Funny how you keep bringing everything back to your site. The long and short of it is that, if your site is listable, then I'm sure someone will list it eventually. You can write and write until your fingers cramp here and that won't make that happen any more quickly.
Actually my fingers won't cramp and if u remember me mentioning, I myself also have a community based on directories & webmasters and can type quite fast.
Chaos asked me for a suggestion, and I gave him an intelligent logical one.
You can have any editorial procedure that you like, but going by your social contract and your current editorial process,they are at odds of one another.
Like I mentioned in a previous post, you have created a framework where editors can supplement their income.
And that is the prime reason why quality sites tend to get listed as you mentioned.
if your site is listable, then I'm sure someone will list it eventually. You can write and write until your fingers cramp here and that won't make that happen any more quickly.
Not just for my site, but alot of others as well.
As for evidence, I pointed you where to look a few months ago and that should get you in the right direction.
I mean if u created a free editorial process, then obviously there should also be a checks & balances process within as well which secretly monitors the activity of editors.