In years, in years, and in years I have never been added


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Why can't you realize with the Search Engine Friendly URLs, my own logo, SSL Submission Page, and it being family friendly you realize it's unique and nothing can change that. How many sites have a SSL Site Submission page with 128 bit. How many sites use url rewrite.

The mind boggles.

Look, we don't care if you keep your records on beaded strings and notched sticks. All that matters is if you have actual content in the form of information.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You're reading so much more into your site not being listed that is actually there. You're jumping through hoops of your own making to try to make your site listable without actually knowing why it isn't listed.

Why can't you realize with the Search Engine Friendly URLs, my own logo, SSL Submission Page, and it being family friendly you realize it's unique and nothing can change that. How many sites have a SSL Site Submission page with 128 bit. How many sites use url rewrite.
Having a SE-friendly URL, your own logo, a 128-bit encrypted submission page, and being family friendly are NOT 'unique content' from an ODP point of view. For a directory site, the content we're looking at is the listings, not the design. If a directory site has a lot of empty or near-empty categories, then it hasn't matured enough for us to list it.

Who are you the link police thats unfair because lots of sites that struggle and try to be unique have not got added.
Unique from our point of view is not always what the site owners think is unique. Your posts here tell me you think uniqueness is in the design and functionality of a site but, for us, uniqueness is in the content.

There are others that think too that you won't add sites that are competition.
Hmmm, we list a lot of directories, which kind of ruins that theory.

A lot of sites don't break the guidelines, but never get added. Why!
If they are otherwise listable according to our guidelines, then the usual answer is that no one has gotten around to adding them yet. That's all. No conspiracy.


Apr 18, 2006
Good Answer

motsa said:
You're reading so much more into your site not being listed that is actually there. You're jumping through hoops of your own making to try to make your site listable without actually knowing why it isn't listed.

Having a SE-friendly URL, your own logo, a 128-bit encrypted submission page, and being family friendly are NOT 'unique content' from an ODP point of view. For a directory site, the content we're looking at is the listings, not the design. If a directory site has a lot of empty or near-empty categories, then it hasn't matured enough for us to list it.

Unique from our point of view is not always what the site owners think is unique. Your posts here tell me you think uniqueness is in the design and functionality of a site but, for us, uniqueness is in the content.

Hmmm, we list a lot of directories, which kind of ruins that theory.

If they are otherwise listable according to our guidelines, then the usual answer is that no one has gotten around to adding them yet. That's all. No conspiracy.

You make a good point.

So it's the information that's important not the design.

I think there was a saying content is king. I misunderstood all along. You have been the best of help not like the other posters.

Well I still think it's unique in DMOZs perspective of unique because I have had tons of content. That's what directories are all about right. You know how many categories, and sites are added in there. I now can add tons more sites, and categories then before because I no longer have a mod_rewrite problem so I can add sites faster now. So in average what should my goal be in a number of good sites to submit before my site can be accepted.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
So it's the information that's important not the design.

I think there was a saying content is king.
Yes, content is king, and unique content is emperor.

It's not just the number of links, though that is important. If the sites listed in a directory look like the sites i find in my email spam folder, that's not quality content. People aren't looking for that stuff in directories, they already get too much of it by mail.

And can anyone explain to me what lucid dreaming pills, phentermine, and breast reduction pills have to do with Health_and_Technology/Medical_Technology ?


May 9, 2006
Whois shows domain was created 2005-11-13

You don't have very much content, for the 10 months, the whois said you have been around with 10 months you should have thousands of listing.

I have had 9,000 ads come and go through my site and I have to put in alot of time to make the site happen ,this is in twelve months I have to recycle the ad number and optimize the SQL.

To get this kind of traffic it takes work and the ODP did not do it for me, I did it my self with hard work.

I just spent some days screwing around with more content additions to my site adding a license plate gallery to the site, and while I did that I took a break and ran through some ODP Categories looking for issues.

While I reviewed categories I even found few new ideas for content for my site i.e. "The License plate Gallery", a DMV Page, and States Attorney page, all the links had to be coded and tested. oh and a additionallinks.htm page.

You need to ask your self how much time did you put in to the site, your only going to get out what you put in to it.

So yes the ODP is a valuable resource and I hope to be added one day, that is not for me to decide if it will or not, and screaming and !*^W#@#% wont make it happen.

DMOZ is not going to make it happen, your going to have to promote and add content.

Invest in a good spider, crawler or bot and have it go look for content, then look at the content because it dose look like you care about what is listed on your site. If you cant afford a spidier, crawler, or bot, there are plenty of open source areas to get one search the ODP. People dont want to add listings if they do not see content. Your load time is a little slow do you have the hardware to support some thing as large as DMOZ. Check with your hosting company before running a bot or spider from there servers.

You don’t have to be an editor to review categories for 404's, miss-categorized, moved, missing and etc, and you could actually pick up some helpful tips for your own site.

You might want to make the "you can ad my hippo link" on your site a little less pushy.


May 9, 2006
gloria said:
Yes, content is king, and unique content is emperor.

It's not just the number of links, though that is important. If the sites listed in a directory look like the sites i find in my email spam folder, that's not quality content. People aren't looking for that stuff in directories, they already get too much of it by mail.

And can anyone explain to me what lucid dreaming pills, phentermine, and breast reduction pills have to do with Health_and_Technology/Medical_Technology ?

Probably nothing maybe Pharmaceuticals

Health: Pharmacy: Drugs and Medications

I just won the lotto, 3 hummers and got concert tickets, VAjLIlUM, CIjALIlS,
VlljAGRA. :rolleyes:

I cant figure out if they go in the gas tanks or under the hoods of the classic car site I own :confused:


Apr 18, 2006
Sorry about that

gloria said:
And can anyone explain to me what lucid dreaming pills, phentermine, and breast reduction pills have to do with Health_and_Technology/Medical_Technology ?

Sorry about that. I haven't organized everything in categories yet. I just try to submit a lot because I have tons of submissions. I will try to look for spam sites and delete them. I want sites to obey the rules not spam me.

I will work on the quality of my content. Not just for DMOZ but for my Rankings sake. I will try to make the content more valueble and quality.


Apr 18, 2006
I have modified the directories listings

Now the Diet Pills, Breast Reduction Pills, and other legal pills are now going in the correct category. They are going in the Prescription Drugs/Medicine category and the Diet pills go in Diet Pills Category in Prescription Drugs/Medicine category.


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
These are the kind of things that will prevent a directory from being listed. If I'm looking through categories and see major categories which are empty and multiple miscategorized sites, I will figure that the user can't find sites that they are looking for. You'll also need to monitor sites to make sure that they don't change focus or go dead. Checking to see that the suggested title and description reflect the site also help. :D


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
Hyipo, you need to build a site for the user, not ODP. If your site has content that users want and need, they will come, and it will probably end up being listable.

Let me tell you my story. I'm a critical care nurse, and started a directory to help critical care nurses find useful sites on the web. It wasn't fancy, I did the html by hand. When I discovered the ODP in 1999, it was already listed. And in those early days, it had more sites than you have now. It wasn't easy to find good sites - I probably spent 3 to 12 hours a day working on it. And this was non-profit - every penny came out of my checking account. It grew a fair amount through the years, but then family health problems limited my time. I ended up removing the site from ODP since it no longer qualified for a listing, and at that time it had quite a bit of content, and far more than in 1999. A directory listing is more likely with a niche site like the one I had, but even then it requires a huge amount of content and a lot of work.

My site was listable in 1999 because I was doing something that none/few were doing for a specific group. Now other sites do it better, and it is easy to find sites with Google, Yahoo, etc.

You are competing with other sites for a listing. For sites like Joe's Restaurant, there will only be one site about that restaurant and the bar for listing is pretty low and it most likely will be listed.

However, there are thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of directories just like yours. We can't list them all, so we only list the best. The bar is pretty high for directories.

What pvgool said in item17 is very relevant -
DMOZ will add directories like yours if and only if they have enough content. What is enough conent? Compare your site with the biggest 5 or 10 sites already listed in the category you want your site to be listed in. Is your site comparable with them?
Have you compared your site to those other sites?


Apr 18, 2006
This is my last post

pvgool said:
I think you still don't get the message from the previous postings.
DMOZ will add directories like yours if and only if they have enough content.

What about the small and useful sites.

pvgool said:
What is enough conent? Compare your site with the biggest 5 or 10 sites already listed in the category you want your site to be listed in. Is your site comparable with them?

You act like sites have to be huge. They would have no need for DMOZ because they are so freaken huge they would say oh DMOZ is too small.

What about the small sites you don't care about the small and useful sites. I have to be something i'm not. Is that what you have to say?

I do have unique content. Everybody is unique and wants to have their own sites. I think Google got lobbyed to get you in high rankings. I have been refraining to be unique just because I don't want to look spammy "Well I Had It". I am SIcko of being a Slave to Google, Yahoo, DMOZ, and other huge websites just because i'm Poor. When I get big I will crush all competition. I am sick of it. I am just so angry I can't have a unique site just so I don't have to pay Google to put me in the top 20. I am sick of you posters that want to make me out to be the bad guy and the one who doesn't understand their ways. There are a lot of good sites out there and directories that do a good job, Now you do yours. I got accepted into a lot of directories I rejected to very few. If I was DMOZ and saw this cool website I would add it.

Also if you have over 60,000 editors why does it take forever (years) for sites to be added. I understand with all that people days, months, but years just for one site.
pvgool said:
"I also changed some more of the template and with enough tweaking my directories template my directory should be more unique and relevant" like you wrote is of no influence at all for a listing with DMOZ. Layout and templates used is not what we mean with unique. Content, content and more content that is what we want to see.

Well you act like I have to be something i'm not. I am not going against my beliefs just to get what I want. I am not a SLave

One more thing I am writing this because I am tired of being treated like a criminal, spammer, or not unique. I am going to stand up for myself and leave this forum with some dignity. Lots of people don't like DMOZ so my reputation won't mess up. I want to be treated right.

However, there are thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of directories just like yours. We can't list them all, so we only list the best. The bar is pretty high for directories.

Ah ha that's what I thought. Is that why you won't add my site.

Also I think the best lobbyed DMOZ. You act like people don't have to pay but maybe they lobbyed a editor privately to get in. Well that's my $0.25.

Goodbye. Don't expect me to add my site when I get huge, and high quality

PS: (One more thing) If DMOZ is that bad to small sites why not put a rule in your guidelines saying:

Guideline Rules:

(1)Must be BiG sites only. No small sites allowed.

Although you never put a rule like that because if you put a rule like that Nobody would want to submit to DMOZ and submit somewhere else.

Another reason why i'm leaving is because no matter what post I make I keep getting thrashed by the experts.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You act like sites have to be huge. They would have no need for DMOZ because they are so freaken huge they would say oh DMOZ is too small.
Specialized directories can be relatively small because they're catering to a niche (e.g. a specific topic or location). Broad directories really have to be large to be worth listing in the ODP. Large doesn't mean that they have to be larger than the ODP or Yahoo or any of the "big players" but they need to have a fairly significant amount of listings in most if not all of the categories they have.

What about the small sites you don't care about the small and useful sites. I have to be something i'm not. Is that what you have to say?
You don't have to be anything you don't want to be. Build your site how you want to build it for your users, not how you think the ODP wants you to build it.

There are a lot of good sites out there and directories that do a good job, Now you do yours. I got accepted into a lot of directories I rejected to very few.
We have no control over other directories, nor does acceptance in one directory mean you should be listed in another. It's apples and oranges. And "our job" is not to ensure that your specific site is listed. You've been given more feedback here than we usually give to site owners, though you don't like it.

If I was DMOZ and saw this cool website I would add it.
You're hardly unbiased, though, are you.

Another reason why i'm leaving is because no matter what post I make I keep getting thrashed by the experts.
You're not getting thrashed -- we're trying to explain things to you but you don't want to hear it.

Since your last post is obviously a "goodbye" and since we're just rehashing the same thing over and over, I've closed this thread. Please do not start up a new one about your site (assuming you come back). Thanks.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
And spamming the forum with complaints does nothing for you except get you banned. You've been treated more than fairly here, though you haven't returned the favour.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.