New Submission Method


Sep 30, 2003
hutcheson said:
The scammers and innocent submitters are not getting the same treatment.

Scammers are getting ferreted out and rejected. Innocent submitters are getting delayed while we ferret out the scammers.

Frustration all around: scammers furious because they can't get in the ODP; editors tired of wading through the same old muck, and wondering how many sneaking scammers they are letting in; submitters impatient at the delay.

All we can say is, "whose fault is it?" The innocent submitters who just want a site listed? the editors who just want a good directory no matter how much work it takes?

Or the scammers, who impose the extra work on the editors and the delay on the innocent submitters?

We are in a war. Every day we kill an hour or two, block a spammer or two, ferret out a sneaky spammer that got past the last editor ... and delay your listing. But if you're an innocent submitter, we are on your side and suffering abuse from the same enemy.

Dear Hutcheson,

I agree 100 % you are in a war - but not with me any many others in the same position.

If you study some of the comments it is obvious that many editors are angry people because of these morons who are trying to cheat and abuse.

Personally I would like to smash the spammers fingers with a hammer. However I would not wish to hit the guy who just happens to be standing somewhere near.

I am sitting here watching the world go by - as I see it through no fault of my own and having comments like - so what thats the way it is.

If you think as some have stated that there is nothing wrong with this - then so be it - there is nothing I can do.

All I have done is ask for positive suggestions for improvement for all the good people both submitters and editors.


Mar 25, 2002
Then let's have some positive suggestions about getting dealing with the real problem. It seems like we are coming to an agreement that the major issue are those that:

* Spam the directory with multiple submissions to multiple cagegories
* Spam the directory by submitting mirrors and affiliate-laden sites

If we could get rid of those, I think you would see a vast decrease in the amount of cynicism and general intolerance of editors. Without solving this issue, well, we are all human, and have a limited amount of patience and can (obviously) be goaded, either intentionally, or not.

There have been many, many things suggested and tried by the ODP in order to deal with this, and without doubt, we are much more successful than we used to be. But it's like everything else - the ones that want to out-do the system for their own selfish goals are constantly trying to be one step ahead.

Suggestions are always welcome - however, though, since this is one of those situations where, when we publicise what we do, they just find a way around it, it's not somehting we can really talk about very publicly.

Hope that makes sense.


Sep 30, 2003
Alucard said:
Then let's have some positive suggestions about getting dealing with the real problem. It seems like we are coming to an agreement that the major issue are those that:

* Spam the directory with multiple submissions to multiple cagegories
* Spam the directory by submitting mirrors and affiliate-laden sites

If we could get rid of those, I think you would see a vast decrease in the amount of cynicism and general intolerance of editors. Without solving this issue, well, we are all human, and have a limited amount of patience and can (obviously) be goaded, either intentionally, or not.

There have been many, many things suggested and tried by the ODP in order to deal with this, and without doubt, we are much more successful than we used to be. But it's like everything else - the ones that want to out-do the system for their own selfish goals are constantly trying to be one step ahead.

Suggestions are always welcome - however, though, since this is one of those situations where, when we publicise what we do, they just find a way around it, it's not somehting we can really talk about very publicly.

Hope that makes sense.

Dear Alucard,

Yes it makes perfect sense - but what is a problem to you and what is a problem to an honest submitter are completely different.


Apr 8, 2004
I am new to the forum and have no idea where I need to post. But I have a question? I went to the open directory to list my site. I got sidetracked. I am not sure if I actually submitted my site or not? Is there a way to find out IF indeed I did or did not submit without hurting my chances of getting listed? I do not want to submit again if I have already done so, but would really hate to wait a whole month just to find out that I did not.


Jan 23, 2003
If you have, in fact, only submitted once in your lifetime, you may submit one more time, without prejudice, to the single best category. Then, after a minimum of month has passed, go to the site submission forum, read the forum guidelines and submit a properly formatted status request, and we will let you know where you stand.

Please don't post again on this topic in this thread. Thank you.


Sep 30, 2003
spectregunner said:
If you have, in fact, only submitted once in your lifetime, you may submit one more time, without prejudice, to the single best category. Then, after a minimum of month has passed, go to the site submission forum, read the forum guidelines and submit a properly formatted status request, and we will let you know where you stand.

Please don't post again on this topic in this thread. Thank you.

Dear Spectregunner,

Wasn't me posting under pseudonym just to prove my point - honestly.

PS Can you please use the reply button on the right hand bottom corner for replys to that particular text.

Watch out - I might just be getting the hang of this !!!


Jan 23, 2003

I never suggested that it was you posting under a second identity. I was responding to someone trying to hijack the thread.


DMOZ Meta/kMeta
Curlie Meta
Apr 3, 2002
Well, you *have* to wait 1 full month before asking... :rolleyes:


Apr 8, 2004
yep and if I did actually submit, it would have been this week! I did not know where to post in this forum. The forum is much too complicated for this old woman. I did read the guidelines though, before I submitted, if I submitted, and also before I posted. That is why I did not want to submit twice in one week. Thanks for your help


Apr 8, 2004
Butterflies are free? lol I have butterfly bows on my website, but they are not free, they are $15.00 lol


Sep 30, 2003
Do I take it that this thread has now ended in a total shambles -

Because it was too complicated as the lady states ?
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