Never published


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
At times life sucks.

I am saying in short that this does not seem to be the same Dmoz any more that I knew along time ago,

Well it has got a lot bigger which means more maintenance. Today I logged on and found that the automatic link checker (Robozilla) had run and identified over 50 bad links in the area I can edit. This means that for each one, we have to search to see if the sites have moved and try to relist them, though in doing so we often find other useful sites to add. Quality is very much more of an issue than 5 years ago and old descriptions have to be brought up to date and improved. Looking at my edit count, about 75% are maintenance related.

Similarly the volume of submissions have grown as well as the number of 'scams' we have to try to avoid. The net result is that certain areas are 'bogged down' with things moving forward slowly. However overall we add around 20,000 listings each month.

What has not changed is the 'hobbyist' aspect of the ODP. There are large numbers of people joining to improve the categories on their favourite topic, be it a band, a movie, football club or whatever. Some editors stay with the one category and leave once they feel they've done enough, others go on to become more involved.

We have had abusive editors (and no doubt always will) but when found out they are instantly sacked. Most editors feel that any editor abusing their position devalues the work that we do and are very keen to prevent abuse.

and that there seems to be a lot scams going on.

Before applying to join the ODP, I did an investigation on my own account and followed dozens of 'leads' of anti-DMOZ threads years back to 1999. I found no one who put forward a believable account of DMOZ wrong-doing and ended up being surprised to find that an organisation with some 50,000+ ex-editors had so few who claimed a bad experience. In fact it was my perception of the quality of the people inside the ODP compared to that of the detractors outside that convinced me that joining would be worthwhile.

From my own personal viewpoint, the concerns raised elsewhere really show a poor understanding of the ODP and the internet as a whole. Most of the external discussions seem based on the assumption that if you repeat something often enough (and in different forums under different names) and claim to speak for the 'webmaster community',' it becomes somehow true.

Most editors joining DMOZ are aware of the concerns of people outside that editors might favour their own sites and our biggest problem is convincing people that the main reason they are not listed is the volume of work.

How long did it take for you to get the to listings in Dmoz below

A fair question.

I submitted my site in May 2005 to the two categories (one topical and one regional) and the regional one was listed quickly. (At the same time I suggested 20+ other sites to do with my hobby as I felt the ODP was missing out). I became an editor in September 2005 to a different category and was promoted some months later such that I could edit in the topical category I had suggested my site to.

I listed the other (shorter) entry in Jan 2006 after I had added every other listable site waiting in unreviewed in that category. To put that in perspective some of the listings I was adding had been waiting for nearly 3 years but I found and added a large proportion myself (i.e. no waiting time).

Many editors feel it is 'bad' to add your own site to a category until you have made sure that all sites already waiting in unreviewed are handled first and that any sites that could be seen as a 'competitor' are also added, whether suggested or not. One of my first actions on being able to edit in that category was to review my 'competitor', find that their site did not meet guidelines (broken links) and email them to let them know why so that they could fix them. As soon as they let me know they were fixed, I listed them.

There is nothing wrong in adding your own site to a category you edit but the onus is on you to be sure that the rest of the sites suggested to and listed in that category are treated fairly.



May 9, 2006
I dont even know if there is an Editor for the category I Suggested too, and this was a concern as well. I have watched this category and there has been no new anything to it! same listings then same now.

10 months no activity.

Well after the above comment I can say I may have just pissed them off if there is and editor and they has read this post


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Unfortunately with the large number of categories, most do not have a specific editor. The editors from higher categories look after the lower categories which means longer waits.

Well after the above comment I can say I may have just pissed them off if there is and editor and they has read this post

No way. The editor who reviews your site will probably not have seen your post and we understand the frustrations that a long wait causes. You have politely told us your concerns and we have tried to answer them.

The important thing is that you have done all you can by suggesting your site to the ODP and all you can now do is to wait.



May 9, 2006
I found another interesting site owned by an editor, Bobrat looks No question 2 no question 7 Your site is loading a little slow as well you might want to set some sandtraps for bad bots and rude spiders, this might be the root of slowness


May 9, 2006
Just learned something new, never heard of it before till now. We dont have that kinda stuff off shore. And for there not beeing alot of editors on this site there seem to be alot here, and all them seem to be defending Dmoz


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
And for there not beeing alot of editors on this site there seem to be alot here, and all them seem to be defending Dmoz
This is a site run by ODP editors so, of course, there are going to be a lot of editors here (comparatively speaking) but it is still only a very small percentage of total active editors. And, yes, editors here are likely to be defending the directory.


May 9, 2006
I have not attacked Dmoz just asked some questions I felt were important.

I still have not a clue as to if there is an editor for the category I selected.

I made sure that I was in the deepest category, and they were all competitors and only three would trade links. The others I guess felt intimdated. Some came right out and asked why there customers were listing on my site.

As understand from what I have been reading that the number of editor have dropped in the thousands, why is this has it gotten to big or is there a lack interest growing.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
As understand from what I have been reading that the number of editor have dropped in the thousands, why is this has it gotten to big or is there a lack interest growing.
The number of active editors has not dropped in the thousands. It's been roughly the same number of active editors at any given point in time for years.


May 9, 2006
So when I read about numbers droping like the letters in my post, it is only limited to the inactive ones then right.

Why are there not good avitars?
Why cant a small simple avitar be posted?


May 9, 2006
motsa said:
The number of active editors has not dropped in the thousands. It's been roughly the same number of active editors at any given point in time for years.

Note on your editor security:
You need to do a name check on the internet your name is every where and so are alot of other Editors information. I had a person locate me using my name and the online white pages. I slipped up on that once. that will never happen again.

The editor policies are clear about disclosing information. you personally have leaked your information unintentionally because you are a very proud person you are all proud people.

It was very easy to figure out most of you and who your were. Through your sites and copy write notices, hidden metta tags and so on. comments on other sites.

No I am not going to post names, you all need to clean it up. I could not become an Editor because I am always in and out and would not want to be banned for life on some thing I never had a chance to do write, I will not do something if I can not do it write because of the time.

From what I read out there and the numbers there are alot of Dmoz haters out there. I do foresee problems down the road over these matter. I have read where Dmoz Editors have been harassed with emails later down the road.

I do believe that any emails to users should be sent via a secure form preventing the ip of the Editor and the Editors emails from being displayed.

I think that pictures should be prevent from being posted as they can be used to reveal locations of users and then it is simple as looking in the online yellow pages. I think Dmoz should prevent the Editor from making there listed web sites publicly known in any forums this is a risk.

Personal pictures should be banned because they can be used and compared to other sites to help locate Editors. Profiles should be very limited and all Editors should remain invisible while on line this is how I was able to gain knowledge on every one who visited this site. The profiles are really what did it. The picture was just a way to see the countries, provinces, and cites.

I really hate leaks and maybe one day you will hate them as well.

This still does not answer the question concerning is there an editor or not.

I think I pretty much got my answer. I do believe after looking through the posts I have my answer. I do believe all the post I have made and questions I have asked have cost me any chance I ever had at getting a listing. Not that I really ever had a chance at one, if there is no editor there is no chance.

I have seen Editors sweeping powers here and in other areas of the internet as well with alot of editors. I do believe some of the post made by ex-editors having being face with the same questions and dilemmas. I do not believe them all, do not get me wrong there was no one there to twist there arms the decisions for me were black and white and I believe it to be the same for every editor some more then others. I saw people get away with all kinds of things and yes I looked at everything over there just like here and I questioned everything to the point that I thought I was going to stoned in a rock pit by others and it did not happen. I do believe in their ability to make the problem sound one sided.

Maybe it wont here, I am betting on the latter though because of my luck.

You can not report the web site for abuse, you can only report the office internet account, I have been using with a remote proxy.

I have not commited any abuse.

I have simply pointed out some simple problems I have found in some of your practices. If your going to fix Dmoz you are going to need to plug the holes in the bucket eliza start with straw like the song.

Work your way up till you are truly invisible to submitters I know you all deserve credit for a thankless job you do for free.

The Old Diving Dinosaur


May 9, 2006
Here is another leak the author of the web site thought it was safe to put there name about a page and a half down at the bottom out of site. Right S F turn the letters around that is the user name on this message board I did not list the site or the name and they are reading this post right now.

This is just the kinda stuff I am talking about.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
timamie261 said:
Note on your editor security:
You need to do a name check on the internet your name is every where and so are alot of other Editors information. I had a person locate me using my name and the online white pages. I slipped up on that once. that will never happen again.

The editor policies are clear about disclosing information. you personally have leaked your information unintentionally because you are a very proud person you are all proud people.

It was very easy to figure out most of you and who your were. Through your sites and copy write notices, hidden metta tags and so on. comments on other sites.
I realy have no idea what you are talking about.
Anything we post about ourself we have done so completely out of free will. (atleast I have)
If you don't want anybody to know about you the first thing you will have to do is stay very far away from Internet,

A nice thing related to giving out information is the new guideline on DMOZ.
Is it easy to assess the site's trustworthiness?
Can you see which person or entity is responsible for it? Does it give enough information about the source for a user to judge its reliability? While we cannot assess the accuracy of every site we list, we can select sites which give verifiable information.

For example, the site of a trustworthy business or organization typically displays its official name and address, or includes industry-appropriate information about itself verifiable through a recognized third party. A trustworthy informational site typically gives its authorship and/or sources, as appropriate, and makes clear any commercial sponsorship. The information necessary to verify a site's trustworthiness will vary depending upon the topic and the category.

timamie261 said:
I think that pictures should be prevent from being posted as they can be used to reveal locations of users and then it is simple as looking in the online yellow pages. I think Dmoz should prevent the Editor from making there listed web sites publicly known in any forums this is a risk.
Every picture published here or in an editor profile was published by the editor him/herself. Every link to a site in an editors profile has been published by the editor him/herself.
Why should DMOZ prevent something the editor has total control over. If I don't want to list a link to my site in my profile I don't.
I realy don;t get your point.

timamie261][B][COLOR="Red said:
This still does not answer the question concerning is there an editor or not.[/COLOR"][/B]
Every category has many 100's of editors capable of doing 'work' in that category. Only a few categories have an editor name listed at the category page. I write only a few because we have over 700.000 categories and somewhere between 7000 and 8000 (currently active) editors.

timamie261 said:
I think I pretty much got my answer. I do believe after looking through the posts I have my answer. I do believe all the post I have made and questions I have asked have cost me any chance I ever had at getting a listing. Not that I really ever had a chance at one, if there is no editor there is no chance.
Postings made at R-Z have no influence on the change for a site to be listed (unless you write about bribing an editor, harming editors or legal actions you are going to take against DMOZ or one of its editors)

timamie261 said:
I have not commited any abuse.
Who ever said you did?

timamie261 said:
I have simply pointed out some simple problems I have found in some of your practices.
Sorry to say. But I have read the whole thread (except for the parts you removed) and have seen no problems.

timamie261 said:
Work your way up till you are truly invisible to submitters
Is this the problem you are speaking about? Not for me. If you want to be truly invisible you should never have doen anything on the Internet. And even if you did there is information to be found about you.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Back in the days when I was in tech support, I had a customer lecture me at length (much as you've done) about the need to be invisible on the Internet, how she had gone to great pains to ensure that none of her personal information was available online. It only took me a few seconds in Google to find some.

You need to do a name check on the internet your name is every where and so are alot of other Editors information. I had a person locate me using my name and the online white pages. I slipped up on that once. that will never happen again.
If that paranoia has served you well, then more power to you. Most of us haven't felt the need for it.

The editor policies are clear about disclosing information. you personally have leaked your information unintentionally because you are a very proud person you are all proud people.
The policies are clear about other people disclosing information about a particular editor; if that editor chooses to make who they are clear, then it violates no policy. Like most editors, any information that has "leaked" out about me has done so with my conscious knowledge.

Profiles should be very limited and all Editors should remain invisible while on line this is how I was able to gain knowledge on every one who visited this site. The profiles are really what did it. The picture was just a way to see the countries, provinces, and cites.
It was very easy to figure out most of you and who your were. Through your sites and copy write notices, hidden metta tags and so on. comments on other sites.
If I may say so, it's a bit creepy that you've spent your evening tracking down information about editors so that you can lecture us about privacy.

Why cant a small simple avitar be posted?
Because we made the choice that custom avatars should only be available to editors.


May 9, 2006
If I may say so, it's a bit creepy that you've spent your evening tracking down information about editors so that you can lecture us about privacy.

No I did not spend my time traking down editors I have a drop an drag box that get the information form, that simple make some selections on the information I want and I have it while I work. It took all of about 15 minutes and when a new name appeared in the bar below I just added it, highlight drop and drag.

I used the same tool for Dmoz as well and came up with alot of kingpins, complaints and issues concerning Dmoz, the fact that some people only come out when there is a possibilty of a good fight proves some facts true.

While I was banning IP's last night, I had to copy and paste the posts to fix them after I hacked them up and deleted the irrellivent text. Thats why you see times span across the night.

I did read alot last night about Dmoz and alot of the posts across this forum.

I ran script last night, I wanted things being said, "closed, no, never, complaint, etc" I am not going to list all the words I search for. It did supply me with enough information to tell me that I am not going to get a complete answer to any of my questions from most of you. It does appear that some of the people names not mentioned site back and give one word answers as if they were truley bothered by the questions.

And as far as your information I just pointed it out not to lecture you, although I have seen posts from so called "Ex-Editors" who have sworn to get back at Dmoz and the editors, this is a concern because with all the information availible out there, these self apointed revenge editors could do all kinds of bad things. I have also seen editors in some of the forums that just duck in to attack and vanish again as quick as they appeared.

Tortuous conduct, including but not limited to posting of defamatory, scandalous, or private information about a person without their consent, intentionally inflicting emotional distress.

Keep this one in your back pocket here this is a law that can help you, if you run it to any of these so called wronged editors.

google all you want on my name you will find out I am a real pain in the bla and ask a lot of questions.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This thread seems to have drifted (I can't say hijacked) into a lecture on remedial internet security. If you have questions that didn't get answered, you should probably start separate threads for each topic. That way, the people who AREN'T interested in your ideas about internet security may still read and answer your questions.

And -- on long posts, lose the e e cummings schtick. It does not amuse, and it does not clarify.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
timamie261 said:
It did supply me with enough information to tell me that I am not going to get a complete answer to any of my questions from most of you.
It would ofcourse help if you asked the questions. I reread your postings and didn't find any clear (DMOZ related) questions. Please remember that a lot of questions are already answered in the FAQ.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
This thread has strayed away from any topic that is appropriate for this site. Discussions of internet security and the like really should be taken elsewhere. As hutcheson said, if you have any questions about the ODP that haven't been answered, feel free to ask in a new thread but, if you do, please avoid branching off into non-ODP-specific topics like Internet privacy and security, discussions of your site, or completely unrelated chit chat.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.