My Concerns


Dec 20, 2005
Correct. The answers can only be "still waiting", "accepted" (no one is asking the question when he alreadu knwos he is accpeted) or "declined".

Okay then please do me a favour and give me the link of the post where a Meta stated that the application was accepted? :). Maybe it is a possible answers but it is never used.

It's like tulips in Holland a few hundred years ago

You have a wierd mind :rolleyes: , that page has nothing to do at all with this topic. Is this what you imagine whilst you do your editing? Tulips? :rolleyes:

Oh but well a long line of Camera specially made by Kodak or Fuji has just been installed.

This ment to be a funny joke? :confused:

Wierd sence of humour.


Nov 28, 2005
Okay then please do me a favour and give me the link of the post where a Meta stated that the application was accepted? :).

You have a wierd mind , that page has nothing to do at all with this topic. Is this what you imagine whilst you do your editing? Tulips?
As a matter of fact it has, if you have read Mr.bobrat's text link and it does apply to some people and clearly states A bigger fool will come along...

This ment to be a funny joke?


Mar 25, 2002
jackstar said:
Okay then please do me a favour and give me the link of the post where a Meta stated that the application was accepted? :). Maybe it is a possible answers but it is never used.
There aren't going to be too many threads on this forum where a person comes here to ask the status of their application, if their application has already been accepted. If an editor's application has been approved, then they are sent a letter with their login information, and instructions on how to get started editing. They are directed to the main editor dashboard, which is on, not New editors seldom come to this forum until after they have read through some of the information in the ODP internal forums which have absolutely no relation to this forum. Very few editors actually participate on this forum, until after they've spent some time editing.

So the only people who are going to be asking for the status of their application are people who have not received either a denial or acceptance letter. The only response there can then be is that it is waiting to be reviewed, or that it was declined and for some reason the person did not receive the e-mail stating that. Every now and then someone comes here who didn't receive the acceptance e-mail for one reason or another (spam filters usually), and we are more than happy to tell them that they have been accepted, and to send them the log in instructions - that's pretty rare.

For some reason though the declined application e-mails tend to go astray quite a bit. They seem to get picked off by spam filters by many of the larger free-mail services. (We should probably be running those letters through a spam tester at some point to see why - but that's a topic for another thread).

That being said, using the "stats" from this forum to make the statement that we accept very few new editors is not a good idea. In December we actually accepted 288 new editors. November was 292, and October was 515. We accept a lot of new editors, it's just that they generally don't run out and announce that they've been accepted :)
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