I've been trying to submit a site for 3 years, but nothing happens, why?

Blade Runner

Oct 14, 2009

I've been trying to submit my site for 3 years, but it never gets listed. My site {URL omitted} wich is a {topic omitted} Portal, has been on-line for {time interval omitted}, it has a {vague quantitative word omitted} traffic ratio {number omitted} it complies with all god and ethic rules and I've made sure to find the correct category {category omitted} and I've also assured myself that I comply with all dmoz submission guidelines. Why is this happening?? Can anybody give me a reason and specially how I can fix this problem.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I think you misunderstand what we do here, and why.

Traffic is not something that matters to us, even if we knew it (which we usually don't.) Age of site doesn't matter either. Suggesting to the wrong category is something we can fix. We aren't the Internet Police, let alone Santa Claus, and so we'll list the websites of used car salesmen, lawyers, Microsoft, or the State of Illinois Court System (and what evil could YOU do compared with THEM?) We do list "portals", although fewer and fewer every year: any idiot can create a portal, and many do: but only someone with a clue can build in informative site.

So, really, you've said nothing at all relevant about your site.

Which is good, because we aren't allowed to discuss individual websites here.

However, there are some general issues. The fact that many good websites aren't listed is a problem that editors are always working on. The problem that many worthless sites are suggested is another problem editors are always working on. (Of course, we don't know which problem you're a part of.)

There's no way to get a fast review of a site. But that's not a problem: that's evidence of editorial integrity.

You called your site a "portal". Presumably that means it links to other sites. Oddly enough, that's what the ODP does also, so we editors obviously think that's a good thing to do. But it takes a lot of work (and who knows better than we?) That means someone who really understands what you're doing will review the site. (But there are a lot of sites to review--as you know.

We don't know when any particular site will be reviewed. That's not a problem, either: because it's more important to do good work than to know when someone else will do something. But it does mean the sort of question you're answering has no meaningful answer.

Blade Runner

Oct 14, 2009

Thanks for your quick response. I'll guess I'll have to just wait and hope for the best. Just wanted to make sure I had not been banned.

Just wanted to pinpoint that when I was saying that my site had reasonable traffic I did just intend to say that the information, structure and usefullness of the wasn't the issue as people liked, visited it and used it. Basically that I wasn't finding any apparent reason to exclude it.

Best Regards


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Blade Runner said:
I did just intend to say that the information, structure and usefullness of the wasn't the issue as people liked, visited it and used it.
There are numerous websites that a liked, visited and used by people that we still will not list in DMOZ.
And on the other side there are also websites that are not liked, visited or used by people that we will list.
Just to make clear that all external factors are of no influence on the DMOZ review process. The website itself will have to show us that it listable.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Just wanted to make sure I had not been banned.

And what would you do if you had been?

The point of "banning" is not to punish the perpetrator: it's to protect the editors from pestilential (useless and irritating) communications. It would sort of defeat the purpose to tell people, "you've been such a pest in the living room that we don't have time to listen to any more. Go into the dining room and bother us there instead."

So we don't tell the perp. He can keep on trying to bother people however he wants: but he'll be electronically ignored. This is a win-win situation: a rude person is distracted into wasting his voice shouting in the forest where nobody can hear him, and other potential victims are protected also.

We just tell other editors: "oh, pay no attention to the man shaking the curtain."

Blade Runner

Oct 14, 2009
What I would do if banned from dmoz??

Well, obviously I wouldn't bother about trying to become indexed by dmoz anymore and I would dedicate my time and effort to something else more productive. Anyhow I'm not actually loosing anything about not being indexed by dmoz, nothing can be lost when you own nothing, wich is quite obvious.

My question about my banning was just to enlightning myself and if that was the case, to not waste my our dmoz precious resources in the future.

Best Regards


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
Blade Runner said:
My question about my banning was just to enlightning myself and if that was the case, to not waste my our dmoz precious resources in the future.

Ok then, what of your resources are you going to use if you aren't banned? Worded another way, what would you do if you were told that you aren't banned?


Oct 15, 2009
Shame on you guys! this man is just looking to know if he is banned or not and you are all feeling like if you had some kind of power asking him what he would do!! realy this is a shame! I would simply answer that no one can answer himl about that and most probably it's just short of time issue. May be he can help joining this wolfs comunity hoping he won't become like you spitting on the folk!


Oct 15, 2009
dmoz is a joke


I Think the dmoz is a joke. No one is interested in the submitted links,
nothing happens for years... It is impossible to become editor (not a category, which for years no one deals)
Example: i suggested [URL removed] to:
This site in Hungary one of the most popular flasgame site
Example 2: i suggested [URL removed]

([URL removed] is the first or 2. result in the Google for the word: "training" in hungarian. This is also one of the most popular site in Hungary (in own field) I suggested several times, but as usual, nothing happened...
does dmoz work? I think dmoz is a joke :(

sorry my enlgish...


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
The point of asking what he would do was to point out that whether or not one is banned, just suggest your site once, move on and promote your site via other options.

t4m, ODP is not a listing service, nor have we ever promised to be one. We find sites from a variety of sources, and the suggestion pool is only one source. Frequently it is a very poor source, some new editors are quite astonished at the amount of spam in the suggestions. Since you have suggested your site, you've done all that you can do. Since you say that you've suggested at least one of your sites several times, please stop suggesting it. Resuggesting it more than once or twice can have negative consequences. The popularity of a site or placement in Google searches have no bearing on whether a site will be listed. Also, if your sites are related, it is possible that only one will qualify for a listing.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Banning is not a question of editors having power over anyone. It's a matter of making sure people can't gain power over editors by antisocial behavior, so that editors can get on with the work of buiding the directory.

So it's not an problem for anyone that matters.

Blade Runner

Oct 14, 2009
What I would do??

Well, I woul do exactly what I've been doing for the past three years. Submit my web page once a year and menwhile and not bother about the result.

The reason why I bothered to put the question in this blog was because I found it quite surprising that while all relevant searchengines, web directories, crawlers, spiders etc. had already found us and gotten aware that we are offering a good and relevant site that was relevant to index, you guys, after several reminders, had still not been able to find out about us. I figured out that either it was something wrong with our doing or that it was at dmoz where something might not be working as it should. That was the reason to put forward my question.

Now, after reading your answers, I'm glad to confirm that it hasn't been our doing who has been wrong but rather, by the tone and high level of intelectual, meaningfull answers given to my question by moderators/editors at dmoz, that the problem is to be found somewhere not to far away.

Best Regards


Apr 5, 2004
Submit my web page once a year
So you intend to ignore not only the specific instructions on suggesting a site, but also the more detailed advice given to you by several experienced editors here?
That seems rather self-defeating. :confused:


May 31, 2006
t4m said:
It is impossible to become editor /[/url]

Actually it is not. It does however take time going over your application before your submit it. I followed the advice on this site and elsewhere and took great care over my application. Hence I got accepted last week :)

new editors are quite astonished at the amount of spam in the suggestions

As a new editor, I can completely attest and agree with this comment made by Gloria.


Oct 15, 2009
Dear Gloria,
I understand that "ODP is not a listing service" but i said the ODB doesn't work working well, i wrote my sampels and i don't understand why was not my links in the dmoz database?
And why are there many wrong, fake links?
for example: in this category:
there is a link:
"Seotools.hu - Ingyenes keresőoptimalizálás tanfolyam és az optimalizálást segítő eszközök"
This is a evident spam :(
Therefore i said: dmoz is a joke :(

/sorry my english/


Apr 5, 2004
Finding one (or even one hundred) sites which no longer belong in the directory does not make the whole directory a "joke". There are many reasons why such sites have not yet been noticed by volunteers, which is why we provide several ways for people to help:
  1. Apply to become an editor
  2. Use the Update URL feature in the category, to notify editors of the problem.
  3. Post in the Quality Control thread here.
Just complaining about it is not nearly as useful as doing one of those things. ;)


Oct 15, 2009
why not?

Hi Makrhod,

You are a moderator, but I can not answer my basic question:
i send my link a years ago to [URL Removed] the folowing category:
but nothing happened...
I see there are some spam-links, but my relevant link is nowhere :(

i send my link [URL Removed] nearly a years ago to the following category:
but nothing happened...
What can I do?
Where should I ask?
I think a year long period of time... Therefore i think something isn't work in the dmoz...


Oct 15, 2009
"Apply to become an editor"

I tried to become an editor, but nothing happened :(


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
What do you mean with "nothing happened".

When you apply to become an editor you are first send an email which you must reply to.
Did you receive this email? If not it most probabaly ended in your spam folder.
Did you replay the email? If not we (the human editors) will never have seen it.

After you replied the application will be visible to the human editor. One (or more) of them will review the application. And you always will be send an email either you are accepted as an editor or were told that you needed to make some improvements and try again. If you did not recieve such an email wthin 14 days you can ask for the status of your editor application. Please use the "Becoming an Editor" part of this forum and first read the thread called "Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING".
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