
Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
We've added a new feature on our public pages; Sort...
It's a toggle on the right of each category page and so far has two positions:
Sort Alphabetically (this is how DMOZ/Curlie always sorted the listings, operates on the Title of the site)
Sort by Review Date (this new means of sorting places the most recently added listings at the top of the page)


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Another new feature; Recent Edit...
This is a pop-up marked with an oak leaf, which appears on the right of each category page:
Hovering over the leaf causes a recently edited category to appear, along with the handle of the editor who made the edit.
It's separated by Language at the moment, so if you are browsing a language with no recent editing activity, it's normal that nothing shows up.
The solution is to make an edit (or apply to be an editor in that language) :2cents: ;)
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