Is there way to see my submission is there in the line


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, loss of websites -- even good websites -- is absolutely inevitable. Because no system finds all the good ones; and all systems get clogged with the spam.

There's a trade-off. Basically, is it worth more to spend more time on squeezing the last drop of water out of the site suggestion slagheap, or to spend more time on other sources of URLs, to mine their richer lodes?

At this point, the answer is simple. We need to spend more time on other sources.


Mar 20, 2006
brmehlman said:
In any case, we get far too many suggestions to give an individual response to each one.

In the time you gave that reply you could have checked on the status.

hutcheson said:
At this point, the answer is simple. We need to spend more time on other sources.

Posts: 7,790 < --- I have to agree, you could spend you time better working to review sites instead of on this forum. You have racked up nearly 8000 post most of which probably tell people you are a volunteer and are busy and cant help and and and ... its really a pity!

I havent looked around much, but it seems that a comphrensive FAQ would serve this community better than an active forum. It would give you all opportunity to edit instead of posting here ;)

At this very moment 70% of the logged in registered users are editors - sure sounds like an efficient use of time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>In the time you gave that reply you could have checked on the status.

Not ethically, I could not have. Not without abusing the trust someone else gave me -- in, as it happens, at least two different ways.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
In the time you gave that reply you could have checked on the status.
The point is not whether or not he could have but that we don't. Period.

this very moment 70% of the logged in registered users are editors - sure sounds like an efficient use of time.
Given that editors are volunteers, what they choose to do with their time is really their own business just as it is your business whether you choose to take a few moments to post here or go do something else somewhere else. Very few editors who post here are doing so at the expense of not reviewing sites -- if they weren't posting here, they'd probably be doing something equally non-editing-related.


Aug 11, 2004
critic009 said:
In the time you gave that reply you could have checked on the status.

And you're status check would be the drop in the lake of request that would follow. :rolleyes:


Jan 6, 2005
brmehlman said:
There's no such thing as a submission to dmoz, so there's not much point in asking about the status of one.

Until you folks clean up the documents there IS very much "a submission to DMOZ"

"We may reject, delete, or edit submissions that violate these policies or that we otherwise believe, in our sole discretion, should not be included in the directory."

"Determine whether a site is appropriate for submission to the ODP:"

"You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed."

. . . .and so on. It's just pointless to respond to someone in this fashion when all of the documents refer to site "submission."


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Not all the documents. They are (on dmoz consensus-building time schedules, i.e. glacially) being revised to say "suggestions."

Socks Manly

Feb 27, 2006
I am now an editor. I am also the owner of a large commercial website, in fact the first of it's kind. We really pioneered what we do. My site is not listed in my category, and as an editor, I don't have any other means to get my site listed, or sped up, or moved up a list, nothing. It really deserves to be there.

Yet! If this isn't fair, I don't know what is. It's absolutely fair for you submitters. My site is sitting somewhere just like yours is. Is it the way I want it? Absolutely not. What am I going to do about it?

Wait patiently. :)


May 26, 2002
>> What am I going to do about it? <<

List 100 sites belonging to other unknown people, somewhere else in the directory....


Mar 9, 2006
webcruiser8 said:
Ok, I have waited for long time, and started to wonder if my submission
is still in the queue. Is it possible to make the project more transparent
to us so that we know our submission is there and whether there is
an eidtor visited the the part of project where I submitted my site?

Hey instead of getting an auto responder for directory “submissions” get an auto responder for the Resource Zone. It could say something like... NO.:D


Apr 15, 2003
Seeing that the same questions keep getting posted here, I'm wondering if some of the members are using auto question generators. :D :D


Mar 23, 2006
Socks Manly said:
I am now an editor. I am also the owner of a large commercial website, in fact the first of it's kind. We really pioneered what we do. My site is not listed in my category, and as an editor, I don't have any other means to get my site listed, or sped up, or moved up a list, nothing. It really deserves to be there.

Yet! If this isn't fair, I don't know what is. It's absolutely fair for you submitters. My site is sitting somewhere just like yours is. Is it the way I want it? Absolutely not. What am I going to do about it?

Wait patiently. :)

I've been waiting patiently to see any one of 50+ websites our company has designed since we've been in business listed in DMOZ.

I believe that all of our sites are quality sites and than many of them contain unique content that would be valuable to the directory. Despite this I've never had any of our sites appear in DMOZ either via submission or through serendipitous discovery by a DMOZ editor.

Our oldest submission just had its 5th anniversary of "waiting patiently".


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
fifty sites in five years... all your own content: savvydog, either you're Athanius Kircher revividus, or ... you're spreading your informational content way too thin. How is it that you thought to avoid the obloquy of having suggested "related sites" (within the meaning of the submittal policy?)


Mar 23, 2006
hutcheson said:
fifty sites in five years... all your own content: savvydog, either you're Athanius Kircher revividus, or ... you're spreading your informational content way too thin. How is it that you thought to avoid the obloquy of having suggested "related sites" (within the meaning of the submittal policy?)

We're a web design / marketing company. All those sites were developed for clients and are by and large very different from each other (we have a policy of not working for two clients that compete directly with one another). So its not our own content, but it is original content designed on their behalf.

We aren't really a heavy SEO outfit, but we do some courtesy submissions for our client's when their sites go live including submissions to DMOZ - though that's become something of a joke since we've never actually gotten a client listed.


Jun 8, 2005
So, it stands to reason that at least, some of your clients have physical locations - right? Did you suggest those clients to the Regional locality or to the Topical category?


Mar 23, 2006
lmocr said:
So, it stands to reason that at least, some of your clients have physical locations - right? Did you suggest those clients to the Regional locality or to the Topical category?

Yes. I've had half a dozen of them submit to regional categories for Las Vegas (where we were based originally) and I've had all of our clients based in Californa (LA, SD & SF) submit regionally.

Most of the rest of our clients are national businesses, so we steered them toward topical submissions instead of regional ones.

Frankly we've been baffled by our inability to even get one of our client's sites into DMOZ, even by pure accident. The only client we have who is in DMOZ submitted prior to us redesigning their site and was approved and added to the directory only 2 months after they submitted, but before they became our client.

If I didn't know better I'd say our company had some kind of immense negative DMOZ karma.
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