
Curlie Meta
Mar 27, 2002

I think in this case "spam" was a general term. Your answer may lie in the Shopping FAQ. I think Question 2.1 covers it. "A company should be listed under its primary line of business - so a site that sells 75 kinds of chocolate, and 2 kinds of nuts, would go under chocolate."

In your case your product is "tickets." So 15 sporting events and 5 Broadway shows, the product is still tickets. Listing each event is not proper procedure, regardless how many URLs are involved.

It is this way to discourage submitters trying to submit a page (or URL) for each product they carry. We are not supposed to be an online catalog.

I hope this sheds a little light on the subject.


Jul 19, 2002
They are two totally different products and two totally different sites.

No they aren't different products since the products in this case are tickets. The sites are not selling the Rolling Stones or the Super Bowl, they are selling tickets from the same source, hence the redundancy.

I think you have been given some good info on the difference between good marketing strategies and directory indexing. The two do not always have a meeting of the minds. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />

I think this thread has gone on long enough. Hutcheson has made it clear that not all sites will be (or should be) listed in a directory such as ODP.

Tue question about the site's status has been answered. Let's leave it at that.
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