I've been trying to submit a site for 3 years, but nothing happens, why?


Oct 19, 2009
I think there are two things that drive Pepole mad at DMOZ.

First thing is its Importance. The simple fact that Google uses this data is enough to make it very important for most site owners.

The second thing is that submitters get no response , they simply get nothing. They wait forever and dont know the reason why.

I guess if they could get something like a status, most of them would stop resubmitting . Maybe something like : succesfull submitted/ work in proress, denied so stop submitting/ formal errors please resubmit in correct form /banned, we never list you you old spammer;-)

And maybe at least a few reasons why submissions are denied like:
Spam/ not enough relevancy try in a year or so / not enough relevancy , simply forget about it / horrible page good content / simply a few words from the editor what happened and why he denied it.

DMOZ is important to pepole, getting a yes or no ist a thing many pepole can accept (those who can't simply can be banned or ignored) but getting absolutely nothing really drives pepole mad at you. So they resubmit and resubmit because they don't even know if their submission has reached someone.

Things like that can drive pepole so mad that they go out and kill someone.
(Some pepole only live for their webproject)

Btw. take a look at the guy who started the thread he just wants to know whats going on, even a simple : Forget it, we won't list your site would really help him.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Did you just join this forum to post your message or did you take the trouble to read similar threads and their replies first?

The forum FAQ also addresses your issues.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> First thing is its Importance.
That importance only exists in the minds of those who do not know the truth.

> The second thing is that submitters get no response ,
Every person that suggest a site gets a response. It is clearly written on their screen right after the suggestion is completed.
> They wait forever and dont know the reason why.
We also don not know the reason why they wait. Don't they have better things to do. :D

> I guess if they could get something like a status, most of them would stop
> resubmitting .
They already have enough information to stop resubmitting.
> succesfull submitted/ work in proress,
no need to suggest a website again
> denied so stop submitting/
no need to suggest a website again
> formal errors please resubmit in correct form
This is no reason. If there is an error an editor will correct it. no need to suggest a website again
> /banned, we never list you you old spammer
no need to suggest a website again

So in all cases the only thing to do is not suggest a website again.

> And maybe at least a few reasons why submissions are denied like:
These are all available for everybody to read. And if people would read these reasons they should not have suggested their website in the first place.

> (Some pepole only live for their webproject)
Ever heard of the expression "get a life"


Oct 15, 2009
I totally agree with "Sgt.Nops", and i think "pvgool" doesn't understand
complaint of the majority :(
I hope someone recognize the specific problems and does not say that the user is stupid...
and this is not an answer:
"It is clearly written on their screen right after the suggestion is completed."
If more than one year nothing happens!

I still think the system (dmoz.org) works wrong (see my previous examples, what I will never get answer :( ...)

I hope so The Google recognizes that dmoz isn't a relevant Catalog... or somebody want to make it to work better in the dmoz


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
On the contrary, I understand excatly what you (and others) mean. It is just that you (and those others) do not want to understand what DMOZ is and how it wants to operate. DMOZ does exactly what it is intended to do and the editors here try to explain those intentions. Insisting that all these editors are wrong and that your opinion is right won't make it right.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
This forum is for people to ask questions about how we operate right?

Most of those questions are already answered in our readily accessible documentation. We aren't at all surprised that many people are too busy to actually read them and prefer to ask here. I'm perpetually surprised that people either don't read our replies or fail to understand them. Instead, some seem to take this forum as an opportunity to change our mission.

The main beef seems to be that we don't list all websites immediately and thus deny their owners great riches. Trust me, that's never going to happen because it isn't our mission. If that's what you want of a directory, quite a few others can probably serve your needs - usually for money.

There also seems to be a view that Google gives us too much credence. We have no control over that and I suggest that you bug Google about it, not us.

The OP's original question has been answered several time so this thread has run its course. Closing.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.