If I can't get updated, can I withdraw my listing?


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

Several senior editors have already stated that the listing is correct under the current guidelines (http://dmoz.org/guidelines).

The page title IS: "Explore the Taj Mahal virtual tour"

That might be the case, but the title on the website is "Explore the Taj Mahal". Please read http://dmoz.org/guidelines/describing.html#titles for information about how we title listings in the directory.

no one has explained any organised method of appealing "random actions" by individual editors.

Please see post #12 by motsa.

This thread has moved beyond the scope of this forum, so I am closing it. Please do not start any new threads on the same topic.



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Forgive me for adding another post - a rather important question has been left unanswered and somebody else who reads this might gain some understanding.

Cornell College Virtual Tour
University of Liverpool Virtual Tour
Louvre Virtual Tour
Edo Japan - A Virtual Tour
Rieger Orgelbau Virtual Tour
There is a difference. Putting "Cornell College", "U of Liverpool", "The Louvre" as site titles would be ambiguous and against our guidelines ( http://dmoz.org/guidelines/describing.html#titles ):
Good titles
* Do derive a concise title from the site's contents if the title is ambiguous or would give the appearance of spam.
It's not the Cornell University main site that's linked, it's the virtual tour.

That is not to say that there can't be other sites listed with the words "Virtual Tour" erroneously part of their titles and then those words should be taken out. I'm reasonably certain that a number of editors will have checked that by now, however.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.