Ok i mucked up :(


May 11, 2007
crowbar said:
I don't edit in that part of the Directory, so, I'm totally ignorant about comp stuff, but, a water garden is a great place to have a cold brewski, or share a glass of wine with the Mrs., should you be romantically inclined. I'm more the brewski type, :D.

I'm afraid if I saw a bouncing kangaroo here, I'd have to cut back on my consumption, :).

I can have a cold brewski, the Mrs can have a wine... But our house is above business premises, and the backyard is a cement carpark... So i would probably get locked up in the loony bin if i attempted to make a water garden out there. :D

Roll on November, then i can build this stuff without fear of an asylum. I don't have a kangaroo (used to) but they are in the wild around here. :)


May 11, 2007
crowbar said:
For some strange reason, I've never met an Aussie I didn't like, including our Australian editors. :)

By the way, if you happen to have a brick and mortar walkin business location, and an address on your site, you could also be listed in your locality (city), in the Regional section of the Directory.

Once in a Topical category (if you qualify), and once in a Regional category (if you qualify).

I know this thread is old, but i did take your advice and list deep within my Locality for my Town/Business section that has only 4 other entries.

Is there any active editors for New South Wales? I think this section is "un-manned". Going back up the "tree" shows that "ziggi" edits New South Wales" but there's been no edits for the whole state in 4 months.

It just seems odd that a state with about 10 Million people hasn't produced a site that's listable in so long.

Or is there any where to see when an Editor last made an edit besides surfing all the categories to note the date changes?

The Category i submitted to has no date, but i'd say there's been no changes in 5 or more years.



Oct 29, 2006
but there's been no edits for the whole state in 4 months.
Thats a misunderstanding, the fact that the edit date for the State level category has not changed is unsurprising, it's only changed when the specific category changes, and there are very few sites that do not belong in a sub category of some kind.

ie the date on http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/Australia/New_South_Wales/ will only change when that specific category is edited in some way, not if any sub category is edited.

Is there any active editors for New South Wales?
From peronal sightings of edits in NSW, yes there are several. I edit there occasionally, but it's not somewhere I go out of my way for (except for update requests). Any editor that can edit in Australia, Oceania, Regional categories can edit in NSW, as can a couple of hundred Editalls and Metas, so it's not just the one named editor working there (in fact there are also some editors working below the state level as well).

Or is there any where to see when an Editor last made an edit

The Category i submitted to has no date, but i'd say there's been no changes in 5 or more years.
The fact it has no date is an indication that no editing actions have occurred in that category snce the server crash. That means none this year, but it's a long bow to draw there have been no edits since 2002.


May 11, 2007
Ahh ok Gotcha :)

I thought when a category was updated, the sub-categories listed underneath would indicate a change as the top or higher level had been modified.

Or is there any where to see when an Editor last made an edit.. No.

It was worth a shot, i went to the editors Dmoz page but though there may of been another URL with last activity.. Similar to vBulletin's last online feature. It would be handy, however after you pointing out there may be a few hundred editors that can edit that specific Category knowing the listed editors last activity would be a bit pointless.

The fact it has no date is an indication that no editing actions have occurred in that category snce the server crash. That means none this year, but it's a long bow to draw there have been no edits since 2002.

Possibly, however the whole section is just dead. For instance there's a dozen categories here for my area and out of the 12 different categories there's one lone site listed. That's for the Municipalities, and for the Regions (which is basically the same area) fares slightly better with a couple of listings.

I "know" there's a swag of great sites, businesses etc that i'm amazed arn't included. Even competitors sites i'll admit deserve to be listed, i might even suggest them as well to breathe some life in to the category's. Listings with broken images, swirly animated Gifs, iFrames and font you can't read is making our area look like we've just been weened of the Commodore 64 and on to a 168DX and upgrading to a 2400baud modem.

I guess there could of been an edit since 2002, it just seems like nothings changed.

Thanks for your reply Grimmster.


Oct 29, 2006
For instance there's a dozen categories here for my area and out of the 12 different categories there's one lone site listed. That's for the Municipalities, and for the Regions (which is basically the same area) fares slightly better with a couple of listings.

This might help with uderstanding where sites go in Regional categories in general (there are some exceptions, but this covers the majority of sites)

In general sites are listed by the physical location of the business, not by coverage area or service area. This can be interpreted as follows:

> Sites with one location go in their Locality.
> Sites with multiple locations within a Municipality go at Municipal level.
> Sites with multiple locations in more than one Municipality, but within a Region go at Region level.
> Sites with multiple locations in more than one Region, but within a State go at State level.
> Sites with multiple locations in more than one State, but within a Country go at Country level.

As always there are exceptions to this, but this is a good basic guide. Getting it wrong won't be held against you (unless it's patently rediculous - think Tibetan travel agency suggesting the site to Ecuador).

DMOZ is a directory - and behaves like one, gradually refining what you are looking for. In the Regional branch, the refinement is by PLACE first, and TYPE second. (The Topical branches such as Business or Sports sort by TYPE first, then PLACE)

There should be a linking structure between the levels to aid navigation from State --> Region --> Municipality --> Locality and back up. In Australia, this is generally via By_Region By_Municipality or By_Locality subcategories which link down to the specific PLACE.

Since you point at a specific category
http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/Australia/New_South_Wales/Municipalities/Greater_Taree_City/ lets go into the Localities sub category

This points to the existing categories within the Municipality
Firefly@ (2)
Hallidays Point@ (5)
Hannam Vale@ (3)
Harrington@ (0)
Johns River@ (2)
Old Bar@ (1)
Taree@ (30)
Tinonee@ (1)
Wallabi Point@ (0)
Wingham@ (5)

Choose the one that applies and click it. This link (variously known as an @link or symlink) will deliver you into the Locality level category. Once there then start using what topical subcategories exist to find the most appropriate.

Say for a Taree real estate agency - Business and Economy, then Real Estate. If the site was for a type of business that did not have an appropriate sub category (lets say a restaurant), suggest it to the next higher level (Business_and_Economy) and when there are a few an editor will create the appropriate sub category (Restaurants_and_Bars).

I realise this is way outside the scope of your question, but hope it will explain how sites are categorised.

I "know" there's a swag of great sites, businesses etc that i'm amazed arn't included. Even competitors sites i'll admit deserve to be listed, i might even suggest them as well to breathe some life in to the category's.
Seriously thats one of the best ways you can help with the directory as a non-editor.

Listings with broken images, swirly animated Gifs, iFrames and font you can't read is making our area look like we've just been weened of the Commodore 64 and on to a 168DX and upgrading to a 2400baud modem.
This is a bit more subjective than objective. The reason (or not) for listing a site is the unique content, not whether it has navigation from the swirly 'chase the menu hotspot with the mouse trail on' days. It's about what is readable and what it says. I don't know, for example, if the detail on the site in the category you pointed to is the only one with details of the cliffs and their difficulty. If there is a better one, please feel free to suggest it as either a second listing or an update to the existing listing.

BTW thre ain't no r in gimmster :D


May 11, 2007
I realise this is way outside the scope of your question, but hope it will explain how sites are categorised.

Maybe a bit outside the scope of things, but still an excellent post. This is the sort of thing i feel could go up on a page over at Dmoz to assist with both submitters/suggesters and people browsing the directory for Locality listings.

I know all the places in the locality (i've lived here for 30 years) however still found the arrangement a bit perplexing. Partially because...

Since you point at a specific category
http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania...er_Taree_City/ lets go into the Localities sub category

This points to the existing categories within the Municipality

Localities (0)

However when clicking it your presented with 48 Locality @link's, i honestly would of never clicked that link assuming there was nothing there... However yes i do get it now.

That's why i think your post would make a good page on Dmoz as i bet there would be alot of people like myself.

Seriously thats one of the best ways you can help with the directory as a non-editor.

I'll certainly do this, i though about listing a few now but would rather gather all the listable sites in one go as i'm likely to forget what i've submitted and havn't if i do them here and there. I'll even list my competitors too, it's not like i "must have" a listing or my cat will leave me along with my partner but would be good to be seen as worthy of being listed.

I actually help alot of my competitors out offline, little ol me in Taree ranks top 25 for "SEO" and top 5 for things like "SEO Company" & "Internet Design Company" and a swag of other big things. So..

Listing for: PR or Rankings = Couldn't care less
Listing for: Someone likes what i do = Priceless

Actually i do that much free stuff for people i could probably submit under Charities :D

Sorry Gimmster, it sounded right with the "r" in there :D

BTW i read Crowbar no longer edits, he was really helpful last time i popped in. :confused:


Nov 7, 2006
But still hanging out as a non editor, :). I left on good terms and was asked to come back. As an ex-editor, I have nothing but good things to say about the Directory and everybody who edits there, :).


May 11, 2007
crowbar said:
But still hanging out as a non editor, :). I left on good terms and was asked to come back. As an ex-editor, I have nothing but good things to say about the Directory and everybody who edits there, :).

Ahh good to see crowbar, at least you havn't vanished off the face of the internet. It was a shock when i read you were no longer involved with the project, because as i remember you edited for many years.

Good to see you're still about. :)


Nov 7, 2006
My heart wasn't into editing much anymore. I ended up doing more talking than editing, so I figured the only way to shut myself up was to take a break until I could get myself refocused on the job of editing. I'm easily distracted, :).


May 11, 2007
Just wondering if any database failures, technical glitches etc between when i started this thread in May 07 and now would of resulted in my site being removed from the consideration list?

If not i assume, forget about it your never going to be listed.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
There have been no major technical failures resulting in data loss since late 2006.

If not i assume, forget about it your never going to be listed.
If you base your marketing plans on that assumption, any eventual listing here will be a nice bonus :).


May 11, 2007
jimnoble said:
There have been no major technical failures resulting in data loss since late 2006.

If you base your marketing plans on that assumption, any eventual listing here will be a nice bonus :).

Ok thanks Jim, if that's the case i won't resubmit because mine was done after the data loss.

Yes being recognized by a listing would be a bonus, however easy come easy go.. :)
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