Permanent Site Banishment?


Mar 25, 2002
Anything can happen, of course. What is SUPPOSED to happen is that no site is summarily dismissed like that. We may not do a thorough review of it, but we are supposed to at least look at it and see whether the previous reason for not listing is still applicable. On some sites this is easier than others.


Jan 23, 2003
yet he seems to give the impression it is a spam heavy category. Ridden with abuse.

Since you were quoting me, allow me to clarify: real estate is a spam heavy (set of) categories, riddled with abuse.

The more than 100 different websites submitted by one real estate agent cannot be construed as accidental submissions. The fake "directories" and "guides" submitted in an attempt to extra listings are not mistaken submissions. The sheer laziness of one of hte major template companies that consistently submits websites wo the wrong localities or to the top-level because they don't want to be bothered to submit correctly is certainly a form af abuse. The submitter feels that he never has to submit correctly, the editors will eventaully get the site in the correct categoory (and this person is getting paid by real estate agents for site development and submissions).

There are many honest and honorable real estate agents, but there are a lot who are not, which is kind of intersting given that one of the few things that any real estate agent has to actually promote is their "integrity".

Still, I love editing real estate sites -- it keeps my sleuthing skills nice and sharp.
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