Humans Don't do it better.


Mar 21, 2007
Scalable algorithms do it much better.

At this point, I couldn't really care cause I've lost faith in this thing called Dmoz.
For over a year, I've tried to submit my site <url removed> to dmoz repeatedly without luck.

I decided to become an editor, and just got my application denied.

Common reasons of being denied, a)poor quality sites, b)self promotion, c)out of scope, etc, etc, etc.

Yea right, poor quality site, u look at my site and tell me it's a poor quality site.

It is entirely custom coded with algorithms I learned while getting my Computer Science Degree from the University of Maryland at College Park.

Heck, u time it, and the pages load faster then dmoz pages. (and no, there not being cached by any proxies)

It's a much much higher quality site then some of the sites listed in the category where I suggested it.

And I see other sites, which I know are much lower in quality popping up in my category every now and then.

That's why humans don't do it better.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm presuming you didn't actually expect a reply but just wanted to have a little rant. So, thanks for sharing. :D


Jan 17, 2006
Has it ever occurred to you that using the editor application process to suggest your own site might fall into the category b) self promotion?


Mar 21, 2007
griffinn said:
Has it ever occurred to you that using the editor application process to suggest your own site might fall into the category b) self promotion?

Yea, but don't you think that 1 year & 4 attempts is enough time waiting to get a site submitted. :p

In my site, the max waiting time is 24 hours. :eek: I go by the honor system and the sites which don't meet our guidelines, are removed, with reasons of deletion and an opportunity of resubmitting.

The entire process automated, except for the part of giving the reasons of deleting their site.


Sep 5, 2006
Have checked rapidly one randomly choosen cat - Home » Home & Gardening » Gardening

I found 11 subcats with 13 listings in all of them...
Is this valuable content to be listed in ODP?

Still believe that humans do it better :)


Mar 21, 2007
Budalata said:
Have checked rapidly one randomly choosen cat - Home » Home & Gardening » Gardening

I found 11 subcats with 13 listings in all of them...
Is this valuable content to be listed in ODP?

Still believe that humans do it better :)

Why don't u check my category,

Business >> Small Business >> Directories

Then click on some of the sites u've got listed there,

Then do a comparision of my site with what you have listed? :rolleyes:


Sep 5, 2006
Let we dont forget that this is not place for arguing.
I just gave you one reason for not listing your site.
About your cat - Business >> Small Business >> Directories - I cant find it...

Will end this discussion wishing you success with your directory.


Mar 21, 2007
Budalata said:
Let we dont forget that this is not place for arguing.
I just gave you one reason for not listing your site.
About your cat - Business >> Small Business >> Directories - I cant find it...

Will end this discussion wishing you success with your directory.

I'm not arguing, just debating. and proving the fact that humans don't do it better.

Now ur an editor, and ur tell me there are 13 listings total. in the Home & Garden category. (being a reason, for not listing my site)

Did u notice the big message, about 20 pixels down,

Note: There may be more listings in this category on the next page. To view them, please scroll down.

Now if u had noticed that, then u would have scrolled down and then found the rest of the listings on subsequent pages.

Think again.


Mar 21, 2007
Were off to a little bit of misinterpretation here.

When u mentioned the Home & Gardening cat, I thought it was a dmoz cat.

Thats why i replied with the 'my cat' reply, being the cat in 'dmoz' where my site belongs or should be listed.

The Home & Gardening category which u supposedly reviewed on my site DOES have way more then 13 listings. (if that is a reason for not listing my site)

There is a big message there telling the viewers to scroll down.

Premium & Premium featured listings come first, free listings come on subsequent pages.

The business >> small business >> directories cat which I was talking about is a DMOZ cat.

I was just giving u a comparision of if u go to that cat, click on the sites which u have listed (in DMOZ) and compare it with mine, u will surely see that mine is a high quality site.

Some of the sites u have listed are under construction, some are not small business directories and some are general in nature.


Mar 21, 2007
Budalata said:
Have checked rapidly one randomly choosen cat - Home » Home & Gardening » Gardening

I found 11 subcats with 13 listings in all of them...
Is this valuable content to be listed in ODP?

Still believe that humans do it better :)

I would check again, cause there are way more then 13 listings in there. There's a message under each subcat telling u to scroll down to go to the next page where the free listings are.

John Nagle

Apr 12, 2007
andyboy said:
At this point, I couldn't really care cause I've lost faith in this thing called Dmoz.
For over a year, I've tried to submit my site <url removed> to dmoz repeatedly without luck.
Yea right, poor quality site, u look at my site and tell me it's a poor quality site.

DMOZ editors are doing a good job. That site is all ads.


Mar 21, 2007
No it's not, I only got 13 - 15 ads in the entire site.

You can count them too.

Compare the the hundreds that botw and 1000s that has.

Look here, <URL Removed> listed in dmoz, under construction.

I could give u alot more urls but i don't really care.

Plus we are getting over 250 visitors a day, without being listed in any major directories, and the traffic keeps going up.

You go to digital point forums, fork out around $500, and they will do an excellent job and list your site in a week.

It's no secret ok.

I myself run a directory and know what's up and what's not.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Discussions of specific sites are inappropriate in this forum. In general, broad directories need to have significant amount of content in the form of listings in order to be listed. Editors aren't going to check every single category -- if by checking randomly they find mostly nearly empty categories, then the directory doesn't have sufficient content to be listed at that time. It doesn't mean it won't be listable in the future, just that it needs time to mature first.


Mar 21, 2007
motsa said:
Discussions of specific sites are inappropriate in this forum. In general, broad directories need to have significant amount of content in the form of listings in order to be listed. Editors aren't going to check every single category -- if by checking randomly they find mostly nearly empty categories, then the directory doesn't have sufficient content to be listed at that time. It doesn't mean it won't be listable in the future, just that it needs time to mature first.

Actually, as a computer guy, I'm just trying to clear up this misconception that humans do it better and have a site which I can use as an example.

In general, broad directories need to have significant amount of content in the form of listings in order to be listed.

Actually, the site referenced has almost the same, if not higher category to listing ratio then dmoz.

Editors aren't going to check every single category -- if by checking randomly they find mostly nearly empty categories, then the directory doesn't have sufficient content to be listed at that time. It doesn't mean it won't be listable in the future, just that it needs time to mature first.

Never should, but an editor in his particular category should be able to spot a quality site without much effort. And seeing some sites pop up in nearby categories which I think are not really even close to a match to mine starts to make me wonder whats going on.

I myself am an editor at JoeAnt, and my site was accepted there long, long ago without any problems, actually was commended, cause it stood out from a crowd.

So I don't think I quite agree with the fact that humans do it better. Scalable algorithms, procedures and processes do the job faster and error free.

Humans are biased, sometimes they are in a bad mood, sometimes lazy and so on.

I mean I think I'm making a valid point. We rely on computers for just about everything, how can humans do it better?


Jan 26, 2004
andyboy said:
You go to digital point forums, fork out around $500, and they will do an excellent job and list your site in a week.
Thats a lie and you know it. Please provide one eg where this has happened.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Actually, the site referenced has almost the same, if not higher category to listing ratio then dmoz.
Since we don't review specific sites here, we patently can't address that particular assertion, can we. :D

So I don't think I quite agree with the fact that humans do it better.
That's fine. You don't have to. It's a free world. There's room enough for everyone. Given that you don't think much of the ODP, though, I wouldn't expect your lack of listing there would be of such a concern to you.


Mar 21, 2007
motsa said:
Since we don't review specific sites here, we patently can't address that particular assertion, can we. :D

That's fine. You don't have to. It's a free world. There's room enough for everyone. Given that you don't think much of the ODP, though, I wouldn't expect your lack of listing there would be of such a concern to you.

Well again, we're not reviewing 1 site here or whether it would be of concern to me or not.

Plus, it would be 1 less site for aol search viewers to look at :p

I think I pretty much proved my point. 'Humans don't do it better'


May 9, 2006
Then why are you an editor for JoeAnt as you have claimed in another thread, if you don't think humans do it better.

JoeAnt is a appears human directory.

It appears any one can become an editor their as well as long as they follow the submission guide lines.

How will there be quality when Editors are not screened

I applied to Dmoz I too was rejected, so what. My motive for applying was not to get my site submitted. I am now working on another application and I am reviewing categories to get better.

Yes my site did make it to Dmoz and I thank every one involved, this has not stopped me from applying again

I did not have to pay any one and would not have either.

Give these editors a break!

You think editors don’t know or see what's going on, I see them in many of the forums not saying much and you would never know they were editors unless you were reading here.

They are, and they do catch bad apples, I remember Jim and another editor caught something and put an end to it last year. I don’t remember the exact reason or what happened. All I know was the editor in question was gone - history and so was the page involved their name was never mentioned and nothing more was ever said.

One thing to know if your an editor and your caught your gone and there is proof of that here in the resource-zone.

Every one knows you want your site listed.

Meet the Dmoz requirments and you will have the same chance as every one else has.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Well again, we're not reviewing 1 site here or whether it would be of concern to me or not.
Given that you keep bringing up your site and how listable you feel it is, it would seem that 1 site is of concern to you. I'm just sayin'...


Mar 21, 2007
Hey, can get a re-evaluation of my site.

We finished the polls and added a proprietary business search among alot of other things..

You won't find anything that you see on my site anywhere else on the web cause it's custom made.

its <url removed>

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.