Is the editor of my category AWOL?

Capt Morgan

Aug 13, 2004
In that case, maybe a suggestion as to an appropriate category to apply for would work.

Why do you waste people's time with the "volunteer to edit this category" link - when they may not become an editor? It takes time and effort to apply!

Some common sense would go a long way...


Jan 23, 2003
Some common sense would go a long way...

Common sense would dictate that an organization seeking volunteers not limit itself where and when it asks.

Common sense would dictate that if one gets declined with a notice that the category is too large, one would then apply for a smaller category.

Common sense would dictate that editors start off with small categories and work their way into larger categories based upon experience and merit.

Common sense would dictate that no one is going to be given an unsuitably large category simply because they want it.

Common sense would dictate that there is little benefit to ODP in walking someone step-by-step through the application porcess when recruiting prople who would have to work on their own with little day-to-day management.

Common sense would dictate that there is more, much more, to being an editor than processing submissions, and that what an outsider sees as a "downward spiral" might very well be editors doing exactly what is asked of them.

Common sense is a wonderful thing, wouldn't you agree?
:D :D :D

Capt Morgan

Aug 13, 2004
Yes spectregunner, common sense is a wonderful thing!

However I think you have misread/not read my posts.

I have not applied to a category which is too big. On the contrary, I applied to one which was advertised in DMOZ as requiring an editor. It is only by chance that a volunteer editor suggested that the wait list for submitted sites may be too large. The actual category is smaller than the guidelines suggest for new editors.

Further, it was only during a status update request for my last application that I was made aware that the wait list may be too large. I have never had any feedback at all from any applications – so I plugged on - again wasting my time.

There is no need for you to get defensive. I am merely relaying the facts.

Your energy may be better spent ‘listening’ to authentic problems and trying to solve them, wouldn’t you agree?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I have never had any feedback at all from any applications
Everyone who applies to become an editor receives an answer. If you are rejected you will receive a list with common reasons (one or more are for your rejection - it is for you to find out which apply to your application). Sometimes the reviewing editor will add personal comment.


Aug 2, 2002
the "volunteer to edit this category" link

serves as an invitation to existing editors who already have built up some experience as well. If you want to be an editor, enquire here first about the suitability of any particular category.

Capt Morgan

Aug 13, 2004
Yes, thanks Oneeye...I guess I knew this - you are right, it does apply to existing editors too. Can you advise me here whether the following category is appropriate for a newbie:

If it is ok for me then at least I know that it has been my applications, or their review, which has been the problem.

Pvgool, I couldn’t get any personal comments! As my applications and subsequent rejections were very carefully considered, I will not apply again without indication as to my/DMOZ's failures.

Anyway, this is not my post and I fear it is not fair to hijack it - so farewell for now. :0)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I would say that, no, that isn't a good category for a new editor. Travel, gambling, real estate, and pharmacy/drug categories are among the most spammed and abused in the directory.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I wouldn't grant it for the reasons that motsa gives. Being a spam/abuse magnet, the category also has a pretty hefty pile of site suggestions - too many (and some too devious) to overwhelm a trainee with.


Aug 11, 2004
I know nothing of your specific situation but and may be talking in vane in that your application may have been rejected for a number of other suitable reasons, I don't know. In any event, my advice, though not worth the screen it is written on, would be to start in a regional small town that you know well or live in. :)

I have been in your seat and please know that arguing or getting hot under the collar about any subject in these forums does not help your cause. Disagreeing in a kind constructive matter may help if done with respect to others and to you.

For me, I tend to want to help people who are honestly lost, and others that are just plain kind and easy to work with.

In any case, this is just my lowly opinion and I am just one volunteer editor.

Hope this helps.
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