Is six months long?


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Re: Design versus Hosting

A note about the web designers category.

a) if you offer both designing and hosting you go in to the Designers category only (it's a little odd, but it's what was decided).
b) the unreviewed in this area of the directory is extremely overwhelming. Unfortuantly the size of the categories involved also makes most of them too large for new editors. But if you're a webdesigner (or just interested in design), and you might be interested in helping some of your fellow designers out, picking a small letter (in this area I think that would be approx. 200 sites or less) and applying to be an editor would be really cool.

ODP Meta Editor and editor of:
<a href="">Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers</a>

Re: Design versus Hosting

Hi enarra,

I've submitted my application to be an editor for the Designers&gt;Real Estate catagory.... hopefully I'll be accepted for this one! I've been turned down as an editor before, perhaps it was because the catagories were too big.


Thank you for your reply.

I have taken your suggestion to apply as an editor onboard. After careful consideration I have decided that I can spare the time to contribute as an editor for the ODP.

I have just submitted my application, so fingers crossed. /images/icons/smile.gif

Is 48 hours long?

Just kidding. /images/icons/laugh.gif I know, patience is a virtue...

Great forum, I have learnt a lot about the ODP after browsing here a couple of hours.
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