Our site is not listed - submited half year ago



Similar problem, About to go bankrupt, PLEASE HELP!

I recently set up a site in Lancashire selling novelty ID cards (view site) , Ive ploughed loads of time and resources into getting it off the ground, and Ive tried submitting to DMOZ, twice, and im not listed and not had a single email explaining why!?!

Is this normal?

This is my first website, im not too web savvy, Im hoping someone can get my site listed soon so my customers can find me before I have to close down through lack of trading. Im in a mess and would appreciate a helping hand.

I thought the reason I was not listed was because of the nature of my products, but Ive had a look, and there are people trading with similar products on sale.
My goods are not age specific, illegal or low quality.

Please can smeone explain why my site i still awaiting submision.

the URL is http://www.fakeid.org.uk



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
fakeid.org.uk]I recently set up a site in Lancashire selling novelty ID cards [URL=http://www.fakeid.org.uk] (view site)[/URL said:
, Ive ploughed loads of time and resources into getting it off the ground, and Ive tried submitting to DMOZ, twice, and im not listed and not had a single email explaining why!?!
We will (almost) never send emails when a site is reviewed.

fakeid.org.uk said:
Is this normal?
Define normal.
A suggested site may be reviewed within a few minutes or it may take several years before the review is done. Noone can predict when this will happen

fakeid.org.uk said:
This is my first website, im not too web savvy, Im hoping someone can get my site listed soon so my customers can find me before I have to close down through lack of trading. Im in a mess and would appreciate a helping hand.
My advice: close down the site immediately. If you can't make the site work without a DMOZ listing you are doing something very very wrong. Most probably the site will never earn you the desired money.

fakeid.org.uk said:
I thought the reason I was not listed was because of the nature of my products, but Ive had a look, and there are people trading with similar products on sale.
My goods are not age specific, illegal or low quality.

Please can smeone explain why my site i still awaiting submision.
A site can never be waiting submission. You suggested the site and oneday an editor will look at the suggestion and decide if it is listable.
DMOZ is not a marketing tool that can make you site a succes. I advice you to find other, much better, ways to market your site or to close it down.


Mar 15, 2004
This comment is totally off-topic and irrelevant to listings discussions but given the current atmosphere among law-enforcement and the security service in the UK I personally would not want to be in the business of supplying false identity documents, even novelty ones. Could be a dangerous business these days.



how do i find out if anyone is editing my sub-category?
if no-one is editing, who do i speak to? the editor at the level above? or editors on the Forums like yourselves?

What do I do If the category is being edited by a competitor, and he refuses to add me, or review my listing?

Are there any partculaly sympathetic editors you know of that I can approach to help my cause.

BTW, what i do is not illegal and is a sound business. Terrorism is only helped by fraudsters offering bogus documents, my cards are my own designs :)



Jan 23, 2003
fakeid.org.uk said:
how do i find out if anyone is editing my sub-category?
if no-one is editing, who do i speak to? the editor at the level above? or editors on the Forums like yourselves?

If you read the FAQ, you would have learned that there are more than 200 editors who can edit any given category and that no single editor has the ability to own or block a given category

fakeid.org.uk said:
What do I do If the category is being edited by a competitor, and he refuses to add me, or review my listing?

Given the above, this question is a nonstarter -- not to mention offensive.

fakeid.org.uk said:
Are there any partculaly sympathetic editors you know of that I can approach to help my cause.

You do not have a cause. There is nothing that you can do that would not have a profoundly negative impact on a possible listing.

What could you possibly want to say privately to an editor that cannot be said publicly? I can think of nothing ethical.
Jun 22, 2005
Hello Giz, You should take a look at this article

By David Callan

The best thing you can do for your PR seems at the moment seems to be getting listed in Dmoz.org. Dmoz.org is home to the Open Directory Project which is a human compiled directory of websites.

Pagerank™ is widely known to be biased towards big name directories such as Dmoz.org, Yahoo and Looksmart.

This is true, especially in the case of Dmoz.org. These ODP links are treated like gold by the Pagerank™ system. It doesn't even matter what the individual PR of the category page is. I have seen sites gain a large PR boost on the toolbar as soon as Google updates its directory with the latest one from Dmoz.org. This is because Google uses its own version of the ODP for the Google web directory.

Don't believe ODP links are very important to Pagerank™?
Don't believe a listing in the ODP will boost your ranking?

Well they are and it will. Perform a search for almost anything on Google and you'll discover that 75-80% of the top 10 results are also indexed in the Google directory and therefore also listed on Dmoz.org. The fact of the matter seems to me to be if your not listed with the ODP, you shouldn't expect much traffic from Google.

Take care, Ricardo


Jan 23, 2003
Don't believe ODP links are very important to Pagerank
Don't believe a listing in the ODP will boost your ranking?

You are missing the point.

Our mission in life is building a directory. Period.

What value, or lack of value, someone puts on our data is not what motivates us. It does not drive us, and it most definitely does not have any impact at all on how we go about our task.

We do what we do because we love doing what we do, not because of page rank or SERP or SEO or any of that. And the incessant harping of webmasters who insist we list them so they can get some ancillary benefit tends to fall on deaf ears.

Further, my bs detector goes off every time someone claims the only way to get into Google is via the ODP. It just isn't so. I can state this as an absolute fact, and offer proof: when an ODP editor is engaged in the wonderful, fulfilling pasttime of category building, the first place they usually go is to fire up google and a handful of other search engines and look for interesting, relevant, content-rich sites that we have not listed yet.

As an aside, the following chart does a pretty nice job of showing how data moves between major search engines and directories.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ricardo, what's the point of reading that article. We already knew we could find a lot of incredibly ignorant ramblings on the internet. (We review websites, remember?) We already knew a lot of unethical people were dummying up fake (doorway, anonymous lead-generator or order-taker, "independent" MLM/Ponzi "rep") sites, and submitting them to the ODP with visions of inconceivable riches flowing immediately to them. (We look at site suggestions, remember?)

That article is a perfect example of SERP-perp groupthink. Notice in that article, how thoroughly "common myths" (expressed as "widely known" things that simply aren't true) have pushed out any possible interest in the actual facts.

If you need to read articles to find out what SERP perps widely believe (and that is a fascinating dark corner of abnormal psychology), that's the place to go. If you're only interested in reality, then there's no need to ever go there.


May 26, 2002
>> Perform a search for almost anything on Google and you'll discover that 75-80% of the top 10 results are also indexed in the Google directory and therefore also listed on Dmoz.org. <<

Like I said though, most of the stuff I added to the ODP (so that means that it wasn't in the ODP before I added it) I got from reviewing the sites at the Google SERPs - so I'll still contend that you got it the wrong way round in many cases.


May 26, 2002
>> I have to disagree with you, Google uses 50% ..... of ODP data on their first page placement. <<

So 50% does not use ODP data: 50/50 - not very good odds then?



So basically the truth of it is thus.
Either you have a **** hot site that has been built professionally and has been developed from the drawng board with SEO in mind, vast IT experience, months of inward link building and dynamic content.
You get a DMOZ listing.


So yes DMOZ does generate business!, there is no point in having a directory, unless it is used and useful!.

I know what is needed to build a slick, highly ranked non-dmoz site, but i know little on how to do it and cant afford to pay techies to do it for me yet! Therefore DMOZ is my only hope.

So why the hell am I presented with sarcasm, and arrogance when i ask for help?

If my site i listed it will be an asset to the directory, a legitimate business with a good (if basic) site. Therefore i would save the editors tim here they 'search for non-DMOZ' sites. Why not sift through the list of submission requests first.

Im hoping, of the 200+ editors on DMOZ, there is 1 out there listening with the authority to submit my site and help me out, as this will DEFINATLY increase traffic and trade and help me pay my bills, which are mounting daily!.

thanks foyour time


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Im hoping, of the 200+ editors on DMOZ
That's around the number of senior editors who can edit anywhere. There are approximately 10,000 others who work in subsections of the directory.

Whatever, this conversation seems to have run its course - closing.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.