New website address


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
makrhod wasn't threatening you at all. Reread what's been written.

You yourself said "Can you change the information in the pets>Hamsters section please, and add the Blog address as well." makrhod was just pointing you to the portion of the official guidelines that tell you that we wouldn't list closely related sites like that. Assuming either is listable, we'd list only one of them.


May 31, 2004
The two domains are one site. <url removed> was my original domain, then I aquired <url removed>. I moved my main site over to the <url removed> which entails an information page and a forum, and to keep the <url removed> domain going, I installed the blog onto it, which is where I keep a lot of pictures, which contains extra stuff that I dont have on the info site and forum. . Its not two sites, its one site, with two domains. Which is why I asked for the site to be updated.

If there was any question about not understanding what I needed, you could have just asked, and I would have given this explanation under friendlier circumstances.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Please do not list your URLs here -- they were removed from your original post because we do not discuss specific sites here. Thanks.

If there was any question about not understanding what I needed, you could have just asked, and I would have given this explanation under friendlier circumstances.
I don't think there was any lack of understanding. If you need to update to the existing listing's URL, you've been given the instructions for doing that -- we do not update listings based on posts here. If you want to have both URLs listed (which your earlier post seems to indicate), you're unfortunately destined to be disappointed as we would only list one of them at most.
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