
Aug 22, 2003
Yes, Kokopeli is right. Sorry if I was somehow unclear. Which subcategory you are waiting to be listed in is irrelevant to HOW LONG it will take for your site to be reviewed. It may or may not be irrelevant to your PageRank. I have to say though that if you're relying on one more link from an ODP category you've probably already lost that battle.

And to be a little more explicit about your wait time: one year may be a little long for a submitted site to await review, and I for one would like the average to be significantly below that. However, one year is NOT long at ALL for a site belonging to a business already represented in the ODP to await review, and if I had my druthers, I'd leave all duplicate and subdivision sites like this one for last. There are plenty of people waiting for a *first* listing. If people want to fish for a second listing for PageRank reasons, they should be willing to wait patiently until we're finished with more urgent matters.



Jan 31, 2003
With all respect I have to disagree with some statements here. Not to say some are rude and annoying (bobrat).
Especially if an editor comes up with offensive accusations like, someone would have no clue. That tells me the person didn't pay attention at all. This very thread here tells enough about my knowledge since I was patiently waiting and asking only after a long period of time. Simply scroll back and check the date stamps of the messages I've posted here.

1.) Regarding the submission date. The newer date stamp might be, because of an URL Change? I know I submitted the site already in 2002.

2.) Regarding the accusation of sub-division.
A) This is plain and simple wrong. The companies head site is not even submitted nor included in the ODP.
B) This is an independant from the second site working store. You are NOT able to combine any purchases. This is just another business under the head of one company. SUCH sites exist by the masses inside the ODP.
Which leads me to the next thing.

Besides which you already have your other website in ODP, and this is just a subdivision of it, If I was the editor - I'd delete this one and not list it.
Yeah sure.....
And you guys wonder why webmasters get the impression something smells bad?????

Now let's talk business here.
The Editor for the main Category has FOUR sites listed in the ODP. Let's say it so, I found 4. I did not look any further. All of them are linked together just like my two sites, from which you woul like to eliminate one.. And hey. ohe yeah...... Of course, we talking about<storeid> sites, which are listed with the regular domain. Wanna have the URLS?

How come editor sites are listed properly????? How come they don't sit around in categories without a nominated editor, waiting for one or two years???

4. If you accuse someone not knowing anything, and in the very same moment you claim ODP has nothing to do with PR and Google, that tells something.
A) The ODP is the source for Google's Directory.
B) Google evaluates therefor ODP included sites with PR bonus.
C) Google recommends and refers to the ODP for inclusion into Googles Directory.

I am pretty sure you are aware of this. So don't even think people are clueless.

5) I am all fine with a move to the adult section as well.
Since we link to our adult site, it's perfectly acceptable.

But I seriously request the URL correction, since this would be a mislead, and sure enough a very strange handling.

Thank you to all those others responding in an helpful way.
I appreciate your comments a lot.


Aug 22, 2003
I doubt Bobrat was trying to offend you, Schluggi. You really and truly do not understand our system; this is a fact, not an insult.

1) You think that a subcategory is "abandoned" when, in fact, the main Lingerie editor can and does edit there. You are wrong; it is irrelevant to the review of your site which subcategory it is waiting in. This is how our editing system functions.

2) You think we are required to list multiple businesses under the heading of the same company. We are not. This is not how our organization selects sites for listing.

3) You think it is OK to submit sites which link to adult content to the non-Adult directory. It is not. This is not how we organize our data.

4) You think that Google's PageRank system is our concern. It is not. Google and the ODP are separate entities NOT under the heading of the same company. They do not tell us how their PageRank algorithm works and we do not have any influence over their search engine at all. They use our data (as do many other places). That is all. We have no control over them or their system.

5) We don't care what the PageRank, search engine results, or financial status is of any given website. We are not in the business of website promotion. From our point of view, it doesn't matter whose business does better at any of those things, yours or your competitor's. So you are never going to see us move your listing to a higher-PR category, give it keywords you like better, multiple listings, etcetera, only to affect your website traffic. That's not our business.

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of how the ODP works. From the information you have given us, it is clear that the reason your site is taking so long to review is because it is marginally compliant with our guidelines: it was submitted to a too-general-but-higher-PageRank category of the wrong directory, and it belongs to the same company as an already-listed site. I can tell you that websites in this situation take at least three times as long to review as sites that are unique and submitted properly. If you had submitted to the correct subcategory of Adult in the first place, your site would probably have been reviewed by now (though not necessarily listed).

Hope that helps. This is the way our directory works; if you really don't like it, you don't have to submit your site to us. We are, after all, providing a free service.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
quote]Now let's talk business here. The Editor for the main Category has FOUR sites listed in the ODP. Let's say it so, I found 4. I did not look any further. All of them are linked together just like my two sites, from which you woul like to eliminate one.. And hey. ohe yeah...... Of course, we talking about<storeid> sites, which are listed with the regular domain. Wanna have the URLS?/quote]

If you want to report abuse please read


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, please, we do want to hear about those. Usually (never a promise) such things are looked into quickly -- much quicker than unreviewed site suggestions. (The reason is a quality issue: a missing URL doesn't make the ODP look bad, but duplicate URLs do.)

You can use either the abuse reporting thread here (URL as given above), or the official abuse-reporting system.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
If you see anything that looks like abuse, it is definately appropriate to report it so that it can be checked out. That is something we definately want done.

How come editor sites are listed properly????? How come they don't sit around in categories without a nominated editor, waiting for one or two years???
I have a support group site that has been pending review in an area with no listed editor (of course no category truly is without an editor) since I submitted it in November 2002. :flower:


Jun 15, 2003
Ogallala, Nebraska - USA
I also agree that noone was trying to be rude or annoying.

ODP is above board and honest editors attempting to build the directory. Unfortunately, some "ne'er do wells" do get by the checks and balance system and are most always found and removed as editors. If you find or suspect abuse, please by all means, report it. We don't like it either and with help, they can be found and properly taken care of faster.
The same goes for webmasters and site owners. Most of them are honest and just want a listing.

I do however as an editor, have to question and scrutinize websites that gives an business address in one state with a phone number from another state.


Jan 31, 2003
Up front.
Thank you to all of you. I will definately check into that matter more deeply and follow your suggestion on the report.

I admit that I got pretty much upset, after finding out the fact about all the mentioned sites.
If I would be an editor (obviously i am not ;)) I'd strive to keep up the fair play. Which means - when business interests collide, I just have to do my best to give other sites as much attention as I've been busy to make sure my own sites are listed.

However, the ODP needs to adjust that URL issue.
In fact, Y! Store is just a hosting platform like many others are.

Three other things I like to add as well:
1. When the site has been submitted, there was not ONE link to adult content on the site.
The site is actively participatin within Y! Shopping, and therefor even the clothing images are altered to be shown clean, tasteful and without any violation against Yahoo!'s very strict guidelines. No front nudity or whatsoever.

2. I was and am aware that an editor is able to edit categories without a dedicated editor. But it slows things down.

3. In regards of search engine presence - The point I came from was this. The ODP is as well Googles as AOL's source for their own directories. ODP sites will be included into their directories. You are a webmaster, who want's to be part of their directories, their is only this one way to be included. I think the ODP should feel obligated to serve the webmasters who submit their sites in an all fair, and sure most objective way possible. Through the fact, that it's a source for big Internet services, it's not completely independant.

That's been my points from what I think have been misunderstood, or not known.

I do however as an editor, have to question and scrutinize websites that gives an business address in one state with a phone number from another state.
If I may say something to this.
I think you need to be careful with this judgement. You cannot generalize such. Our own business for example.
It resides right at the border between IA and NE.
The company has locations in both states. We are talking about a few miles distance. In our case, the area code would show an NE phone number.
In addition, look at 800 numbers. Those are redirected.
Companies business locations might just be thousands of miles away from the place where their phone gets picked up. You would not have a tad of a chance to find that one out.
More and more big companies using call centers overseas.
India for instance is a very popular solution for this. I think if you want to judge a companies website insertion by it's phone number, their might just be some injustingly interpretation.
For the convenience of the customer a 800 number is a fine tool. But personally I prefer a REAL area code. Even though not matching the state in the first place, but I know at least it's a domestic number.
Not to mention cell phones, which may have complete other area codes attached, but still belong to that state where the business resides.
Just my opinion on that :).


Jan 23, 2003
Thank you for the thoughtful reply. We always appreciate it when someone takes the time and effort to think about the directory and make an emotion-free response that is designed to help us better serve.

I would like to comment on a few parts of your reply. Not necessarily to disagree, mostly just to comment.

I was and am aware that an editor is able to edit categories without a dedicated editor. But it slows things down.

In my experience with ODP, it actually speeds things up. For example, I can edit anywhere in Regional/North_America/United_States/Arizona That gives me the ability to jump into subcategories where no editor is assigned and work to resolve issues there. Today, for example, I attacked real estate sites in Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Litchfield Park. I was able to work on reducing the number of suggested sites, and I fixed some problems with existing sites. If we had to wait until there was a editor for those categories, the changed might have been a long time coming. We don't just let editors run amok within the directory because different parts of the directory have different editing policies or rules, and many parts of the directory require a certain amount of knowledge. For example, while I am very comfortable editing Society/Military/Aviation/Aircraft/ and all the sites below it, I would be very hesitant in trying to edit in Society/Military/Naval/Submarines/ because I may not be knowledgeable enough. Now, at some point an opportunity to help out in one of those categories may arise, and in doing so I may lean enough that I can edit there without supervision...but that is down the road at some point. The point is, we try very hard not to put an editor in a position where they can inadvertantly cause problems -- because cleaning up problems is a major consumer of time and energy.

On the other hand, when I was just starting out, it used to frustrate me to no end to work on a site that was submitted to the wrong category and to not be able to publish it in the correct category because I did not have permission to edit there. It still happens sometimes, but as editors get experience they are often granted additional editing permissions.

In commenting upon the question of phone numbers in one state and addresses in another, you said:
I think you need to be careful with this judgement. You cannot generalize such. Our own business for example.
It resides right at the border between IA and NE.

I think you are absolutely correct. To clarify, we don't make a final judgement on things like that, but we do use it as an indicator that the site requires a bit more attention than usual. Most often it is innocent, but you would be dismayed to see how many times it tips us off to a deceptive site that is trying to get multiple listings or is trying to beat the system.

Remember I mentioned that I edit within Arizona. We have three telephone area codes here -- 623 for communities to the west, 602 in Phoenix and 480 to the east. I can't tell you how many times wrong area codes have helped me catch real estate agent trying to get listed in multiple cities. So we don't make a final judgement on data like that, but it is just one example of the types of things experienced editors use to set off alarms for us and help us to keep the directory a bit cleaner.

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