It seems likely site was rejected, next appropriate action?

Jun 6, 2005
Bad arithmetic

Yes, my point was the long delay in notifying us of the listing. I glanced at the June date (my join date) and misread it as the date of my post.

I was also lamenting the fact that, though we're listed in DMOZ and, therefore, Google Directory, we are still nowhere in Google search results for some very specific search terms. We were all under the impression that DMOZ had an impact on Google results. Still, I'm not as concerned about it as I used to be.

IMHO Google's results have declined in quality. I'm finding so many portals ( search within a futile search within a useless search ...) and unrelated garbage that Google has gotten frustrating, regardless of what I'm searching for. I find I'm going to other engines more and more. It's hard to imagine that others aren't doing the same. They should go public ... quick, before anyone finds out.

Ultimately, the same spammers that DMOZ is working so hard to protect themselves from will outsmart any automated system or algorithm, leaving the only worthwhile results to be produced by human editors ... well, like DMOZ. You guys really do have a plan, don't you? Last MAN standing wins.
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