off and hoping that you'll give up and go away.

BTW: While looking at the source I noticed that you are using MicroSoft FrontPage to create your site. That would explain the problems with Netscape. MS FP was deliberately written to produce code that could not be viewed by Netscape 4.x. Mozilla now corrects the worst FP errors, but they introduce new ones with every update.

Just went there, it still tries to force a download. Did Shift-Reload, so it shouldn't take your site from a cache.

<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

&lt;added&gt; dfy was faster once more <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> &lt;/added&gt;
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