Still trying to get listed. It appears there has been no "edit" activity under the category I requested to list under since October 12. Can I change my request to be listed under Antiques and Collectibles? Thanks again. <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" />

I responded via email but will post here also so I have a complete record on the boards. She I "know" the category I requested is a sub-category of Antiques and Collectibles but the sub-category has no editor. I have been trying to get listed for 8 months with no luck. The main category Antiques and Collectibles does have an editor and is updated on a regular basis. My shop carries a wide variety of vintage collectibles and will qualify for the top category or at least in my opinion it does. Had I known what I know now I would have picked a subcategory or main category that fit my shop AND had an editor who updated the listings on a regular basis. I am open to suggestions.

&gt;&gt;Had I known what I know now I would have picked a subcategory or main category that fit my shop AND had an editor who updated the listings on a regular basis. I am open to suggestions. &lt;&lt;

Well, here it is: Don't depend on an ODP listing to make or break your business model. There's a pretty good chance that your site listing would have been shuttled back to where it is now if you had tried the spaghetti approach (meaning trying to "see if it sticks").

Are you locally based somewhere --&gt; do you have a storefront where you actually sell stuff to "real" customers? A regional listing may not be out of the question.

Merry Christmas, sort of. I went through all of the unreviewed sites and deleted a lot of nonworking ones and moved a few missubmitted ones. There is much less there than before, so maybe if someone else comes along your site will get listed sooner than you had been led to believe.

<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thank you very, very much. Merry Xmas to you, too!
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