In years, in years, and in years I have never been added


Apr 18, 2006
I am the owner of Hyipo Directory.

I never get added, never told that I will never be added so if it takes years to be added how will I know if I'm added. I am tired of all this secretcy. I am tired of adding my site. I don't know anything. If I am not following at least 1 guidelines why can't I be told that so I will know and leave.

Do I have to pay ODP, or their sponsers:icon_ques

Is my site acceptable:icon_ques


May 6, 2004
I never get added, never told that I will never be added so if it takes years to be added how will I know if I'm added. I am tired of all this secretcy. I am tired of adding my site. I don't know anything. If I am not following at least 1 guidelines why can't I be told that so I will know and leave.

If you have read of FAQ, you will see that we no longer provide status checks, nor do we provide specific information whether a site is/is not listable. You will know when your site has been added when it shows up in our directory.

Do I have to pay ODP, or their sponsers

We find it rather insulting when someone asks whether we take payment for listing a site.

Is my site acceptable

If it offers unique content that can not be found anywhere else in the internet, it may be listable. You need to ask yourself "Does my directory with 70 listings, broken links, and 404 page errors, offer anything that can not be found anywhere else?"


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
hyipo, you need feel no obligation to the ODP. If its processes aren't to your satisfaction, feel free to make your future contributions elsewhere. It does sound as if, so far as helping the ODP is concerned, you have done all that is in your power.

As you apparently have your own site, you can arrange its procedures, set its standards, and build its content to your own entire satisfaction, without consulting the opinions or pandering to the prejudices of anyone else.


Apr 18, 2006
DMOZ I made a mistake

Sorry for being mad at you. I made a mistake.

I know why you won't add my to your directory.

I had a redirection so I broke one of your rules before adding. Sorry DMOZ about what happened. Don't get mad at me.

My directory abolished redirection.

The reason it had redirection is because the script that I made my directory from came with redirection now I tweaked it. I even made it more unique.

I also had it for my secure submission page and now it's gone.

I think that my directory is unique because I am trying to edit the entire script templates to match to something different, I have a secure submission page which blocks terrorists, hackers and crackers that nodoby else has, and my directory is Family Friendly.

The reason I am getting mad at DMOZ is because your my only hope to getting big on the internet. That is why im frustrated at your directory is because I was almost getting into Zeal now they are shut down.

There are only 2 Big directories yours and Yahoos. Thats why I am trying real hard to get added because Yahoo won't do a thing to help me. Your my last hope to high rankings.

I made my site search engine friendly, got rid of redirection, and brought up my link popularity.


Apr 15, 2003
For the record - redirection wuld not be a problem, an editor would just change the URL to the actual target URL.

The reason I am getting mad at DMOZ is because your my only hope to getting big on the internet.
Then you should give up now, because a listing in DMOZ will make absolutely no difference to your life. A DMOZ listing is like a cherry on top of the cake. If your don't have the cake, the cherry by itself will cause you to starve to death.

Please forget about ODP/DMOZ right now, and either give up on your site, or get serious about other ways to promote your site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
We add sites with significant unique content. With sites such as directories and forums, that means that they've already made it big. Sorry, but if you're looking for ODP to help you to make it big, you're looking in the wrong place.


Apr 18, 2006
Thats why we need competition

Thats why we need more Big directories.

I don't like it that theres just 2 because if I get rejected off of both and my sites really good I will never get big. The darn systems fixed to where I have to pay Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Now after Zeal going out it is real harder to get big.

DMOZ is for promotion. They have it on every SEO site on the internet.

I hate the ranking system because there are lots of really good and talented websites that get horrible rankings. The search engine systems are unfair. You should see DMOZ why so many people are struggling to get into DMOZ.

I believe there should be at least 5 or 6 Huge directories so that we can get big without worrying about rejection.

Thats what I have to say before I leave!!!


May 6, 2004
DMOZ is for promotion. They have it on every SEO site on the internet.

You could not be any more wrong. The ODP is not for website promotion AND it is not for SEOs. The ODP and its volunteer editors, ARE NOT HERE TO MAKE MONEY FOR SEOs.

There are plenty of search engines and paid directories out there that do list - for a fee. We do not care about ranking systems -we are NOT GOOGLE, we are NOT YAHOO and, we are NOT MSN. They charge for their service, we do not. Ours is a human edited directory - which means our VOLUNTEER EDITORS must visit each site, verify that it meets our guidelines, rewrite the title and description, move it to the proper category and finally list it. We do not use fancy bots (that can be easily tricked by SEOs) that race around the internet looking for any garbage they find to list.

The bottom line is: we are vounteer or time for the users of our data - NOT SEOs and not website owners.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


SYLLABICATION: vol·un·teer
NOUN: 1. A person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily.

INTRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To perform or offer to perform a service of one's own free will. 2. To do charitable or helpful work without pay.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"Enabling you to get big" is no doubt important to you -- but surely you must recognize that it's hardly the kind of mission that is going to appeal to public-spirited volunteers.


Jan 23, 2003
I don't like it that theres just 2 because if I get rejected off of both and my sites really good I will never get big.

No my friend, your site will never get big if all you have added in "years and years" is 120 sites.

Your site will get big by you doing what all the ODP editors do -- add websites.

How many sites did you add yesterday? Last week? last month? Last year?

The ODP is successful because it has attracted a cadre of voluntters who spend their evenings and weekends at the keyboard -- merrily adding sites. There is nothing that prohibits you from adding more sites to your directory. The success or failure of ODP, ZEAL, WebSavvy, JoeAnt and the like do not impact your ability to build your website by one iota -- and being listed in any directory will nto add one site you your directory either.

Build your directory! Add those sites. Be wildly successful! Once you have substantial content, the ODP listing will take care of itself.

If you get good enough, and you get big enough, you may suddenly find some ODP editors banging at your door offering to help.


Apr 15, 2003
That's the dilemma you have, we are more likely to list a site that has good content than one that has minimal content. We are not going to list a site in the hope that it's content will improve.


Apr 18, 2006
You mean

You mean if I have lots of relevant Family friendly content I could get added.
I will get bigger cause more submiters have been submited. I will get bigger and if i'm good enough I will probably get added.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, a directory doesn't get bigger because it gets more submittals. It gets bigger because its editor does more work. Submittals help you find sites to review -- but THAT part of the job is by far the easiest and simplest! All the real work, and all the hard work, is in reviewing, categorizing, describing, maintaining. If you can do the real work, then the dead-easy part will not be a problem. Even without any submittals at all, any idiot can find more sites in a day than he could review in a year.

Just to put things in perspective: a few of the most active ODP editors add tens of thousands of sites every year. One editor like that will have done over a thousand times as much work on the ODP as you've done on your directory.

Are you willing to spend a thousand times more effort on your directory than you have so far? For the next five years? In addition to earning a living?

If you do that, ... you probably WON'T get added, even then. Even today, that's just not quite good enough, and in five years the competition will be steeper. There may not be enough big directories, but there are way too many little directories -- and so long as people keep doing the "easy parts" (like the submittal scripts) and ignoring the hard parts, then there are going to be way too many little directories without content.

And even if there were more big directories, then the little directories would be even more superfluous than they are now.

The way to get people who care about doing good work is simple.

(0) Find something you (all by yourself) can do better than anyone else has yet done on the web. (For directories, that is rather difficult!)

(1) Have a good reason to do the work. If you want people to help you build your own website, you're going to have to give them a reason. A REAL reason. "Help me get big" is NOT a reason anyone will care about! "Because I'll pay you" is a reason. "Because you can help society more here than you could doing the same thing anywhere else" is another reason. "Because you can betray me, and use the directory to help your own websites" is ... a reason you have to watch out for!

(2) Do lots of good work yourself--better than other people are doing it. (here, that means better than the ODP and Yahoo!)

That's the way big sites get started. A big community site begins with a big personal site. If you want people to help you put books online, you'll have to do the first hundred or so books yourself. If you want people to help you collect links, you'll have to collect the first few hundred thousand links yourself.

(3) Provide a really good user interface for the helpers. People can volunteer at all kinds of websites -- they aren't going to waste their time cramming information into a site if its server isn't fast or the user interface is clunky. It isn't good enough to make it POSSIBLE to work. You have to make it EASY -- easier for people to do the same thing on their own site, or on other community sites. A good user interface is hard to design, and hard to implement well. If you don't have professional training and years of experience, you will will almost certainly fail here.

These problems may seem insoluble already, but the problem of "getting big" is, of course, much more difficult. I can't suggest a solution. (Fortunately, it's not a problem I have to solve.)


Apr 18, 2006

Sorry about what I posted. I will wait when I submit. If I follow the rules and if a editor accepts my site I will probably be submited. If I don't then I don't.

Oh yeal my directory is getting a lot more submissions, more categories (I think over 220), and a image verification system to stop spamming submissions.
hutcheson said:
It gets bigger because its editor does more work.
I am doing more work like what you said. I also changed some more of the template and with enough tweaking my directories template my directory should be more unique and relevant.

So I will see if my directory is good enough for DMOZ.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Have you added the first five hundred thousand links yourself yet?

Do that first -- then, if you ever get around to suggesting the site to the ODP, you won't have already ruined your reputation by suggestions that WILL be considered, at best, frivolous and more likely malicious.


Apr 18, 2006
Am I competition to DMOZ

Is that why DMOZ Hates me so much is because I have a directory. I noticed I never get my sites added and get treated so rudely and wondered if I had to pay money just to get in there. Then they act like I insulted them just for wondering so now I am wondering if it's just the fact I can be better then DMOZ (Competition).

I am wondering if any site that can get in there has to be sponsered, pay to get in there, or not competitioning DMOZ, or partners.

I had tried to follow the guidelines and suceeded. I had even got into so that should be proof I am following the rules. My site was also relevant to the directory. Why should a editor decide what should be in and what should not based on what they think. Why should there even be rules if the editor decide what site gets in and what site doesn't weather the site breaks the rules or not.

hutcheson said:
Have you added the first five hundred thousand links yourself yet?

Ha ha very funny. That sounds like harassment to the small people, and the small businesses on tight budgets on the internet.

That should be a rule on ODP:

Rule #???

If you have a directory which is competition to us it must have submited 500,000 before we can even review the directory but can still give no guarentees.

I am not gonna be a slave to DMOZ. Instead of making a slave why not tell me in a timely fashion if I am rejected or not so i'm gone instead of False Hope

hutcheson said:
Do that first -- then, if you ever get around to suggesting the site to the ODP, you won't have already ruined your reputation by suggestions that WILL be considered, at best, frivolous and more likely malicious.

You hardly ever add sites in a timely fashion.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I think you still don't get the message from the previous postings.
DMOZ will add directories like yours if and only if they have enough content. What is enough conent? Compare your site with the biggest 5 or 10 sites already listed in the category you want your site to be listed in. Is your site comparable with them?
"I also changed some more of the template and with enough tweaking my directories template my directory should be more unique and relevant" like you wrote is of no influence at all for a listing with DMOZ. Layout and templates used is not what we mean with unique. Content, content and more content that is what we want to see.


May 26, 2002
If you have a couple of hundred listings on some rare and obscure topic that no one else has compiled any lists for (so that'll be your "unique" site, then), then you might be in with a chance -- but for most such sites, size (very big!) and quality (very high!) are the only things that will cut it, after uniqueness.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>Have you added the first five hundred thousand links yourself yet?

>Ha ha very funny. That sounds like harassment to the small people, and the small businesses on tight budgets on the internet.

Read it again. Read it as many times until it sinks in. Small businesses with tight budgets had MUCH better spend their time by ... by describing who they are and what they'll do for money, rather than frittering that time and money away doing what's already been done better. Exactly the same rule applies for big businesses with tight budgets and it WOULD be the same rule for businesses with loose budgets, if any of them existed. And it's not "harassment", it's the sort of good advice that anyone who ever hopes to run a small business ought not to need.

>That should be a rule on ODP:

>If you have a directory which is competition to us it must have submited 500,000 before we can even review the directory but can still give no guarentees.

That is already a rule, although we have it in a far more general form (so it will be more generally useful): "NO site is guaranteed a listing." It was meant to apply to little people and giants, people with no intention of creating content, as well as hardworking productive creative geniuses, it applies to businesses large and small as well as noncommercial organizations. I'm sure the founders felt that they had covered all the cases.when they said "no" site.

>I am not gonna be a slave to DMOZ. Instead of making a slave why not tell me in a timely fashion if I am rejected or not so i'm gone instead of False Hope

You aren't and never can be a slave to the ODP. We can't tell you what to do with your own site. You're free. Assume your site will NEVER be accepted into the ODP -- assume the ODP doesn't exist! And get to work to build your dream directory. It doesn't matter to me whom you compete with, or how you compete. Because I'm not competing with anyone. And, for that matter, you can't compete with the ODP because the ODP doesn't compete with anyone.

The ODP cooperates with everyone who's trying to increase the sum of human culture on the internet -- whether we know them or not, whether we know what they're doing or not.

And if you ever do anything that has any relationship to the ODP mission, and an editor notices, then that "cooperation" may be realized by a link. But you'd be an absolute idiot to waste any time wondering about whether that'll happen or not. Go do YOUR thing, go do what you WANT to do, and ... we'll do the same. Because most of us are very little, too, we value the freedom to do what we think is important, not servilely following the priorities of perfect strangers.

You've been told, over and over again, what you need to do. You obviously don't want to do it, but it really doesn't matter, you have shown no indication of being capable of understanding what you need to do, let alone being capable of doing it.

That's what I think, and I HAVE reviewed my first and second hundred thousand sites. But how is that any of your business? And why would you take my word for it? Can't you find relatives or friends (or at least associates) to tell you you've got delusions of adequacy?


Apr 18, 2006
So maybe I will have a chance

I add websites to my directory, I will follow the guidelines, I did make it more unique but you shouldn't reject my directory just because my directory uses a script. Why don't I just take off the CNCat link on there no thats copyright infridgement just to get accepted. My website is as unique as it can and what the copyright laws allow. Why don't I take off every link that shows it's a script.

What more do you want from me

Why can't you realize with the Search Engine Friendly URLs, my own logo, SSL Submission Page, and it being family friendly you realize it's unique and nothing can change that. How many sites have a SSL Site Submission page with 128 bit. How many sites use url rewrite.

Come on My sites not a bad guy and just add me because what harm does my site do.

Also I have changed the site to and not to be more SE Friendly and less spamy. What's not unique about my logo. I could change my design but my content will always and forever remain the same. If you only allow unique, and very little sites why is your directory the best, have millions of websites, and very many categories.

Who are you the link police thats unfair because lots of sites that struggle and try to be unique have not got added. There are others that think too that you won't add sites that are competition. A lot of sites don't break the guidelines, but never get added. Why!

I always thought if a site is obeying the rules it should be added. If a sites unique or is as unique as it can why should that be held against me. I'm not breaking the DMOZ guidelines law.

>> to tell you you've got delusions of adequacy?

Oh I guess I will goto a mental hospital and be locked up in solutude or whatever it is you call it.
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