My site was removed

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
The ODP Submission For Inclusion

Hello everybody again!

I know you guys probably think I am crazy, but I have submitted my site to the ODP three times already.

I submitted my site today because I had my site hacked again by somebody. I know it's a competitor because obviously nobody else cares about my jacket on the internet but the competition.

This time, the hacker created a "Web Sub-Site" on my remote website. I was able to find it with the help of my IPS Host. This is the second time is several weeks that this has happened. Obviously I am trying to take precautions.

I would like to know, "If my site is being hacked," and the hackers are deleting my site from the ODP, and I have not the faintest idea how they are doing this. Is there anyway that the ODP can tell what sites are being deleted and for what reasons? Is there a deletion file?

I know I am not the only person who has a nice website that has been hacked and suffered this type of loss. Is there anyway that the ODP can let users like myself have access to any admin files or specific site deletion files.

This is a very, very important question to all the editors! Is it possible to get multi, many number one page listings on and without having your site listed with the ODP?

Thanks everybody!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
billy earley said:
I know you guys probably think I am crazy, but I have submitted my site to the ODP three times already.
Submitting a site 3 times to DMOZ isn't necessary. A suggested site will not disappear from our system until it is reviewed.

I would like to know, "If my site is being hacked," and the hackers are deleting my site from the ODP, and I have not the faintest idea how they are doing this. Is there anyway that the ODP can tell what sites are being deleted and for what reasons? Is there a deletion file?
Your hacker can not delete your site from DMOZ. Unless ofcourse he is an editor.
Yes, we keep record of all actions. So we can check if a site is deleted or rejected and by whom. And an editor can only delete a site if he provides a reason.
But ..... no need to become paranoid.
I have no idea why you keep claiming your site was listed and has been deleted from DMOZ. As stated before it was not listed. And most probably is still waiting review.

Is there anyway that the ODP can let users like myself have access to any admin files or specific site deletion files.
Certainly not. Not even all editors ahve access to all of these files.

This is a very, very important question to all the editors! Is it possible to get multi, many number one page listings on and without having your site listed with the ODP?
Having a site listed or not listed in DMOZ does not have any such effect on the search results of Google or any other search engine. Haven't we said this before in this thread .....

billy earley

Jul 13, 2008
Why is my reply thread on the front page listing of AOL?

I was on AOL search engine and typed in one of my keywords, "Lab Jackets For Doctors" and on the first top page was a thread from July 12, 2008 regarding one of my first posts that I made here at the ODP Forum.

It's funny! Can you tell me how this Thread came up on the first page of AOL when you type in, "Lab Jackets For Doctors." Who placed my discussion there under that perticular site where my website listing was originally placed?

The title of that post was, "My site was removed" Who published this and can you tell me how did you publish this on the very same page listing that I once had my URL website page rank position.

It looks like this is a post for the competition to see that my site was removed. I am quit sure that most of you know that my site indeed had over twenty first page listings on AOL and Google. I checked and recorded my google account and notice that the Resource-Zone had visited my website over 12 times.

Who was it? I have the faintest Idea... I definitely know that somebody there at the ODP can influence or change the page ranking on websites. I know that it is somebody that's working or volunteering for the ODP, there is nobody else that can delete websites on google and aol except the ODP. If google or aol wanted to delete my site, "They would tell me!"

I would like to talk to somebody in administration regarding this issue! I would really like some real answers regarding what's going on! I have the best lab jacket SEO Score, Keyword Percentage Score, and Content. "So why is my site not listed with the best?"

I would like to speak with someone in Administration if possible. If anybody out there has some real answers to what is really going on, please feel free to speak your mind.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Several search engines spider this forum and it's not unusual for very specific keyword searches in them such as yours to show up posts from here. Lets face it, you've mentioned your keyphrase here lots of times so a high ranking for this thread shouldn't be a surprise.

Bill, we keep telling you that we're just building a directory here and that we aren't SEO experts - most of us don't have the slightest interest in the topic. Please try to desensitise your paranoia threshold about us and seek advice in a specialist SEO forum. I already gave you a list of them on July 22 in post 15.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
billy earley said:
It's funny! Can you tell me how this Thread came up on the first page of AOL when you type in, "Lab Jackets For Doctors." Who placed my discussion there under that perticular site where my website listing was originally placed?
You did it yourself. It seems to me that you don't understand how search engines work. They index text on all kind of sites, inlcuding Resource-Zone. You wrote several post which included text like the one above. If you search for an exact string of text any search engine should present websites that inlcude that string of text. And so AOL search did, it found the text in this thread.

I definitely know that somebody there at the ODP can influence or change the page ranking on websites.
If anyperson could do this (which I doubt is possible) ODP editors can do exactly the same as any other person including you. Which in my opinion is nothing.

I know that it is somebody that's working or volunteering for the ODP, there is nobody else that can delete websites on google and aol except the ODP. If google or aol wanted to delete my site, "They would tell me!"
DMOZ and its editors have totaly no influence on which sites are presented in search results of Google, AOL or any other search engine.
I doubt they would tell you. Why would they do such a thing. But if you want to know why Google or AOL removed your site from their results you should ask them. Only they can answer your questions.

I would like to talk to somebody in administration regarding this issue! I would really like some real answers regarding what's going on! I have the best lab jacket SEO Score, Keyword Percentage Score, and Content. "So why is my site not listed with the best?"

I would like to speak with someone in Administration if possible. If anybody out there has some real answers to what is really going on, please feel free to speak your mind.
We can and will only speek for DMOZ.
There can be two reasons if you site is not listed in DMOZ:
1) most probably it is not reviewed yet
2) it is rejected (very unlickely for real companies which provide real services or sell their own products)
In both cases there is nothing you can do.
If you want to know what is happening outside DMOZ you will have to aks elsewhere.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Consider this a response from Administration -- if you would like a response from AOL staff, you need to write to I'm going to go over the main points of this thread one last time and then I'm closing the thread.

(1) Your site was NEVER listed in the ODP. Never. So it couldn't possibly be deleted.

(2) The ODP has no control over if or how Google and AOL choose to list sites. The only effect we have with Google is that they use our data for their directory ( but that doesn't affect their search engine listings.

(3) The visits you may have seen from here to your site probably date from when you had listed your URL in your post.

(4) This thread turns up in the search results because you keep repeating your target keywords here. As pvgool says, you clearly lack some understanding of how SEO works. I would suggest that you visit some of the SEO forums that jimnoble pointed you towards previously to learn.

(5) Your site will be reviewed for inclusion in the ODP when an editor gets around to reviewing suggested sites in that category. There is nothing you can do to speed up the process so best you just get on with your other search engine optimization plans.

As I said at the beginning of this post, I'm closing this thread. We are just rehashing the same information over and over at this point -- to little or no effect -- and that means the thread has outlived any usefulness it once had. Please DO NOT start up a new thread to talk about your site or SEO.

Good luck with your SEO efforts.
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