My site was removed

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Hello Everybody!:rolleyes:

I recently submitted my site <URL removed> to the OPD about one month ago and it was accepted. Approximately two weeks ago, I noticed my site was listed in google and aol in the top ten page listing for the entire two weeks. On July 12, 2008, I noticed my URL was no longer on any page listing and even DMOZ had no listing in their directory.

I read all the submission rules and my site offers custom made patented lab jackets for doctors. Subsequently, I re-submitted my site on July 12, 2008, but in the shopping > Clothing > Mens Jacket Section. I later saw the medical section for healthcare products.

Can anybody help me to fix this problem or understand what has happened? Is it possible that the competition uniform companies had my site deleted because it was ranked in the top ten page list in multi keywords (custom jackets for doctors, tailored lab jackets, patented lab jackets, and practical lab jackets)? Thank you!:eek:


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I think you were probably mistaken about the site being listed in the ODP -- if you look at the bottom of that category, it hasn't been updated since April 23.

Is it possible that the competition uniform companies had my site deleted because it was ranked in the top ten page list in multi keywords (custom jackets for doctors, tailored lab jackets, patented lab jackets, and practical lab jackets)?
That's highly unlikely.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Reply To Site Deletion

Thank you for replying to my post. I just want to say that my site was indeed on the ODP and I tracked the site on AOL And On Google for two weeks. If you look at, you will see that my keywords are still holding the first page listings. Also you can type in my site name in the Aol and Google search bar and it does still gives one of the page names "mdpocket link page." If the site was not in the directory, it would not give you anything about the site.

There is no way that my site would have been on Google and Aol on the first top ten page listings without my site being added to the directory. I know that this doesn't make any sense probably to you, but the site was indeed added and the website keywords were on the top ten page listings, "All four of them!" Exactly how I had mentioned.

I don't know what happened! But I just submitted the site again. My site has an SEO score of 96 and it has a very good keyword saturation. If you don't believe that, you can always verify them on the Yahoo directory search engine.

Something happened, my site was deleted and I just thought that someone here could tell my why my site was deleted. It's not like I didn't follow all of the criteria for site submission issued by DMOZ.

If you could check the listing three days ago from today, you will see that my site was listed in the top ten pages for the time that I have stated. I am tracking my campaign closely and this is not something that I would just make-up! Anyway, thank you for all your special time spent thinking about my question, "I really do appreciate everything!":)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Thank you for replying to my post. I just want to say that my site was indeed on the ODP and I tracked the site on AOL And On Google for two weeks. If you look at, you will see that my keywords are still holding the first page listings. Also you can type in my site name in the Aol and Google search bar and it does still gives one of the page ames "mdpocket link page." If the site was not in the directory, it would not give you anything about the site.
You've lost me there. Neither Google nor AOL search is the ODP. If your site was listed in the ODP, your search results in Google would likely show the title and description written by the editor who reviewed your site, not what's in your meta tags. If the site was listed in the ODP, you wouldn't be seeing anything that says "mdpocket link page" related to that listing as that isn't even close to being a compliant listing title. (We also wouldn't likely link to something that was just a link page on a business site.)
There is no way that my site would have been on Google and Aol on the first top ten page listings without my site being added to the directory.
Other businesses have managed to do just that so why not yours?
I don't know what happened! But I just submitted the site again. My site has an SEO score of 96 and it has a very good keyword saturation. If you don't believe that, you can always verify them on the Yahoo directory search engine.
We don't care about your SEO score or your keyword saturation. Nor do we care about your Yahoo presence. None of that is at all relevant to (a) whether you were ever listed in the ODP and (b) whether or when you will be listed in the ODP.
Something happened, my site was deleted and I just thought that someone here could tell my why my site was deleted. It's not like I didn't follow all of the criteria for site submission issued by DMOZ.
I've already told you that the category in question hasn't been edited since April so you are obviously mistaken about it having been listed a month ago or deleted two weeks ago.
If you could check the listing three days ago from today, you will see that my site was listed in the top ten pages for the time that I have stated. I am tracking my campaign closely and this is not something that I would just make-up!
"Listed in the top ten pages" and "campaign" are search engine concepts and have nothing to do with the ODP. We have no control over search engines. If your ranking slipped in Google, you need to talk to Google or SEOers (somewhere else) to find out why. It's irrelevant to the ODP.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Absolutely Correct You Are Mofsa Admin

I went and checked google index stat using their webmaster tools. My website is indexed in the google listing, but there is no information about the site. There is also no cache for my site as well. My page rank is very low according to the google web tool because there is no information about my site.

That's why my site has disappeared off the google and Aol listings. My site has a lot of information and content. I know this sounds crazy, "But how could I resubmit my content or information to Google and Aol, or can I do it through DMOZ ODP?" Do you think that my website infomation is being blocked or not read for some unknown reason? I am very sorry for all of these posts that I have done. I am just trying to fix the problem and find some answers.

best regards,


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'd suggest going to a webmaster or SEO forum to ask about getting your site to rank better in Google or other search engines. This forum is just about ODP-related issues. You've already said that you suggested your site to us and that's really all you can do from an ODP point of view.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Foul Play

I checked my robot text file and somehow, someone put:


I don't know if a robot could do this but it's crazy!!!

I think this is a lesson to learn for everybody who have a website.

Obviously, my first thought was correct, somebody did not want my site listing on the top ten page listings and they purposely put that drop code into my robot text file.

These Idiots Will Do Anything To Stop Progress!:mad:


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
they purposely put that drop code into my robot text file.
The only people who could normally amend your actual website would be you, your web hosting company and anybody to whom you've entrusted the access details.

Disclaimer: I have no clue what .drop(content) means.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
What does "Drop Content" means?

Hello JimNoble!

I had several top ten page listings on google and aol utilizing four specific keywords that I have for my website: <keywords removed>.

My site just dropped off the chart all of a sudden, "Today!" On Google webtools, it indicated the my page rank was poor and I had no content associated with my URL.

The Drop(Content) was placed in my robot text file and it caused all the robots to dump any content that it was reading or indexing. That's why my site lost all page ranking overnight. Nobody has my password except the ISP. I really think it was placed there buy somebody who has hacked my site or something like that. Obviously, somebody did not want to see my site ranking so high on the internet!

Anyway Mr. JimNoble, I am fixing the problem literately as I speak.

Thank You.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I suspect that the permissions on your robots.txt were such that anyone had the ability to change it. Either that or someone you know doesn't like you. ;-)


Mar 15, 2004
"drop(content)" is not part of robots.txt protocol. I dont know where it may have come from but it is probably ignored by any robot reading the file. A complete description of usage can be found at

PR is pretty meaningless these days anyway, especially sicne Goolge changed their algorithms a month or two ago and dropped everyone but the biggest players, and even some of them 2-3 ranks :) PR is Pretty much a crapshoot, SERP is more useful. In anycase your issue would seem to lie beyond ODP's sphere.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
There's A Lesson To Be Learned!

This message is for Motsa and Callimachus!

I know both of you have taken time to look at what happened to my website and I thank both of you.

Just for your information:

A competitor hacked my site and got a hold of my source file and was able to place an access file within my remote website. I have fixed the problem since then!

My website was not dropped from any page rank like you have stated and it was indeed ranked in the number one page ranking list as I have stated.

You guys can go to Google, Aol, or Yahoo right now and type in my keywords, "Custom lab jackets for doctors, or, Tailored lab jackets, or, Tailored lab coats, or, Patent design coats, or even Patent design jackets and you will see, "MDpockets" on the very first page!

Websites for the most are easy to get hacked by hackers because that is all they do, "Hack."

The Lesson To Be Learned here is sometimes there are exceptions to the rules and things may not always appears as they may!

Thank you all! You guys have really been a big help to me and I really appreaciate every single moment that you guys have spent working with me on this issue. "I can't thank you guys enough!":)


Mar 15, 2004
You're very welcome. Sometimes it's easy to overlook a hole that a malicious party can exploit; glad you found the problem.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Website Lost Ranking Again!

Hello Callimachus!

Last week on July 16, 2008, I left various reply threads because my website was hacked and therefore losing multiple number one page ranking spots that I had.

After fixing the hacked problem, my URL at <url removed> was later restored to it's normal page rank, which was mostly first page rank listings on google and aol. The only problem was instead of the htm. extension, my URL was restored back with an html. file extension.

So when I clicked on my site from the search engine, it gave me an error because I didn't have a .html file extension on my site. So I had to make a duplicate index.htm file page with the .html extension (index.html). Now visitors would be able to go to my site and surf it the same way. I just have both of the extensions now...

Last night July 20, 2008, I checked a lot of my search engine keywords and they were all on the first page of the page listings in the search engines on google, aol, and yahoo. I had more than 30 search engine phrases which landed on the first page listing, like: Patented lab jackets, Tailored lab jackets, Beautiful lab jackets, etc.

This morning, July 21, 2008, my website was not even on the list. I then checked google and my content was ok, I checked my robot text files and it was ok, I went through my entire website looking for hacker tools, I found none. My index file was also normal.

My website has not been indexed by google for a few weeks, according to the google analytics page. My website is also ranked very, very high in it's category for lab jackets, 100% Keyword Saturation according to Know, I have two questions Callimachus?

1). Is there anyway my .htm can be changed back to .htm instead of .html?
2). Can you tell me how can my website fall off the list without anybody hacking my site overnight?

I realize that only the OPD has the power to drop my site and nobody else. Keep in mind, on Yahoo, all of my first page search engine keywords are still on the first page. I know this may be a lot to ask for, but can you look into this for me?

Thank you!


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
can you look into this for me?
Not really. This forum is pretty tightly focused on ODP matters and general website SEO topics aren't really appropriate.

What's more, most editors aren't SEO experts and many see SEO as the antithesis of what we're trying to achieve. You'll likely get good advice at some of the SEO forums on this convenient list.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
1). Is there anyway my .htm can be changed back to .htm instead of .html?
Ehhh, the same way as you changed it from htm tot html. Or wasn't that the question you wanted to ask. ;)

2). Can you tell me how can my website fall off the list without anybody hacking my site overnight?
Sorry, you will have to ask Google. This forum is only for DMOZ/ODP.

I realize that only the OPD has the power to drop my site and nobody else.
I assume you mean ODP with OPD.
The ODP (Open Directory Project) aka DMOZ has totaly no influence on Google regarding the listing or dropping of search results.

Keep in mind, on Yahoo, all of my first page search engine keywords are still on the first page. I know this may be a lot to ask for, but can you look into this for me?
As this is not a DMOZ related issue I am afraid we can´t. I advise you to contact Google or experts with knowledge about Google.

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
What About The Extension?

Is there anyway that the OPD can correct the extension that I submitted as .Htm and not Html. I don't know if it matters or not, but if you can tell me where to go to correct that error I would appreciate it.

My website was listed as www.example.htm and after it reappeared after I fixed the hacking problem it was listed as www.example.html

Perhaps this was just a very small error on the OPD side, or perhaps somebody resubmitted my site with that .Html file extension.

Anyway, in the future, I will keep my concentration more focused on what this forum is here to do, as far as, "Questions, Thoughts, Answers?"

Thank you!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We will generally strip the *.htm(l) part off of the suggested URL (e.g. listing instead of or www.example.htm and www.example.html are invalid URLs.
My website was listed as www.example.htm and after it reappeared after I fixed the hacking problem it was listed as www.example.html
Your site isn't listed in the ODP at all. We already covered that earlier in this thread. You're talking about Google and other SEs, not the ODP. We have nothing to do with and no control over how they list your site.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
... And if you are talking about a different site, that is listed in the Open Directory Project, navigate to the category it is listed in and use the "Update Listing" link in the top right corner to submit an update request.


Mar 15, 2004
As in previous posts ODP has no influence with the search engines so I have no idea as to the causes of the behaviour of your site placement in the results. As indicated you can just rename your index page - it makes no difference to a properly set up web server whether it's named index.htm or index.html.

I'll give you one basic website tip - when you list your site don't add the index page to the end of your domain/url and you can avoid this kind of indexing specificity.
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