Ok i mucked up :(


May 11, 2007

Just wondering what i should do, i submitted my site however in the process of having two browser windows open submitted to the wrong category.

I had 2 browsers open because i was "trying" to do a perfect submission, and was viewing the titles and descriptions of the other sites in the category. I was viewing the right category, but my submission window was wrong. :(

I submitted to:

Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Chats and Forums

However i should of submitted to:

Sites offering chats and forums along with other resources, such as tutorials, news, and code samples, will not be listed here and should instead be submitted to Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Authoring/Webmaster_Resources.

I'm using vBulletin, and while anyone is welcome to post as a forum environment it also serves as a tutorial resource.

I've invested alot in the site and will continue to do so, and getting listed (although unlikely) is very important to me. I've taken alot of time writing original resources which is showing such as ranking No5 for "Speed up Office 2007" (96.7 Million results) and even No5 for "What is Dmoz".

So what do you think i should do to stand the best chance of being listed?

- Leave it for now, an editor may list it anyway.
- Submit again in the correct category, and risk being labelled a spammer?

If i have any chance of inclusion, i'd hate to mess it up due to doing the wrong thing... So any advice on what to do is very much appreciated.

I'm subscribed to this thread, Thanks again.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Just send it to the correct category. An explanatory note added to the description [like this] would be helpful.

You'll have to try a lot harder than making 2 listing suggestions to be labelled a spammer.


May 11, 2007
jimnoble said:
Just send it to the correct category. An explanatory note added to the description [like this] would be helpful.

You'll have to try a lot harder than making 2 listing suggestions to be labelled a spammer.

Excellent, thanks for your reply Jim.

I submitted the main .com months ago, and today read a post on DigitalPoint by an editor saying it's ok to re-submit again or to another category if significant changes have been made.

Since my original submission, i have invested in vBulletin and have been compiling a free webmasters resource section which now comprises of about 95% of my sites 134 indexed pages and growing. This section also attracts some 98% of my search engine traffic so i felt this was significant enough to re-submit.

So... Today is my second time, which is why i was concerned about being rejected permanently.

When i send it to the correct category, do you suggest i write the sites description again or just include a [ note ] in it's place outlining where i mistakenly submitted it to?

Not sure how the back end works, so i don't know what you guys actually see. Last thing i want to do is cause a confusion with it, and stand no consideration for submission at all.

Thanks again Jim.


Nov 7, 2006
Your attitude is refreshing, TareeInternet, I think you'll do well, :) .

I've invested alot in the site and will continue to do so, and getting listed (although unlikely) is very important to me.

I don't edit in that area of the Directory, but, every site suggestion has an equal chance of being accepted, it's a level playing field for everyone whether they're professionals or mom & pops. (which is one of the main things about the ODP that I really like)

The most important thing to have on any site is unique content for that particular category. Provide something that none of the other sites in that category have, and make it prominently visible so the editor can see it.

What we try to keep in mind is the value of a site to a web surfer looking for information, and whether a site adds value to a category.

That's my own view, opinion, and general advice. We don't preview sites in here, just try to give advice. :)


May 11, 2007
crowbar said:
Your attitude is refreshing, TareeInternet, I think you'll do well, :) .

Thankyou crowbar. :)

I'm a volunteer myself doing Road Crash Rescue in Australia, which is similar to a US Fireman so i know what it's like doing something because you want to. So the last thing i want to do is create more work for the editors, or appear to be spamming the directory by too many submissions.

If i don't get included this time around, i could handle that i'll just keep building a tutorial/script at a time until i have a better chance... But i would hate to do my dash for good.


Nov 7, 2006
For some strange reason, I've never met an Aussie I didn't like, including our Australian editors. :)

By the way, if you happen to have a brick and mortar walkin business location, and an address on your site, you could also be listed in your locality (city), in the Regional section of the Directory.

Once in a Topical category (if you qualify), and once in a Regional category (if you qualify).


May 11, 2007
crowbar said:
For some strange reason, I've never met an Aussie I didn't like, including our Australian editors. :)

By the way, if you happen to have a brick and mortar walkin business location, and an address on your site, you could also be listed in your locality (city), in the Regional section of the Directory.

Thanks, we are a pretty easy going bunch down here with the kangaroo's :D

I do have a dual purpose bricks and mortar business location, i live above it. However i don't advertise it on the site mainly because the services i provide are worldwide and online based.

I advertise the business location in local media, but due to being a small town and the nature of the business it doesn't lend itself to much walk in traffic.

So i might pause on any other submissions for the time being, i'm still really edgy about todays episode and having to re-submit. :eek:

Do you think when i submit to the correct category i should re-include the description or just attach a note explaining where my original submission went?

Thanks for your help crowbar.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Please include a proposed description. If it complies with our editor guidelines, it might even get published as is. Sadly though, the huge majority have to be rewritten by an editor.


May 7, 2007
crowbar said:
Your attitude is refreshing, TareeInternet, I think you'll do well, :) .

Crowbar - I've read several posts from you and must say that you too are refreshing. You seem to have a good attitude, even when provoked. So this is my shout out to you. We appreciate it. ;)

As cliche as it sounds, the saying about "catching more flys with honey than vinegar" sure seems to be true in most cases.

We are all just trying to make it through the many mazes of the www. Most are here because they want to promote their hard work, help others along the journey or maybe just kill time with some interesting reading. I've always believed in Karma and therefore will conduct myself with a decent attitude in hopes others will do the same.


May 11, 2007
Ok done. :)

I included the proposed description, i kept it quite similar in length, capitalization and terminology to those allready listed while still making it my own.

Also attached the [Note] to it briefly explaining, after resource-zone advice i was relisting due to initial submission to the incorrect category.

I must say it's a bit of relief after the advice that everyone's given me that i won't get blacklisted for my 2 submissions in 1 day episode as i was pretty worried about that. :p

I guess now it's see how i go. The only thing that "may" let me down is although there's over 100 articles/tutorials because i've used vBulletin to deliver them it looks bare as people are so used to seeing 1,000s of posts on a board.

I could fill it with junk, but the search engine results show i'm on the right path by researching & writing each one as i'm page 1 for a stack of 50-100 Million result terms. :)

Thanks again Jim and Crowbar, after reading the boards for the last few hours i might submit myself for inclusion as editor in the near future when i know i've got the time to dedicate.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I must say it's a bit of relief after the advice that everyone's given me that i won't get blacklisted for my 2 submissions in 1 day episode as i was pretty worried about that.
Anyone who tells you that making 2 submissions in 1 day is going to get you blacklisted doesn't know what they're talking about. :D


May 11, 2007
motsa said:
Anyone who tells you that making 2 submissions in 1 day is going to get you blacklisted doesn't know what they're talking about. :D

Thanks Motsa :D

Nobody told me that, however i have read of sites being blacklisted for spamming the directory and i was worried two in one day was pushing the friendship a little too far.

I've got other sites i wouldn't even waste the editors time by submitting, but this one is a different story. I could handle rejection, but having it banned from any chance of future inclusion because of my error would be most upsetting.


Nov 7, 2006
Crowbar - I've read several posts from you and must say that you too are refreshing. You seem to have a good attitude, even when provoked. So this is my shout out to you. We appreciate it.

Well thanks, WebMan2000, but I'm a grump sometimes too, and the other editors that hang out in here know far more than I do. They just let me ramble on because they know I'm a yacker, ;) .

Editors like myself come and go in here, they've been here steadfastly for years, and know how to boil down an answer to what's neccessary. I'm a bit long winded.


May 22, 2007
Oops submitted sub URL

I just added my URL to the Dmoz submission page. Unfortunately I realised afterwards that my autofill software had changed the URL I had added to one that links to an article sub page on my website instead of the homepage URL. The content will still be relevant but I would like to know please if this will be a problem. If so what can I do if anything to let the editors know this is the case (or resubmit correctly). If its not important and wont be rejected on this basis shall I wait until it is submitted and then change the URL?


May 11, 2007
I submitted a subpage as well ie site.com/forum as that's where the free resources are. Although it isn't a forum as such with members, i'm just using the software to power the knowledgebase.

Havn't been accepted, and in a way i'm starting to think doing that was a bad move. Will be a shame considering the days spent writing original articles, scripts and materials to help beginner/intermediate webmasters. There's others in the category with less or non-original content, so in linking direct to the useful resources i think will be my downfall.

I'm not an editor sorry, so just see what they say. I'm also curious if editors generally frown upon listing a subdirectory.


Nov 7, 2006
Submitting a deeplink like that isn't usually a problem, the editor will see it as such and only list the main url. It will not affect your opportunity to be listed, if we feel the site suggestion will add value to a category.

We do list deeplinks, but that's normally an editors decision, depending on what the categories purpose is.


May 11, 2007
crowbar said:
Submitting a deeplink like that isn't usually a problem, the editor will see it as such and only list the main url. It will not affect your opportunity to be listed, if we feel the site suggestion will add value to a category.

We do list deeplinks, but that's normally an editors decision, depending on what the categories purpose is.

Hmm ok, thanks crowbar.

"the editor will see it as such and only list the main url."

That sort of throws a spanner in the works in my case, because the main URL has a slightly different scope then the resources which makes the category i submitted to not as relevant.

It's difficult to explain without listing the URL, but...

Main URL - I make & sell widgets, and about my services
Deeplink - Free articles, tutorials, tools and downloads on widgets

Visitors coming through my Dmoz listing will be looking for Widget information, and not really to buy a Widget.

I'm not concerned with being listed for the main URL, nor in any sales... But i would really love to be listed for the free resources i provide to people. This is where 98% of the visitors go, and these are the pages ranking #2 on 130 Million result keywords right after MS and other authority sites.

Oh well, if i get listed it's a bonus and if i don't hundreds of people will still pass through every day and find a solution to their problem etc. :)

Edit: And i don't care about PR from a Dmoz listing, as i do not and never will sell any form of advertising or text links on the site. Besides, all my major inner pages are PR4 anyway... and even noticed the other day the forum calendar is on a 3.


Nov 7, 2006
I wouldn't worry about it, the editors know the categories. If a deeplink is appropriate, and the site is listable, most likely the deeplink will be listed.

There are many deeplinks in this category and it's subcats, because it's appropriate:

You'll notice that one of the two sites that have been cooled is a deeplink. The information is very helpful to someone who is new to the subject of water gardens and needs some quick, relevant information that's easy to find.

That's why I say our focus is on the web surfer and listing sites that they would find of value.

An editors personal knowledge of a topic gives him a good idea of what's valuable and what isn't. I'm not going to add every site I find on the subject, and I may even go through them all again, and get rid of a few.

Many of the personal sites in:

are deeplinks showing a persons own water garden/pond, which means it's very one of a kind, unique content that a web surfer would find interesting and helpful. They might not be very sophisticated sites, designwise, but the content is what's important, :).

I have much more work to do on this category and its subcats, but part of our work is doing just that, figuring out how to make the category more valuable to the web surfer looking for this information, finding new sites, creating new sub categories, linking to other categories in other parts of the Directory where different information can be found, making sure the existing sites are there and working, editing titles and descriptions for compliance or spelling errors, ect.

That's the intent, when I have the time to concentrate on a single category, but I also edit everything within the United States, so I have wide permissions and many thousands of categories to edit in. Just to give you a little insight.


May 11, 2007
crowbar said:
That's why I say our focus is on the web surfer and listing sites that they would find of value.

Ok, that's what i was thinking when i submitted. :D

I noticed when i submitted also that there were other sub-cats and sub-pages listed. I just re-checked and nearly 50% of them are like this, some are even domain.com/sub/sub/random-page.html


I checked out the Water Gardens Personal Pages and yes i see what you mean, most are sub-pages. :)

I'm felling good about possible inclusion again, even my pet kangaroo just started bouncing! I even had an authority site in my niche that's PR7 permanently link to me on their homepage last week, fingers crossed Dmoz finds me just as worthy.

Now i'm caught up viewing the cool water gardens instead of working. :D


Nov 7, 2006
I don't edit in that part of the Directory, so, I'm totally ignorant about comp stuff, but, a water garden is a great place to have a cold brewski, or share a glass of wine with the Mrs., should you be romantically inclined. I'm more the brewski type, :D.

I'm afraid if I saw a bouncing kangaroo here, I'd have to cut back on my consumption, :).
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