I personally feel that dmoz is a fixed directory.


Nov 23, 2004
princepatel said:
<url removed> shows dmoz logo with netscape copyrights notice.

Attribution Requirement. As a material condition of this Open Directory License, you must provide the below applicable attribution statements on (1) all copies of the Open Directory, in whole or in part, and derivative works thereof which are either distributed (internally or otherwise) or published (made available on the Internet and/or internally over any internal network/intranet or otherwise), whether distributed or published electronically, on hard copy media or by any other means, and (2) on any program/web page from which you directly link to/access any information contained within the Open Directory, in whole or in part, or any derivative work thereof:

1. If the Open Directory in whole or in part, or any derivative work thereof, is made available via the Internet or internal network/intranet and/or information contained therein is directly accessed or linked via the Internet or internal network/intranet then you must provide the appropriate Netscape attribution statement as described in the page(s) at the URL(s): http://dmoz.org/become_an_editor.
2. If the Open Directory in whole or in part, or any derivative work thereof, is made available on any hard copy media (e.g., CD-ROM, diskette), you must place on the packaging a notice providing Netscape attribution as described in the page(s) at the URL(s): http://dmoz.org/become_an_editor. If there is no `packaging', the previous attribution notice should be placed conspicuously such that it would be reasonably viewed by the recipient of the Open Directory.
3. If you are using or distributing the Open Directory in modified form (i.e., with additions or deletions), you must include a statement indicating you have made modifications to it. Such statement should be placed with the attribution notices required by Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above.


May 28, 2006
i have removed my content from dmoz directory

<url removed> i have removed my banners and backlinks...
i think now this is the default template... cannot go wrong this time :)


Nov 23, 2004
princepatel said:
<url removed> i have removed my banners and backlinks...
i think now this is the default template... cannot go wrong this time :)

Dude :

The content of this directory is based on the Open Directory and may have been modified by us.


Jan 21, 2003
lmocr]Read [URL="http://dmoz.org/become_an_editor/ said:
this page[/URL"] and do what it says.

I think he does not like reading, he is more the "try and error" type of webmaster :D


Jan 21, 2003
princepatel said:
i removed everything else but the dmoz default script

It is not a matter of removing, it is a matter of adding: Adding the requested ODP attribution. You added and removed everything else -)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Look, we're not here to handhold someone through the process of making their site listable. This thread has already gone beyond where it should have stopped so I'm closing it. princepatel, please do not post about your site in this forum again.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
princepatel, the forum is a place for discussions (well, of specific topics.) If you think surfers would find unique content at a site, you may "suggest" it at the appropriate category in dmoz.org. That is a much more efficient and effective way than posting in forums. So it does nobody any harm that such posts simply aren't allowed in this forum.

As to the site itself:

If the best that you can say about a site is that it has great "design, domain age, google pr, alexa rating, customer reviews...", then it's doomed, doomed, doomed--at least so far as the ODP is concerned.

We're looking at the content. "Unique Content" is absolutely all that matters: and by that, we mean "information that isn't available anywhere else on the web." With very few exceptions, if a site has that, it's listable, otherwise not. (It may have run afoul of one of the exceptions. And, of course, if so, nothing, nothing at all, not even a single-digit Alexa rating, can save it.)

Off-the-wall question: has any editor ever checked the Alexa rating on a site under review? And if so, WHY?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.