Is my category editor crooked?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Garret said:
AOL is in such poor financial condition Time Warner is ready to break it up and sell it for parts. They regret ever having purchased them. If contacts to AOL by their paying customers, as you suggest, yields no results, then they've earned their fate and it is well deserved. But I'm not an AOL customer, I'm a Time Warner customer and I know they value our business. I'm sure our concerns will be met with a fair response.

DMOZ does not have paying customers. You might be paying TW for services they provide but that is totaly irrelevant.


Oct 29, 2006
To pick up on one point you make:
We own patents to unique products, our customers just sell them, you list their site but not ours because it's not unique enough.

I've not looked at your site, in fact I haven't tried to identify it, but if this is the case and all the sites have been reviewed, my conclusion would be that the sites do not adequately explain the relationship.

If you own the patents, presumably you are a business that either deals in intellectual property or actually manufactures something.
If your site is about that business, it would belong in the Business tree (or in Regional at the place of business, or sometimes both).
If your site sold the items you own patents for - you offered a way for people to remotely order the items in retail quantities, and offered international shipping the site would belong in Shopping, not Business, (and again possibly Regional at the place of business, or sometimes both).
If you only wholesale the goods to someone else who retails them your site might be listed in Business, while your customer would be listed in Shopping.
If you offer dropshipping to your customers, you might be listed as a Business, but your customers site would not be listable as they do not sell the goods, but act as intermediarys (take orders on your behalf which you fulfil).

If both you and your customers sell the same item(s) we are not helping our users by offering them multiple sites selling the same thing (that's why they use a directory rather than the overloaded search results (at least we hope so)). Make it clear *on your site* who actually owns the right to manufacture/distribute/wholesale/sell (pick those that apply)

Please note this is not an exaustive list of reasons/possibilities/guidelines, nor does it try to fill all the exceptions that permeate all areas of life, including directory listings, but should be interpreted as a broadbrush overview as I see it.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Being a Time Warner customer ourselves and spending well over $1000 per month in internet access and digital phone services, I have a strange suspicion our needs will be met there with little resistance and the editors in charge at DMOZ will be shown the error of their ways.
If you feel that's the case, then I would recommend that you contact whoever you like at Time Warner and have them try to find an AOL staffer with the appropriate ODP access to review your site for you. But they will not and cannot force any ODP volunteer editor to review your site (or any other site, for that matter).

Now doing so has me on the moderated users list.
You're not on any "moderated users" list. Your first post was edited to remove your URL because we do not review sites on demand from members here at Resource-Zone. That is the only moderation that has been done on any of your posts in this thread.

[Added: Ah, I see that a couple of trolling posts in other threads have been deleted as well. Well, that's to be expected when a post offers absolutely nothing to the thread.]


Dec 31, 2006
motsa said:
If you feel that's the case, then I would recommend that you contact whoever you like at Time Warner and have them try to find an AOL staffer with the appropriate ODP access to review your site for you. But they will not and cannot force any ODP volunteer editor to review your site (or any other site, for that matter).

You're not on any "moderated users" list. Your first post was edited to remove your URL because we do not review sites on demand from members here at Resource-Zone. That is the only moderation that has been done on any of your posts in this thread.

[Added: Ah, I see that a couple of trolling posts in other threads have been deleted as well. Well, that's to be expected when a post offers absolutely nothing to the thread.]

I would think Time Warner would be able to add content to their various search engine properties regardless of what's included in the ODP. That is the ultimate goal after all, I couldn't care less if we ever get to be part of this club. You're also speaking of facts you're unaware of. I was added to the moderated users list briefly as I was getting the "Your post will be reviewed by a Moderator" page after submitting. Apparently, not all of the Mods are into silencing critics and one removed me. I'm voicing valid and legitimate concerns about your service which is obviously BADLY broken at many levels. Your dismissive attitude about Time Warner execs having to employ some measure of luck to get anything done here is a perfect example of what's wrong with this place. I'm going to post my results and details of my conversations with them on here. Hopefully others that have been mis-treated, abused, or outright extorted to get listed here can follow my lead and make their voices heard. This place needs a wake-up call, and I'm about to ring the bell.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I was added to the moderated users list briefly as I was getting the "Your post will be reviewed by a Moderator" page after submitting.
Ah. There are certain words/characters that will automatically get a new member's post moderated. No one manually put you into a moderation queue -- we don't actually have a moderated users list in use here.

Your dismissive attitude about Time Warner execs having to employ some measure of luck to get anything done here is a perfect example of what's wrong with this place.
I wasn't being dismissive and I never mentioned luck. But the fact of the matter is that no one at Time Warner can force a volunteer editor to do anything they don't want to do, so the only way that approaching someone at TW to review your site will get your site reviewed is if said TW employee is able to locate a staff member with editing access to the ODP to do the deed. I've personally never seen anyone at TW take up someone's cause for something like that but that doesn't mean it doesn't/can't happen.

I know that you think no one here appreciates your concerns. We do but we can do nothing about them without violating this forum's policies regarding not reviewing sites on demand or giving site suggestion status checks. I know that you feel that someone could have reviewed (and listed) your site in the amount of time we've all spent here talking but doing that for one person opens us up to demands from everyone and that just opens up a whole new can of worms. Hence the reason we have the policy in place that we don't review sites (other than correcting bad listings or mistakes from posts in the QC forum) based on demands from members here.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
So let me just say this, act like adults and point out where our submission was made in error. Come forth and show me what was done wrong instead of making generalizations about what is usually done wrong.
Now THAT, gentlemen, is an explicit demand (you can't really call it a "request") for a status check request, as specifically forbidden by this forum's Terms of Service.

So it's time to close the thread, with a warning that further violations WILL be removed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.