ODP editors are so slow


Curlie Editall
Nov 4, 2005
Do ODP editors do anything? I submitted a new site over an hour ago, and nothing has happened. WAKEY WAKEY! Welcome to the brave new world of the internet where things move fast. Things happen NOW! Not tomorrow, not mañana or whenever it suits your lazy selves. Move it!

Do you have a streamlined competent process for new submissions? Is there an immediate email to ***all*** editors with relevant permissions, exhorting them to review things straight away. Get on with it! Or is this a sit-back-and-hope-for-whatever type of operation, in which somebody might or might not show up to work whenever it suits their drinking schedule? Allowing that kind of stuff may be acceptable in France, but that's hardly a commendation? Or does the ODP really encourage idleness and socialism?

What is needed is proper straight-through processing. On receipt of a submission (and yes, I've read these fora and understand that you want us users to think of it as a 'suggestion' -- pah!) the machine should send an email to all editors with permission in that category. The email should show the full submission ('suggestion'), with title and description and have a one-click approval "That suggestion is great and can be listed as is". Or, even better, the email could have a "disapprove" button ("Hold this submission, it needs some further work") and all submissions ('suggestions') not explicitly disapproved within 20 (twenty) minutes would be automatically and irrevocably approved. And if you're not willing to do that for all submissions ('suggestions') you should at least do it for a list of approved submitters (suggesters'?), of course including me because all my submissions ('suggestions') have perfect grammar and spelling and accurately and fairly describe the site.

Come on! People have businesses and livelihoods and employees and families dependent on the ODP, and you people are just so slow. My dog goes hungry while you twiddle your thumbs. Get organized!



Apr 8, 2004
Thanks, Julian.

It's so kind of you to give me my best laugh of the day so far. :D



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Jdaw, you ignorant spammer!

You know nothing of logic, stochastic processes, CODASYL database design, social engineering, or Sanscrit Literature, and you presume from your trailer-park sublease to lecture our professors at Ivy League universities?

You never had an original thought in your life: and you call THAT grammar? Strunk and White are spinning in their cenotaphs even as you type. And your notion of taxonomy hasn't progressed beyond the three primary colors and four standard shapes present on all educational toddler toys.

And why should we listen to you anyway? You are congenitally unable to distinguish between scamming and working; your daily dream is to obfuscate and pervert the internet for your ulterior personal goals, regardless of the cost to society. Your ethical standards would embarrass a rabid muskrat. You have a shrine to Stalin over your computer monitor, and your websites are illegal in fifty-eight civilized countries and seventeen third-world dictatorships. All editors have been warned that they AND every one of their affiliate sites will be removed if they so much as glimpse one of YOUR sites. In fact, you had ever put a real address on a single website, police, ODP editors, and local citizens would already have battered down your door, kicked your dog, and poured battery acid all over your server.

May your children starve, your dog get the spavins, and you contract a painful, disfiguring, socially incorrect, fatal disease and die a lingering death: which event will cause general rejoicing in six continents and some pretty heavy partying at sea.


Curlie Editall
Nov 4, 2005
Directory Mozilla or Open Directory Project?

And then, when hard-working innocent non-spamming submitters (do I have to keep saying 'suggesters'?) make a proposal on this bulletin board, it's completely ignored or subjected to randomly incoherent abuse (hutcheson eh? Some things don't change). If you want to be Directory Mozilla, fine, that's up to you. But if you want to be 'open', as in Open Directory Project, you've go to be willing to take ideas from this bulletin board and implement them. I've worked for the public sector and know full well the meaning of "we will consider what you say", or "we welcome ideas from the outside": if it meets the boss's boss's prejudices, then we're already working on it, and if it doesn't, we won't tell you.

So what about straight-through disapprove-or-list instant reaction. It's easy for the editor: click to disapprove; do nothing to list; and hence great for submitters ('suggesters'); and hence fantastic for users.

Thinking about it more, there are so many editors with pan-directory permissions (see rants passim) it isn't necessary to email them all. Email some, say a dozen in the relevant time zone, and if none of them disapprove then, hey presto!, it's done.



Curlie Editall
Nov 4, 2005
Leaving to play bridge. You -- yes you, socialist froggie, what kind of name is that? -- get back to work!


Aug 2, 2002
How do you know what hutcheson said so you can say in in smaller words? To quote the legendary Farscape:

Q: Do you understand any of those words?
A: Yeah, I watched all kinds of Star Trek, it's just the order that they're in.

Is this a convention for ex-editors?


Jun 15, 2003
Do ODP editors do anything? I submitted a new site over an hour ago, and nothing has happened.

Ah well, there you go: that's your answer right there in your statement: you submitted a site.

What gets DMOZ editors excited is not sites but categories....Look how quickly things get done in the Q&A forum that deals with category-wide issues.

Stop being so slow -- and submit a comprehensive critique of an entire category: mis-labelled sites, misspelt descriptions, miscategorised sites, missing websites: the whole works.

I just can't understand why so many site-suggesters are so lazy and stop at the first one they think of.


Jan 23, 2003
How do you know what hutcheson said so you can say in in smaller words?

Well, to be truthful, I don't know what he said, but since he is a Meta, we know he would never say anything inappropriate. Thus the basis for my agreement. :D


Jun 8, 2005
I can translate what he said - he used the gobblydegoop language. Let me put on my 3D glasses and get busy translating. I'll get back to you next year - maybe :D


Curlie Editall
Nov 4, 2005
This is not a site status check

Do people never listen? 'Open'? Pah! Still nothing has happened. I am not asking for a site status check (because editors keep saying in the fora that they have been discontinued), but would someone examine what is the state of play with www.eoniaswap.org which I submitted to Business: Financial Services: Banking Services: Banks and Institutions: Associations as long ago as ***YESTERDAY***! It's not even my site -- a found a reference to it in the December 2005 ECB Financial Stability Review.

And Sunanda asked for category-wide suggestions. Yes: ignore the fact that the 'eurozone' doesn't meet the ODP's bureaucratic and incorrect definition of a 'region', and instead get in the real world (or at least the financial world) and create a eurozone sub-category ...: Banks and Institutions: Associations: Eurozone, to hold the French German Dutch Belgium Spanish Portuguese Italian Finnish Greek Austrian Luxembourgish Irish and eurozone sites. And use that spelling of Eurozone which was discussed in this internal thread ('Open' or secretive?).

(This rant is running out of steam.)
May 5, 2005
I'd like to defend the editors here. How could you call them slow? It only took 3 minutes for an editor to reply to your post. They seem to work very quickly in this forum. LOL Happy New Year!


Aug 2, 2002
Julian - you obviously didn't offer chocolate did you? You know that is the most effective way of getting a site listed. Not as an incentive of any kind you understand, but to boost energy levels in those editors who mistakenly think it's OK to take a break at this time of year. Medicinal. And forget that Eurozone thing - it is a passing fad - they'll abolish it next year.

oneeye (freed ODP slave) :pirate:


Aug 2, 2002
It only took 3 minutes for an editor to reply to your post
And what were they doing in the first two minutes? It really isn't good enough...

oneeye (freed ODP slave) :pirate:


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
bluegradehandle said:
I'd like to defend the editors here. How could you call them slow? It only took 3 minutes for an editor to reply to your post. They seem to work very quickly in this forum. LOL Happy New Year!
I'm afraid you did not see the intended humor of these postings. jdaw1 and oneeye are both well respected ex-editors who like a little prank.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
oneeye said:
Julian - you obviously didn't offer chocolate did you? You know that is the most effective way of getting a site listed.
He did. But it was a chocolate-bar in this time of year it should be hot coco with whipped cream.
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