I am tired of submitting.


Apr 16, 2007
Hi all,

I am the designer and administrator of a real estate system providing properties in the South Eastern coast of Turkey. The system has 14 independent agents and some sales agent which are using same database on independent web sites. I tried to submit the local agents to local areas, sales agents to turkey real estate directories. Of course I read the texts in dmoz before suggesting. I kept the explanations short and simple. All those web sites are web sites of real companies with the contact info written on the "Contact Us" pages. But no results. I have never seen such a thing in my life. What I am thinking is now, dmoz do not care how much effort the people spending to make, publish and promote the web sites. I've been ignored maybe a hundred times. Each time I read the basics written in dmoz texts with patience. But I give up now. I hope someone from Dmoz reads it happy with the result.

Best Regards


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I've been ignored maybe a hundred times.
By this, do you mean that you've made more than 100 suggestions? Assuming you have far less than 100 independent sites, that would mean that you've suggested the same site on several occaisions.

If this is the case, then presumably you missed this bit of the submission instructions:
"http://dmoz.org/add.html" said:
Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites. Disguising your submission and submitting the same URL more than once is not permitted.

It also looks like you may be under the impression that the ODP exists to provide free links to sites submitted by webmasters. This is not the case. Volunteer editors work to build a useful directory for ordinary web surfers. Public suggestions are just one source of sites to review and add. Adding new websites is not the only task in maintaining a large directory. You can find out more at: http://dmoz.org/about.html

While we do sympathize with people who are upset by the time they have to wait to 'get listed', you have to understand that listing sites quickly at the behest of their owners is not part of our mission. We do aim to look at all suggested sites eventually, but given the large number of suggestions we get, and the finite number of volunteer editors we have it may take some time. There's more information in our FAQ at http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/faq.php?faq=odp#faq_faq_site_questions


Apr 16, 2007
Nope. In a year time maybe once in every 3 months I tried to submit 20 web sites separately. I am counting each site as a separate submission and in a year time if you think i did this 4 times it becomes 80. So basicly I was not doing submission flood. Believe me I've read those submission rules of Dmoz enough. I lost all my expectations to be in this directory. I respect the concept and idea but on the other hand trying according to the written text and even not getting automated message made me nervous. Maybe I just wanted someone from Dmoz hear me. That's all.
Apr 16, 2007
I agree

Just to voice my own frustration - I've found my experience to be the same as yours, telmessos.

I recognise the ethos of the DMOZ project, and do think that it's a worthwhile endeavour. However, submitting to the directory is a complete "black box" - the submitter has no idea if or when their site will be listed, and if not, why not.

The sites I submit are all professional, authoritative websites - and yet they've never been listed.


Nov 7, 2006
What you're really asking for is help to get your sites listed. If they aren't sites that we find useful with unique content for the web surfer, then you want us to give you the details so that you can perhaps change the sites content (at least temporarily)to something we'd find acceptable.

So, what you really want is for us to become your partner in website building, something we can't and won't do.

We don't judge the worthiness or unworthiness of the companies/businesses/entities themselves, we review website suggestions for unique content. We are also not the web police, our function starts and ends with the website itself, nothing more.

We also don't judge a websites size or the sophistication of it's design, only the unique content that may or may not be there for the web surfer looking for the specific information they're interested in.

As far as if or when a site suggestion will be found useful and acceptable to list, it would change nothing for a submitter to know those things, even if we were inclined to spend our resources answering those questions, which we aren't.

What it would do, is give some of our less than honest submitters, more knowledge in their attempts at spamming the Directory with multiple copies of the same site for the benefit of their paying customers, to the detrimate of honest submitters like yourselves.

So, how we operate is as much for your own protection, as it is for the integrity of the Directory itself and the web surfers whom we attempt to be of service to. :D


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
This is a voluntary organisation. Editors edit where and when they wish within the scope of their permissions. There is no scheduling system to force an editor to work in a particular area at a particular time. Neither is there any queuing system. Editors are free to work on listing suggestions in any order that they wish or even to ignore them completely and use other methods to find useful websites.

Our ~7000 editors have a very broad range of interests between them and could be said to cover most of the interests of the surfing population. If none of them wants to work in a particular category, there may well be a conclusion to be drawn.

There's no point in making multiple listing suggestions for the same website. Other than during the great crash last October, they don't expire and we don't discard them.

If the first listing suggestion hasn't yet been processed, any subsequent one overwrites its predecessor. For the webmaster wanting to change his listing suggestion, this is a good feature. For the impatient webmaster however, this can be counter-productive if some editor stops by and processes the listing suggestions in a category in date order - but only has time to do half of them.

If the first listing suggestion has been declined, it's because the website isn't listable. You can check for yourself whether or not your site is listable by studying this section of our editor guidelines. No amount of subsequent listing suggestions will magically make it listable. We also have real estate specific guidelines.

Quite often, a listing suggestion is moved to a different category for further evaluation (and further delay). That's why it can be beneficial to suggest your website to the right category to begin with.

Oh, and what crowbar said whilst I was busy typing.
Apr 16, 2007
Understandable, but..

I fully understand what you are both saying - however:
1) I'm not looking for you to help me build the website - while editors are volunteers and have plenty of work to get through, I was simply saying that its frustrating to never get listed, and to never know why;
2) The uniqueness and relevancy of the site's content is clearly important - why else would you want to list it - but, to be honest, I think the sites I submitted are. They are typically thematic, ad-free, and contain a fair bit of information. While they are private-sector based, there are informative elements to them.


Nov 7, 2006
And I sympathize and fully understand your frustrations. I don't find your concerns to be unreasonable, from the outside looking in, but there are very good reasons why we're forced to operate in a certain way, I'm afraid.

If it's any consolation at all, many of us feel the same way that you do, we hear you, and we wish there was an effective way that we could respond, but, there just isn't (other than trying to explain that our goals are much different than the goals of a listing service might be, which is not what we are) , :) .
Apr 16, 2007
Fair enough

Well, you can't say fairer than that Crowbar :)

Mind you - I still hold out some hope of getting a site listed.. someday :)


Apr 16, 2007
What I am saying is my web site contents were also unique and category related. Ok I understand that this organisation is not an organisation made for earning money and the editors are volunteers. That's fine. but if DMOZ do not put even a simple script telling about the submitted site is in process of being checked by an editor. People will know what's going on. Stop re-submiting the pages. We submit and wait for months and months. 2-3 editors can easily look after and take care of Turkey - Real Estate section entries. Because I know that there are app. 1000 real estate agents (half of them even don't know what DMOZ is) , and let's say another 1000 of them are websites which are advertising the properties of the agents. 2000 web sites. If there was a page where people can watch site status there wouldn't be resubmissions and everything would be easier.

This is a non-commercial organisation. I am ok with that. But many commercial organisations get content from DMOZ. And our rivals are always one step forward comparing to us.

Put yourself on our position:
1)After doing everything as explained in DMOZ
2)Spending and waiting nearly a year.
3) Don't see anything about our submissions(We don't know if they are deleted or in progress of check.)

It is not nice position. I am working for a company and can't explain my boss why our sites are still not in DMOZ and the search systems which get info from DMOZ after a year time. Am I wrong?

What my idea is, commercial or non-commercial, with volunteers or with paid editors, a system became this big, must sort out these problems.

I am sorry to bother everybody. But I've been trying so hard for more than a year. So full with these feelings.




Nov 7, 2006
I understand, Ceyhun, I'm sorry and we hear you. Thank you for making your situation known to us. At least you have a voice here.


Jun 8, 2005
Put yourself on our position:
1)After doing everything as explained in DMOZ
2)Spending and waiting nearly a year.
3) Don't see anything about our submissions(We don't know if they are deleted or in progress of check.)

It is not nice position. I am working for a company and can't explain my boss why our sites are still not in DMOZ and the search systems which get info from DMOZ after a year time. Am I wrong?
You can explain to your boss why the sites are not in the directory - it's really quite simple:
1) The site has not been reviewed yet; or
2) The site does not meet the standards.

You know the answer - I don't (since I haven't looked at your site).

Now put yourself in my position. I review websites for categories that I'm interested in (and sometimes in categories that I don't give a xxxx about :p , but I feel like I'm making the directory a better place by doing it). In addition to that tiny piece of my life, I have a full time job (24/7/365 - active duty military), I'm a grandmother, I have other hobbies, and I like to eat and sleep like most other people. Today for example, while I was at the Post Exchange waiting for the nutrition store to open, I went online and processed six update requests. Now I'm reading forums, and tonight after dinner, I'll finish a task I started yesterday (changing a host URL for about 40 listings - not an area of my interest but something that needs doing), before I pack my computer away for a plane trip.

What can I give up for you? Nothing that I don't want to give up. Sorry - but this (editing) is my hobby, my time away from thinking about the real life that made me leave my two year old granddaughter - who I won't see until she's three (assuming I'm lucky enough to not run into a mortor attack or something). Can you put yourself in my position? I don't think you want to.


Nov 7, 2006
I'm a Vietnam vet, so thank you for serving, grandmaw, I truely do appreciate you, :D , though I think you're probably much better trained than we were. Semper Fi


Apr 13, 2004
My site hasnt been listed in 3 years....

jimnoble said:
Do nothing accomplish everything is something I've tried to live by...It doesnt mean be lazy but it does mean..time will come at its own pace...no need to push or prod.

I have waited and waited to get listed on DMOZ. My client site <url removed> is just not getting listed. I heard that DMOZ had a crash and i did have an editor tell me that he never sees it come in...Does anyone have any feedback on this?:confused:


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
No, we don't, since we stopped doing site suggestion status checks 2 years ago.


Apr 13, 2004
Im not looking for site suggesstions

Im looking for reasons why my site is being ignored. How come such a simple question gets such a cold shut our reply. :rolleyes:


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Im not looking for site suggesstions
Erm, you've misunderstood. What non-editors like to refer to as "site submissions", editors call "site suggestions", as in you suggest your site rather than submit it to us for potential listing.
How come such a simple question gets such a cold shut our reply.
It's not a cold shut out. We can't give you specific reasons why your site hasn't been reviewed without giving a status check. If you'd like conjecture instead, well, the usual reason why a listable site isn't listed yet is simply that no one has gotten around to reviewing it yet. It's as simple as that.


Apr 13, 2004
makes no sense

I can understand that a site has not been reviewed. But when a section has an editor and that editor keeps telling me that the site is just not comming through for editing then i have to question if theres something wrong with the submission link. He has had me submit the site three times and still does not see it comming through.:(
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