Is there way to see my submission is there in the line


Sep 8, 2005
Ok, I have waited for long time, and started to wonder if my submission
is still in the queue. Is it possible to make the project more transparent
to us so that we know our submission is there and whether there is
an eidtor visited the the part of project where I submitted my site?


Nov 6, 2002
There's no such thing as a submission to dmoz, so there's not much point in asking about the status of one.

Perhaps you mean you suggested a url? If so, someone will look at your suggestion at some point. We get a lot of them though, so it may take a while. In any case, we get far too many suggestions to give an individual response to each one.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
webcruiser8 said:
Ok, I have waited for long time,
Waited for what? In relation to DMOZ there is nothing to wait for after your suggested a site. "Suggest and forget" is the motto.

webcruiser8 said:
and started to wonder if my submission is still in the queue.
There are 3 possibilties
1. it is listed (you can see it yourself)
2. it is still waiting review
3. it is rejected (read the guidlines to know if your site is or will be rejected)

webcruiser8 said:
Is it possible to make the project more transparent to us so that we know our submission is there and whether there is an eidtor visited the the part of project where I submitted my site?
Is it possible? Ofcourse it is possible.
Will it happen? Most probably not in the near future.


Sep 8, 2005
brmehlman said:
There's no such thing as a submission to dmoz, so there's not much point in asking about the status of one.

Perhaps you mean you suggested a url? If so, someone will look at your suggestion at some point. We get a lot of them though, so it may take a while. In any case, we get far too many suggestions to give an individual response to each one.

This is just like play a word game! Perhaps you like to say submission of a
suggestion? Anyway this is not my point. I am not asking how long it will
take. My point is why DMOZ can't make
it more open to the public whether a "suggestion" has been received and been
looked at? Hit the Nail on the head please.


Nov 6, 2002
webcruiser8 said:
This is just like play a word game!
No, it is absolutely not a word game. It is the reality of dmoz. No matter how much you want us to be, we are not a submission service and have no intention of becoming one.

If you would just allow yourself to realize that fact, despite it not fitting in with your desires, you would have a much better understanding of what we are trying to do and what you can reasonably expect from us.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
//added// someone deleted the message I replied to but the original text is in my quote //added//
webcruiser8 said:
Pvgool, I don't see you have very good attitude here.
The better answer could be "we are working very hard on it", even
though you may not really think this way. hehehe........
That would be the right answer if we were working on it. But we aren´t.
Providing a way to communicate about the status of suggested sites has been tried and it was decided it wasn´t doing anything good for DMOZ. Building an automated tool to report status will also not happen in the near future (we can´t see what will happen in a few years). We prefer to spend our limited development capacity on things usefull for DMOZ or the editors.

Please read Discontinuation of site status checks and Why can't we ask about the status of our site suggestions anymore?.

As soon as DMOZ becomes a listing service for webmasters (but it never will) giving status will be something usefull.


Nov 6, 2002
The message was deleted because, in direct violation of our TOS, the poster took exception to your attitude. I saw that as a personal attack.


Sep 8, 2005
pvgool said:
That would be the right answer if we were working on it. But we aren´t.

As soon as DMOZ becomes a listing service for webmasters (but it never will) giving status will be something usefull.

You know what? I read this forum and sense a lot people are frustrated and
there are many complains. Do you think this a great success of DMOZ?

I don't think so.


Nov 6, 2002
It depends on how you measure success. If we were a listing service, we'd be a miserable failure indeed. Fortunately, we're not.

Our success can only be measured by how many people use our directory, either directly or through various search engines, partial clones, or other creative uses of our data, and by how happy they are with the result.

And if we weren't already a success by that standard you wouldn't care if we listed your site or not, would you?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
webcruiser8 said:
You know what? I read this forum and sense a lot people are frustrated and there are many complains.
Yes, and we try to tell them that they are frustrated and have complaints for the wrong reasons. There is no reason to get frustrated about something DMOZ is not and never will be. And all complaints come down to one point "DMOZ does not do what I want it to do".
Real complaints (that is those about what DMOZ is and wants to be) are taken very seriously.


Sep 8, 2005
brmehlman said:
It depends on how you measure success. If we were a listing service, we'd be a miserable failure indeed. Fortunately, we're not.

Our success can only be measured by how many people use our directory, either directly or through various search engines, partial clones, or other creative uses of our data, and by how happy they are with the result.

And if we weren't already a success by that standard you wouldn't care if we listed your site or not, would you?

I have changed from "care" to "not care". My site has good contents and
listed well in all search engines. I proudly say "without DMOZ's help."


Nov 6, 2002
Well, good. I'm happy for you.

That means you'll quit asking us to be something we're not, right?


Sep 8, 2005
pvgool said:
Yes, and we try to tell them that they are frustrated and have complaints for the wrong reasons. There is no reason to get frustrated about something DMOZ is not and never will be. And all complaints come down to one point "DMOZ does not do what I want it to do".
Real complaints (that is those about what DMOZ is and wants to be) are taken very seriously.

I think the frustration and complaints are from people can not find out
what's going on. In other words DMOZ are not very friendly to the
poeple who helped to suggest sites. Sure, maybe the sites are owned by
the people who suggested, but without all of them building nice web sites,
where is the success of DMOZ?


Sep 8, 2005
brmehlman said:
Well, good. I'm happy for you.

That means you'll quit asking us to be something we're not, right?

I ask DMOZ to be more open to the people who are frustrated trying to
help DMOZ become better. As I just said, without all the people building
nice web sites, what do you have in your directory? We are here in a
democratic country, but it seems to me DMOZ is practicing dictatorship.

Do you think I should quit asking for it?


Nov 6, 2002
You seem to still be operating under the erroneous impression that dealing with suggestions is our main purpose. It's not, and it never will be.

We list web sites. Lots of web sites. Millions of web sites. We find the urls on billboards, in newspapers, on search engines, from suggestions on our form, from suggestions given by a friend over a beer (but if it's their site I won't let them buy the beer), ... the list goes on.

If I see a url on a billboard or in a newspaper, I look at the site and list it if it's listable. I don't tack a post-it on the billboard or write a letter to the editor of the newspaper saying whether or not I listed the site. Same for a suggestion submitted on our form.

Dictatorship? Impossible, we're not a government. I won't even try to tell you what to do with your web site. Please show us the same courtesy with ours.

I'm really running out of ways to say this, and you don't seem to want to understand: We are not a service for webmasters. We are often accused of doing poorly something we're not trying to do at all.


Sep 8, 2005
brmehlman said:
We list web sites. Lots of web sites. Millions of web sites. We find the urls on billboards, in newspapers, on search engines, from suggestions on our form, from suggestions given by a friend over a beer (but if it's their site I won't let them buy the beer), ... the list goes on.

The fundamental difference is here.

I know DMOZ lists sites. but do you realize DMOZ owe "thank you" to
all these site owners?

You assume "Lost of web sites" for granted. The sites don't come out
from no where, the sites are design and maintained by people. And
some of these hard working people suggest their sites to DMOZ. They
are the people make DMOZ better.

But they are frustrated...........

Again I ask DMOZ be more open and more friendly to the webmasters.
They are the hero that provides so many good web site for DMOZ to be

Some editors arrogant attitude over the webmasters makes me sweat.
The editor system of DMOZ gives power to the eidtors and makes them
feel they are superior to the general public webmasters. In reality, many
editors themself are website owners or webmasters. It is sooooo
shameful they look their peers down.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
webcruiser8 said:
But they are frustrated...........
Yes, we understand. But why? Why are you frustrated about something out of your control and that at the sametime isn't a service that DMOZ is not providing?
The fact that people don't understand what DMOZ does and even don't want to understand after it has been explained to them makes us frustrated. :confuse2: :cry: :sad:


Nov 6, 2002
webcruiser8 said:
I know DMOZ lists sites. but do you realize DMOZ owe "thank you" to all these site owners?
Okay, I can go with that. Nice to see that we agree on something.

Thank you all for creating the websites I've listed. Thank you especially for the ones that add new and useful content I can list in a sparsely populated category. Your contributions to the sum of human knowledge are greatly appreciated.

I'll even add an apology to my thanks. I've only listed one url this evening. I found it while looking for an obscure nineteenth century book I wanted to tell a friend about. There were other copies of the book listed, but they didn't include the illustrations and the one I found did. But I might have listed ten sites in the time I've spent here trying to explain something to someone who clearly doesn't want to understand it.

I apologize to the users who might have found those nine other sites in our directory if I hadn't been wasting my time on this thread.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
webcruiser8 said:
Some editors arrogant attitude over the webmasters makes me sweat.
I can't help that you think that when editors tell the truth they are arrogant.
What I call arrogant is someone, like you, telling me and the whole of DMOZ to do what you want us to do.
Let us agree on one thing: we don't tell you what to do with your website and you don't tell us what to do with our website. Wouldn't that make live much easier.

webcruiser8 said:
The editor system of DMOZ gives power to the eidtors and makes them feel they are superior to the general public webmasters.
In all my years as an editor I have never had the idea that I had any power like you describe it. And I certainly don't look down on webmasters or anyone else, and I don't know of any editor that does.


Aug 11, 2004
Ok, maybe this helps.

webcruiser8 said:
Is it possible to make the project more transparent
to us so that we know our submission is there and whether there is
an eidtor visited the the part of project where I submitted my site?

No. Making the site suggestion anymore transparent will not accomplish anything for the directory and only aid spammers. There are loads of threads here that address this same question (another reason why some frustration on the part of editors).
You can already see some evidence of an editor visiting the category where you suggested a site by looking at the date last edited at the bottom of that category.
Try to look at site suggestion this way. If you found a site (that is not your own or have any investment in) while surfing the internet and thought, "gosh, that's an informative website, I think it would add unique content to the ODP, I think I’ll take the time to suggest it." How much thought, after a month or two has past, would you give to the status of the listing of that site? Apply the same level of fervor (probably lack there of) to all your suggested sites.
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