My Two Peneth


Nov 7, 2006
Well, we're editors and people, not rugs. As patient as we try to be, sometimes you get back what you bring with you, I'm afraid.

Best regards, :)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
This is my last post , posting here was just a waste of my time , you guys are just waiting to flame any negative comments by the looks of it
I don't see flaming. I see people trying to respond your comments. The fact that you don't like those responses doesn't make them flames.
perhaps you guys could spend more of your time editing your Directory , more action and less chat is what the ODP needs
We don't live to edit so time spent here is not time we would have spent editing. We're free to spend our time how we choose. If some people choose to spend some of their time posting here (hey, you did), why is that a problem?


Feb 9, 2007
Feeling Dismayed About Rejection

I have had my sites refused a few times by the ODP , i have now given up trying to enter a site into this directory as i can't see any logic as to what gets in and what doesn't get in , the funny thing is that i recently thought about is that i am currently a AOL ISP customer and i have been for over six years , now im thinking to myself why am i paying AOL to help fund a directory that won't accept my site and also in my previous forum conversations here has been quite rude , anyways the bottom line is that as of tomorrow im looking to change my ISP , im not going to give AOL another single penny for you guys to sit back and act like gods , and when i do contact AOL to cancel my ISP subscription i will be making them fully aware as to my reasons for doing so , so yeh im not in your directory , but then again i will no longer be helping to fund it , so congratulations ODP , your the reason why AOL is going to lose what was a loyal long term ISP customer.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I have had my sites refused a few times by the ODP
How do you know they were rejected? Are you just presuming that they were rejected because they haven't been listed yet?

as i can't see any logic as to what gets in and what doesn't get in
Each editor chooses on any given day what category (or categories) they feel like editing -- they may or may not choose to look at the suggested sites in that category while they're there (they may choose to go out and look for sites on their own) and if they do look at them, they will likely look at them in an order bordering on random. So, really, there's no logic to how sites are listed.

the bottom line is that as of tomorrow im looking to change my ISP , im not going to give AOL another single penny for you guys to sit back and act like gods , and when i do contact AOL to cancel my ISP subscription i will be making them fully aware as to my reasons for doing so , so yeh im not in your directory , but then again i will no longer be helping to fund it , so congratulations ODP , your the reason why AOL is going to lose what was a loyal long term ISP customer.
I'm sure that telling AOL that you don't want their service if they don't list you in the directory will go over really well. I wish you well with it.

[By the way, I've combined your new thread with your previous one since they cover the same topic, i.e. your discontent with AOL and the directory.]


Feb 9, 2007
Your missing the point , i no longer care if i get a listing in here or not , its not a list me or else i leave AOL , its i am leaving AOL and im no longer helping to fund a corrupt biest resource like this , if they listen to my reasons or not is beside the point , its more about my own feelings , morals and principles.


Mar 15, 2004
"wref" said:
I have never had a listing in the ODP or been refused , or had any dealings with the ODP until now ...

"wref" said:
I have had my sites refused a few times by the ODP , i have now given up trying to enter a site into this directory as i can't see any logic as to what gets in and what doesn't get in , ...

Well which is it is? You have never had a listing, or been refused, or dealt with ODP before, or you have and have been refused? And if you were refused how did you know you were refused (as it isn't feedback that is normally given)?

"wref" said:
a corrupt biest resource like this , if they listen to my reasons or not is beside the point , its more about my own feelings , morals and principles.

Since only one of the previous two quotes above can be true, it rather makes your assumed "moral high ground" about the consistency of quicksand.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
(Please note that while the directory is funded by AOL, and the few people who are paid to maintain the technical side are paid by AOL, most of us regular editors don't have any particular relationship with that company at all. None of us, again excepting the handful who are employed by them, have any mandate to represent AOL in any capacity.)


Feb 9, 2007
Your quoting posts from nine months ago , i think its safe to say that after nine months that my submissions were and have been rejected , i have checked many times and my submissions have never been added , or is this directory really that slow ?

assumed "moral high ground" about the consistency of quicksand ? , lmao , go edit your directory instead of just trying to sound clever in your forum , show me that your clever by clearing your growing backlog of directory submissions.

Yeh thats even nicer to know , volunteers that don't represent AOL losing customers of AOL on AOL funded hardware , one bit of advice , don't bite the hand that feeds you , rofl.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Your quoting posts from nine months ago , i think its safe to say that after nine months that my submissions were and have been rejected , i have checked many times and my submissions have never been added , or is this directory really that slow ?
It can be, yes.

Yeh thats even nicer to know , volunteers that don't represent AOL losing customers of AOL on AOL funded hardware , one bit of advice , don't bite the hand that feeds you , rofl.
Um, AOL doesn't feed me. I don't work for them, I volunteer to help their directory. If your leaving AOL as a customer causes AOL to implement a "Get AOL as your ISP and we'll make sure your site gets listed in x weeks.", then I'm sure they'll let us know. Until then, though, we do what we can.
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