
Jan 31, 2003
Although i am patient, but yes this category has no editor.
Maybe someone will have mercy and edit it a little sooner than the given time ? <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Jan 31, 2003
I would like to find out, if there are any news about my inclusion? Waiting patiently (but nervous) for positive results <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Thanks a lot.


Aug 2, 2002
No change I'm afraid. But the queue is moving, even if quite slowly so please continue to be patient.


Jan 31, 2003
Can anyone let me know please, if or when our site will be indexed? I truly believe that i am waiting patiently, since it's about 4 or 5 month now since i've submitted the site. Then on the other hand, why has the site been pushed to a dirctory which doesn't have any editor? Or may I ask for an alternative (why not the category where i submitted in the first place) where i could submit the site as well, with a chance for a faster inclusion.
It's just a little bit frustrating if nothing happens.
Suggestion would be very appreciated <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


May 26, 2002
No category is ever without an editor. It may not have a listed editor, but any catmod, editall or Meta editor can edit there. There is also no way that we can say how long it will take. Someone may breeze in tomorrow and review everything in the category, or it may be some weeks or months. Someone may decide to start by deleting all the spam there, or by listing sites that look listable. I don't know, and neither does anyone else. The best anyone can do, is give you the current status: listed, waiting, likely to be rejected, or rejected.


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Adding to giz's answer, there is no way to tell when exactly any given site will be reviewed. Editors are volunteers, and they are not required to review a specific number of sites at any time. Also, editors are under no obligation to process sites in any particular order.

&gt;&gt;Or may I ask for an alternative (why not the category where i submitted in the first place) where i could submit the site as well, with a chance for a faster inclusion.&lt;&lt;

Actually, the only thing you would get by submitting your site in a category where it doesn't belong is a chance for slower inclusion. If an editor found it in an incorrect category, he or she would just move it to the correct category, where it would overwrite your earlier submission. If an editor decided to sort by date, your submission would be processed later. In addition, by creating extra work for editors, you would slow down the processing of sites overall.

Your category was sent to what an editor believes is the appropriate category. You should not submit to another category just in the hopes of getting listed more quickly.


Jan 31, 2003

Is there any way to get an update on my submission?
It's really not easy to show patience if you are "dumped" in an all abandoned category, in wich I strongly believe my site does not even belong to.
I cannot hide my dissapointment about the editor who pushed it there. Even more if you check around and through the directory and you find competitors sites with even three entries.
I recently have just re-submitted the site again to another category as well, since our business extended it's services.

The new category was:
Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Clothing: Undergarments and Sleepwear: Lingerie: Wholesale and Distribution

I will keep waiting now, if I get included in THIS category which has only 15 entries.
Well but the same editor.....
sigh... :( :mad:


Jun 15, 2003
Ogallala, Nebraska - USA
Suggestion to the Business category has been rejected because Shopping is definitely the main focus of the site.

The URL has been changed to since that is where it is redirected.

Is still waiting in Shopping/Clothing/Undergarments/Lingerie/Exotic along with about the same amount of others.

I'm afraid the category isn't very actively edited. :( Suggest checking back in 2-3 months with fingers crossed.


Jan 31, 2003
Oaky this is getting rediculous.. Not to say it smells very bad.
Not to mention that I wait for over a year to get included.
Not to mention the editor for the main category pushed the site in an "abandoned" category.
Now you are teilling me, the URL has been changed?
Now then explain me why the ODP is flooded with sites which are just the same as mine - Yahoo! stores and are included with their correct domain, since they are properly (just like my own) set up and hosted by Yahoo!.
NOT to mention the main categories editor own store.

I'm not dissapointed anymore, I am simply upset about this double moral and measurements.

I'd really like to get any explanation on this unfair treatment, which does not only effect me, but others as well. :mad:


Aug 22, 2003
&gt;Not to mention the editor for the main category pushed
&gt;the site in an "abandoned" category.

I can't comment on your submission in particular; however, your site isn't in an "abandoned" category at all. The Lingerie editor just moved it to a more specific subcategory of his same category. He can edit there just as well as he can in the main category.


Jan 31, 2003
This is not true, and the facts prove I am right.
The category has no editor. The site is sitting there for like 9 month or more. I even question if it belogs to that category at all.
It does not justify the URL change anyway.

But I sure see how it goes. It's more importand to have the own site(s) listed and keep competitors out of the picture as long as possible.
At least this is the overall impression I get from all of this. Sorry to say so. :(


Aug 22, 2003
&gt;This is not true

Actually, it is.

All editors can edit in the subcategories of their category. Always. That's how the system works. There are no exceptions.

If the editor hasn't added your site yet, it is probably because there are many unreviewed sites currently in Lingerie in general and he is very busy. Which subcategory you are in is irrelevant to how long it will take.

Nine months is not an uncommon, nor unreasonable, wait. No conspiracy theory is necessary. There are millions of websites out there. Yours is only one of them. It can take a while for any one given site to be considered for a listing.

If you need immediate Internet exposure, you'd better look someplace else. We're really not a website promotion service.

Disclaimer: This post constitutes an unofficial, personal opinion not necessarily shared by other ODP editors, the university, or my cats.


Jan 31, 2003
All editors can edit in the subcategories of their category. Always. That's how the system works. There are no exceptions.
Maybe this is surprising, but I actually know how the system works.
If the editor hasn't added your site yet, it is probably because there are many unreviewed sites currently in Lingerie in general and he is very busy. Which subcategory you are in is irrelevant to how long it will take.
Incorrect :)
It does make a difference, and if it's just because of PR.

Nine months is not an uncommon, nor unreasonable, wait. No conspiracy theory is necessary. There are millions of websites out there. Yours is only one of them. It can take a while for any one given site to be considered for a listing.
Nine month is not correct either, since I asked here the first time at the end of January, and at that time the site has been submitted already month ago. So we talking about a year.

If you need immediate Internet exposure, you'd better look someplace else. We're really not a website promotion service.
Now excuse me, but no one submits to the ODP for traffic from it. In fact it IS a "web promotion service". It is, since it's made to this by Google's evaluation of it.
We really do not need to beat around the bush.

last but not least, I still do not see justice at the domain change. The site runs properly with the domain carried in this subject, and this just like every other Yahoo! Store does, which is included in the ODP.
INCLUDING the main categories editor own site.

This is why I ask here to change the url back to the domain and drop that URL


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
It does make a difference, and if it's just because of PR.
schluggi, flicker was speaking about a time perspective, not saying that placement in a subcat as opposed to the parent cat. ODP finds it important to place a site in the correct category. Flicker was saying that the editor of the parent category is usually the one to review the sites in the main and the subcat, so a smaller number of unreviewed in the subcat doesn't much matter if a larger number are in the parent cat...the editor may review in either place.

Nine month is not correct either, since I asked here the first time at the end of January, and at that time the site has been submitted already month ago. So we talking about a year.
Your submission is dated 12/Jan/2003

Now excuse me, but no one submits to the ODP for traffic from it. In fact it IS a "web promotion service". It is, since it's made to this by Google's evaluation of it.
We really do not need to beat around the bush.
ODP is not Google, the ODP does not control what Google does with ODP data, and the ODP is not a web promotion service. ODP does not exist for the website, it exists for the end user and is a directory. Google also lists sites independant of the ODP. If you want to be listed in Google independant of a listing at ODP, go there and submit your site.

I understand that you would like your site listed NOW, so would thousands and thousands of others. Editors are volunteer, listings are free, and submissions are actually just suggestions for sites. No listing is guaranteed. Commercial categories receive a large quantity of submissions daily and as a result often take longer to be reviewed. The time you've waited really isn't unreasonble--although I completely understand that it may feel that way. Hopefully your site will be reviewed soon, but there really is nothing to do but wait. Someone will review it as soon as they are able to.


Apr 15, 2003
Maybe this is surprising, but I actually know how the system works.
Obviously from your posts - you have no clue how the system works.

It does make a difference, and if it's just because of PR.
PR has absolutely nothing to do with ODP, we don't make PR, we don't use PR.

Nine month is not correct either, since I asked here the first time at the end of January, and at that time the site has been submitted already month ago. So we talking about a year.
And there are sites that have been waiting two years - so nine months is not out of line.

Now excuse me, but no one submits to the ODP for traffic from it. In fact it IS a "web promotion service". It is, since it's made to this by Google's evaluation of it.

Why you choose to submit is your business, but ODP is not and never has been a web promotion business. How Google chooses to use ODP is none of our business, and you should complain to them if your are not happy with what they do. We are not Google.

Besides which you already have your other website in ODP, and this is just a subdivision of it, If I was the editor - I'd delete this one and not list it.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.